Bunk bed with your own hands. DIY bunk bed

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It is necessary to use space economically in almost every average apartment. Especially if the children are growing up, you need to somehow organize the play and sleeping areas separately. Then the idea comes of how to make a bunk bed with your own hands. In this publication, the HomeMyHome editors will consider in detail the manufacturing process of such a structure, as well as analyze the existing types and possible design.

Beds with wide steps are considered comfortable and safe.

A modern manufacturer provides the consumer with both classic models and options with the most unusual design. The same furniture is very easy to make on your own, if you arm yourself with imagination.

Bunk bed with sofa below

Bedroom furniture with several levels can be equipped with a double sofa below. This option is convenient in one-room apartments, when both the child and the parents sleep side by side. It is more difficult to make such a structure, since you will have to build in a variety of mechanisms, perform screwing, and you will need a lot of parts and materials.

How to choose bunk bed size

As a rule, the parameters of a do-it-yourself bunk bed for children are always different. Depending on the design and the number of children in the family, these dimensions may vary. In this case, there are several categories of sizes:

  • standard: width - 110 cm, length - 205 cm, height - 180 cm (small deviations are possible);
  • . A very unusual design. They are adjusted to individual age. For example, models that serve children from 0 to 3 years old have parameters of 60 × 120 cm; but the bed for 5-7 years will have dimensions of 70 × 160 cm;
  • loft bed. There are a lot of parameters that should be taken into account: a closet, a ladder, a place to sleep, built-in shelves. Traditionally, the height of such models is almost 200 cm.

  1. When measuring the length of the future bed, it is necessary to add 20-30 cm to the height.
  2. Do not forget about the length of the pillow, so it would be wiser to add another 10 cm.
  3. To calculate the width, you need to lie on your back, spread your elbows to the sides, and close your palms on your stomach. Count 10 cm from each elbow and fix the size with a tape measure.
  4. The height of a bunk bed is usually determined by the ceiling. For example, the height of the structure itself cannot be more than 165-175 cm. At the same time, the distance between the tiers should be 80-90 cm. The optimal distance to the ceiling is 60-70 cm.

Be sure to take into account the age of the child, as well as his weight category. Due to these factors, it is possible to make the bed as comfortable as possible.

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Bunk bed made of metal corners and pipes: manufacturing features

Not so long ago, metal couches and tiered beds were used in dormitories and barracks. Now designers pay special attention to such designs, so why don't we try to design comfortable furniture.

Preparation of materials and tools

To prepare the frame of a two-story bed, care must be taken that not only the material is durable, but all connections meet this requirement. For the product we need:

Do not forget that it is better to select all materials with a margin, however, it is also worth focusing on fixed dimensions.

On a note! If the room is too small and there is a risk that after assembling the bunk bed, it will not enter there. It is better to collect it right in the room, while taking out the material for filing outside, having previously removed the necessary dimensions.

How the frame and racks are made

First of all, you need to deal with the frame, from which you can build on in the future when preparing additional components.

  1. We cut metal parts to size. You can immediately make holes for the screws.
  2. Further, we equip all the details at the junction points with channels, then we fasten them by welding. So we create two frames with internal crossbars.
  3. We prepare pipes of the required height and weld them with the prepared frame. Be sure to take into account the optimal distance from the lower tier to the upper.
  4. We take a tube bent into a semi-oval and attach it to the outer edge of the upper tier. It will play the role of a security side.
  5. It remains only to weld the stairs. It is advisable to make it completely in advance, so that later it can be installed whole on the finished frame.

The process of sanding parts

No matter how hard you try to make the structure perfectly smooth, the seams will definitely have roughness. This needs to be got rid of. For this purpose, you can use a metal brush or sandpaper of medium grit. Then it remains only to thoroughly sweep away all debris, dust and metal particles from the surfaces.

After that, we perform the primer of the metal frame and painting. It is better to choose the color that is most suitable for the interior of the future or already finished room.

It remains only to put plastic or rubberized plugs on the ends of all protruding tubes. The lower ones will serve as footboards, and the upper ones will simply create an aesthetic effect and prevent injuries from impacts and contact with metal.

On a note! In order for the bed cover to last as long as possible, it is necessary to choose hammer paint, which adheres well to metal and does not lose color over time.

How is it made wooden bunk bed

Usually at home, beds are made from different tree species: oak, pine, beech. With proper processing, the furniture turns out to be quite beautiful and interesting.

Work materials

It also happens that it is not possible to purchase finished furniture, so most craftsmen try to make similar designs at home. However, remember that you will need a lot of details:

  • grinder with working disks;
  • the right number of boards and bars (taking into account the size and stock);
  • coating material;
  • connecting bolts;
  • hammer, screwdriver;
  • hacksaw.

The principle of work is the phased preparation of all significant details of two-story beds for children.

Preparation of wood material

After making sure that there are plenty of materials to create a sleeping place, we will get to work.

  1. First of all, we will cut the boards according to any suitable drawing. Be sure to rely on the size of the room and the area where the bed will be located.
  2. We sand the places of cuts and the surface itself. Ideally, you need to get a fairly smooth material.
  3. We wipe the dust from the wood, check the dimensions. In our case (3 pieces - 20 cm wide, 3 pieces - 15 cm wide, bars 10 × 5 cm).

How to assemble a bunk bed and prepare it for use

In order to correctly assemble the entire structure, you will have to work a little with the material. Let's consider in detail how the whole process takes place with a description and photos.

IllustrationAction Description
We take purchased slats (you can make them yourself) and measure the parameters of the future base for the mattress. Then we twist all four sides of the frame together.
We measure the height of the bed on long racks and fasten the workpieces with furniture screws.
Two screws should be fixed on each side for security.
We attach to the three sides with the same screws the crossbars of a suitable size. They add stability to the bed.
We fasten the side of the safety. Pay attention to the photo where the connection elements should be. Immediately there are holders for lamellas, two pieces on each side.
Next, we make a ladder. We take two beams and on each of them at the same distance we fasten small bars from the inside. Then we use the shortest boards and build steps, fasten them with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver.
We make three or four steps and fasten the ladder with the bed with bolts, as shown in the photo.
The lower crossbars, which serve to strengthen the structure, will be used as supports for the tabletop. Thus, we get a loft bed on the second floor and a desk below.

It remains only to finish the finish, paint with a harmless varnish and let the product dry well. We install slats and you can use bedroom furniture.

On a note! If there is no assistant in the house and you have to cope on your own, in order to hold the boards and calmly connect them to each other, you can use a vice, having previously laid rubber gaskets under the clamps.

Bunk bed for children made of wood with an unusual design

Classic models can be made independently according to your size. However, those options that are subject to decoration are not within the power of everyone. Consider in this section one of the interesting options.

What do you need to work

Usually, natural wood or is used for such structures. You will need connecting elements and a tool for working with wood. All inventory will be needed only if all the blanks are made independently. In most cases, parts can be purchased to order.

Preparation of drawings and cutting boards

Drawing a sketch with dimensions is perhaps one of the most difficult jobs that requires adjustments and multiple additions. To simplify the situation and quickly start making designer furniture, we bring to your attention a video that shows a drawing of an unusual two-level bed for children.

What details are needed for a full bed

As a rule, all multi-level beds have several basic parts that must be assembled into a single unit. We note several important components.

  1. Footboard and headboard. These are almost the same details. They can differ only in the way they are embedded.
  2. Frame details. They need 4 pieces. Two long and two short. The latter form the width of the bed.
  3. Boards for the construction of stairs and boards. These components are made depending on the design and desired dimensions.

After all the elements are prepared, you can begin to assemble the structure.

How to assemble children's bunk bed easily

To do this, the footboard and headboard are connected with a ready-made frame under. Laths or lamellas are laid on top. In other words, the elements that will hold the mattress.

Reiki, which are installed along the edges, must be filed in the corners. This will ensure the strength of the structure and prevent the bed from hanging out. Next is going to the stairs and railings. If necessary, cut out grooves are made into which the ladder and other details are then inserted.

How to decorate children's bunk bed

You can talk a lot about the possibilities of decor. However, not all options are acceptable for use in a toddler room. We offer you a video.

Video: design ideas for a children's bunk bed

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- commodity prices are rising, and you want to live in comfortable living conditions. However, this is understandable, besides, many people are ready to do something on their own to bring benefits to the house. Well, in this article I will tell you how to do this and provide drawings and photographs of such furniture.

You can make such a bed for your children yourself

What is required for work

Of course, you understand that any furniture is made of something and something, and these components must be determined immediately. That is, before starting work, you need to prepare the necessary materials and select the required tools.

We select materials

OSB of various thicknesses

In fact, all materials must be from wood, that is, from lumber, but panel products may be different. I will just list what you can use, but you will have to choose on your own. So, we make a choice:

  • bar 50 × 50 mm;
  • board 50 × 70 mm (instead of a bar, but this is optional);
  • board 100 × 50 or 150 × 50 mm;
  • moisture resistant or laminated plywood or oriented strand board (OSB-3 or OSB-4) - you need a choice here;
  • dowels with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • self-tapping screws (it is better to take white or yellow ones, they do not rust, therefore, they will last much longer);
  • wood glue or PVA, it may come in handy, but it may not, it all depends on the assembly method;
  • varnish (see footnote!).

Attention! There are different varnishes, but do not forget that you are making a bed for a child! So, look at the sticker with the instructions, the varnish can be alcohol, alkyd, alkyd-urea, nitroglycerin, polyester, polyurethane, acrylic, oil and water. The latter is natural, therefore, it cannot harm a person when inhaled (it is safe not only for adults, but also for children).

What do you need from the tools

An electric jigsaw is more convenient than a manual jigsaw

Generally speaking, a hammer, a hacksaw and a curly screwdriver will be enough, but why complicate your life? Now there are many electric tools that will always come in handy in the household and these are:

  • electric jigsaw and / or circular hand saw;
  • screwdriver and / or electric drill with nozzles;
  • set of drills;
  • metric tape measure, pencil.

Note. Sandpaper or a grinding disc on a grinder may also come in handy, but this is not always the case.

Step by step assembly of the crib

In fact, the manufacture of a crib consists of stages, that is, first the different components are made, and then they are assembled. However, the factory assembly takes place in the same way.

Material dimensions

Layout of parts

  1. A - 4 legs 1730x76x38;
  2. B - pads for legs 1730x76x38;
  3. C - 2030x140x38;
  4. D - 1850x44x32;
  5. E - 914x140x20;
  6. F - 914x90x20;
  7. G - 1000x76x20;
  8. H - 1510x90x20;
  9. I - 482x64x20;
  10. J - 1800x90x20.

In addition to these details, stock up on such things as:

  • grinder (belt or disc);
  • clamps for fastening parts.


Here you need to make planks from the bars

The backs are hammered into the dowels

The back at the head and the back at the legs are the same, you can just diversify them for beauty, for example, make an almost continuous crate at the head, and smaller at the legs. Instead of a crate, you can use LDSTP. Please note that the assembly is done with dowels and wood glue or PVA - they must fit tightly and they are hammered. There is one more nuance for the legs - if someone does not like to rest their feet on the crossbars, then they should not put the middle board, although this is not so important for children.

How to make side walls

Sidewall Image

Focus your attention on the bars that run horizontally across the stack - they are made using the block method. Such a device allows you to fix the bottom rails. Therefore, you should refer to the strength of the bars when buying them - there should not be cracks, rot and / or wane so that misfortune does not happen (the bottom does not fall out). You can even use a 50 × 70 mm board instead of a bar - it will be more reliable.

Make the wall itself from a cut sanded board 50 × 200 mm and again look at the quality so that there are no cracks, fungus and wane. You will need to paint the walls for manufacturing, but do not use nitro-varnishes - it is best to buy water-based preparations such as Aqua. You can also paint the walls with oil wax, but it will be much more expensive.


Crib frame

The slats on the frame rest on the bars on the sidewalls, but they should be fixed with self-tapping screws so that they do not budge. As for laying, it should not be too tight, that is, the rail must be inserted by hand, and not hammered, because otherwise the lumber will creak from friction. They should not be varnished - all the same, the bottom will be made of chipboard, MDF or OSB.

Making a ladder

Making a ladder

Let's start with the fact that the ladder is generally a separate part of the structure, which should be easy to remove and just as easy to install in place. It is important here not to fix it permanently - the ladder can be easily detached, but at the same time hold on so that the child cannot fall off it.

Parts of the stairs

It's not difficult, just correctly calculate the slope and step of the steps. If we talk about the optimal slope, then this is 29-33⁰, although this is not a critical indicator (you can do it much steeper), and the steps for the child can be placed after 30-35 cm. Do not forget that the varnish itself is slippery, therefore Do not apply several layers - one will be enough. Below you can watch the video - this is one of the options for manufacturing products.

Video: Self-made crib

Another option

Let's look at a few more options - they are very similar, like all projects, well, well, a bed is a bed. Do not be afraid that all actions may seem identical - there is a difference and a very big one.

Selection of materials

Bunk bed option

At the moment, let's try to pick up the most common materials, although they can even be called the easiest in technical terms:

  • solid wood (log) is the best material, but it requires at least minimal carpentry experience and machines. At home, this is not available to everyone;
  • finished lumber from a solid array - edged polished board and bars. GOST 17231-78 says that for such products, the humidity should not exceed 10-12% (no cracks, rot and wane). Otherwise, the lumber may twist with a “helicopter”;
  • MDF is a finely dispersed fraction of lumber that does not produce chips when sawing and drilling. It has an average density, but it is more expedient to use it as a sheathing material. There are laminated sheets, but they are more expensive than usual - this is a matter of personal choice. Sawing can be ordered in a carpentry workshop (the edges will also be glued there), but this is easy to do on your own;
  • Chipboard - chipboard without any coating. It has poor density, so such panels are not recommended for use under heavy loads. As the bottom of the crib or backs, it is better to use LDSTP (laminated boards);
    OSB - oriented strand board. They are divided into 4 classes - OSB-1, OSB-2, OSB-3 and OSB-4. Only OSB-3 and OSB-4 are moisture resistant - this is an excellent material for a crib.

How to fasten knots

1 - half-tree docking, 2 - leg docking

Here are two ways to make docking: the first option is easier, and the second is more reliable. But on the paw, the joint will have to be cut with a jigsaw or a hacksaw for metal.

1 - docking with full cutting, 2 - docking with incomplete cutting, 3 - connection to a reinforced steel angle

For the first two methods, docking is best done using fixing with wood glue or PVA. The second method is more relevant when using self-tapping screws, but this is only for solid wood.

1 - docking on rectangular keys, 2 - docking of the "dovetail" type, 3 - docking on the main tenon

In this case, all connections are good, so you can use the one that is easier for you to make or just the one that you like better.

Several options with drawings

A little decor when cutting backs and walls

This option is already for professional carpenters

Here the child will have a place not only to sleep, but also to play.

Stairs and lower bunk can be used as bed linen or clothing cabinets

Video: Bed in the form of a castle

In the photos and videos, you can see that there are, in fact, no restrictions for design, but a lot will depend on your skill. You understand that most things are now being done on machine tools and special carpentry tools, which are far from being in every home. But if you wish, some parts can be ordered from specialists (you can’t buy them in a store).

And one more nuance - a step-by-step guide, as such, for making a crib does not exist in nature. You can see for yourself that there can be many options, and everything will depend on your skill and desire (on financial capabilities too). But if you do not even have experience in carpentry, then this can be learned and the first step will be a sleeping place for your child or even for two offspring.


I think you figured out how to make a children's bunk bed with your own hands, and you can decide on such an experiment. The most important thing here is not to complex because of inability or fear of something new (you probably remember who burns the pots).

A children's room with a bunk bed is convenient. There are several advantages. First, it saves space. And it’s not even always a matter of a small area, although this is a common problem. Indeed, even in a spacious room, it is desirable to leave as much free space as possible for outdoor games and toys. Secondly, you can organize the space more orderly: make drawers at the bottom, attach or attach a cabinet to the side. Thirdly, the kids like this environment. And for both girls and boys. Moreover, a do-it-yourself children's bed is built in a couple of days.


There are many varieties of children's bunk beds. It's not about size, it's about design. Let's start with the principles of construction:

  • The basis of the design is a frame made of timber, to which all other details are attached: sides, railings. The bars should be above the level of the upper lounger by the height of the back or sides. To ensure safety, the height must be at least 40 cm from the top edge of the mattress.

    The design is based on four vertical beams, to which all other parts are already attached

  • They make two identical beds with thick posts and a solid frame. One is placed on top of the other and connected with dowels or pins. If the height of the legs and back is not enough, and the mattress of the upper tier is too low, the racks are additionally increased, not forgetting to strengthen the joints.

  • A workplace is arranged below, and a sleeping place is arranged above. Such 2-tier beds are also called "attic". This option is for those whose children compete with each other. And two sleeping places on different floors will cause constant conflicts. Two such "sets" solve the problem. Read about the types of loft beds, but about how to do it yourself.

    A two-story loft bed is a great way out for a small space or rival kids

  • Corner beds. When sleeping metas are not one above the other, but near two adjacent walls. Then at the bottom there is also the opportunity to organize a workplace or a play space ().

  • Sleeping places are located along one wall, but not one above the other, but shifted. This option makes it possible to more efficiently use the available space - fill it from wall to wall.

  • Roll-out or pull-out two-story children's beds. This is a variant of furniture-transformer. For the day, the lower bed is hidden under the upper one. With this construction, the height of the bed can be small. This is a way out for those who are afraid that children may fall from the second floor or stairs.

The choice of designs is great, but that's not all. Stairs add more variety. They can be ordinary, as on a Swedish wall or in the form of steps or boxes stacked on top of each other. The most economical option is the usual ones: they require little material and they take up little space. But you can put things in a ladder from boxes, like in a chest of drawers, which is also practical. And these steps are more reliable: you can attach high railings to them to make them even safer.

Stairs from rungs or steps can be located in front - along the long side of the beds. At the same time, they are sometimes done in the center, sometimes on the right or left. Another option is stairs from the end. They are also made vertical, and then they take up almost no space, and sometimes at an angle. It is easier to climb such ones, but it is not always possible to put them up: the area does not allow, and it is easy to catch on the protruding legs.

What materials are they made from

For the frame, they mainly use wooden beads or make it from boards. And here are the options. All other elements can be made from boards. This material is natural, but it is not easy and long to work with it: every detail requires careful processing, and there are many of them, since the boards are usually narrow, otherwise such a bed looks rough. If you have at least some skills, it's worth a try. If not, better use other materials.

A do-it-yourself bunk bed is built faster if the parts are cut from sheet material: chipboard, or. Chipboard is better to take, the same can be found and plywood. It can also be painted: if you take birch furniture plywood. She looks good. It is only important to saw off evenly so that there are no chips along the edge.

Chipboard edges can be processed with special tapes. They are self-adhesive; they are glued through a rag using an ordinary iron. Only these materials have an unpleasant feature: in their production, a binder is used, which releases formaldehyde into the air. Since the substance is harmful, its quantity is monitored and normalized. For the manufacture of children's furniture, fiberboard and plywood with an emission class of E1 are allowed. In terms of the amount of substances released, it is no more harmful than wood.

Dimensional drawings

Regarding how big or small to make the bed when the kids are small. In principle, you can immediately put a full-size bed. It just seems like it will take a long time for them to grow up. In fact, you won’t have time to look back, as the “children's” sizes become small. And here the problem arises: where to put the old bed. Throwing away, of course, is a pity, but second-hand furniture is not sold very well. Therefore, recommendations: immediately make a standard size bed: 1 * 2 m or so.

Frame drawing for a bunk bed

Bunk bed frame drawing and necessary materials

Corner bed drawing

Stairs to bunk beds

DIY bunk bed: photo report

To save space in a small room, it was decided to make a bed on the second floor, and equip a workplace for a computer on the first floor. If necessary, by adding a jumper in front and making a shield under the mattress, you can also make a sleeping place on the first tier.

A drawing was developed, materials were calculated. It was decided to make the frame from spliced ​​boards. This is both cheaper and more reliable: a guarantee that the poles will not twist when dried. Therefore, boards were bought, as well as a beam of small section for strapping. The width of the bed is made according to the size of the existing mattress

The following materials were needed:

  • for the workplace - a furniture board with a thickness of 18 mm and dimensions of 600 * 2000 mm;
  • pine boards 90*45*3000 m - 16 pcs;
  • pine timber 45*45*3000 m - 8 pcs;
  • for the base under the mattress 2 sheets of plywood 9 mm thick, dimensions 1525 * 1525 mm;
  • corners, screws, bolts.

The board was bought already planed and polished: there is no equipment for processing it on the farm yet. We start immediately with the manufacture of pillars:

  • We cut it to size - the height of the pillars is 185 cm. In total, 10 identical ones are needed: in the corners and one pillar on the second side of the stairs.
  • We fasten them two by one: we lay one on top of the other exactly. At the same time, make sure that the annual rings are directed in different directions. So, most likely, the pillars will remain even. We drill a hole at the top and bottom for the bolts and tighten the boards by placing washers under the cap and nut. So that all this “beauty” does not spoil the appearance, we make recesses with a large-diameter drill so that the nut and head are recessed. Then they can be closed with furniture plugs or covered with putty on wood.

  • We start assembling the frame. At a height of 145 cm, the first row of timber is the base for a mattress, at a height of 75 cm, the second is a frame for a desktop. Under the timber, we make a wash down in one board for half of its width. We insert the bars into the resulting recesses and fasten them with self-tapping screws to the end. Then we attach the corners to them, and already at the corners there are other segments of the strapping.

  • We apply a beam of the required length (145 cm) to the corners and fasten it with self-tapping screws. We attach the corners to the ends of the beam.

  • We take two more racks and at the same height we attach the corners of the side strapping bars to them. Now the structure is standing by itself. It remains to attach a long beam in the upper harness.

  • In the upper part of the frame, another beam is screwed in length. This is a rib for plywood. You can make cross-beams from short segments, but then it is better to make support strips to support them, and nail the ribs to them. When nailing, you need to make sure that they are all in the same plane. Plywood is laid on top of the frame and nailed to the frame with small carnations.

  • A rack is installed, which will serve as a support for the steps of the stairs. It can be made from one beam, which rests on the upper harness and one 185 cm long.

  • If desired, the steps can be embedded. If you have a jigsaw, it's easy. You can also plant them in the corners. This is less aesthetically pleasing, but reliable and simple.

  • In order to save money, they did not buy a furniture board, but made the tabletop from boards. If you also come to such a decision, it is also advisable to lay a support beam under the outer edge of the boards, otherwise, under load (put your elbows on the table), the board sags.

  • Finishing work remains: we fill the railings, cover the nails with wood putty. After drying, we grind, cover with paint or varnish.

The option is easy. For its implementation, only a screwdriver, a saw for wood and fasteners were needed. This assembly option is for those who are unfamiliar with carpentry and who find it difficult to make cuts and grooves. If you strongly dislike protruding fasteners, you can close it with decorative overlays: thin boards can be put on glue. They will hide all the shortcomings of the assembly.

Another option for assembling a homemade bunk bed, see the video.

When an addition is expected in your family and this is not the first child, then the question arises of an extra bed, which sometimes simply has nowhere to put. Buying such a bed, especially for young families, is quite expensive, so you may have a question about how to make a bunk bed yourself and save money on it.

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Of course, for this you need to have not only the desire, but also get acquainted with the theory, watch the video course, purchase the required tools and materials, after which you can get to work.

Simple bunk bed

Bed materials

First of all, in order to start making a bunk bed, you need to purchase a certain set of materials.

  1. 8 bars. Width - 100 mm, thickness - 50 mm, length - 3 m. Pieces of 60 cm will need to be cut from four beams. These eight boards will go to the construction of the frame.
  2. 4 boards 3 m long with different sections. one board should have dimensions in section - 15 by 2 cm, one - 20 by 2 cm and two 10 by 2 cm.
  3. 2 sheets of plywood or 12mm thick. The dimensions of the canvas should be 240 by 120 cm.
  4. Hardware. Screws (75), wood screws, 8 hex head screws, 10 hex bolts with nuts 75 mm and 2 bolts 150 mm.

Bunk bed with drawers


In order for a do-it-yourself children's bunk bed to become a reality, you need to acquire the necessary hand-held power tools:

  1. Household electric drill and. There is a tool with removable attachments that combines these two devices, so the choice is yours.
  2. Measuring tool. First of all (water) and roulette.
  3. Cutting power tool. A power saw would be ideal, but a regular wood saw will also work.
  4. Wiring detector. It is needed to protect against electric shock, but you can get by with other improvised means, for example, a magnet.
  1. Additional tool. In addition to the basic tools, you may need polyurethane, wood putty, fine grit, and dowels (if you need fixings in a brick wall).

Beginning bed assembly

Before starting the assembly, you need to make a drawing of a bunk bed. It should look something like this:

Then you need to measure the size of the mattresses on which the children will sleep, and add another two centimeters to them, for more convenient filling of the sheets. Then we take bars with a section of 10 * 5 cm and make two frames, fastening them with screws. They will have dimensions of 300 * 240 cm.

Framework construction

After that, we attach a board with a section of 15 * 2 cm to one of the frames. It is important to ensure that the screws and bolts do not come out. Since the bed is intended for children, the ends that come out can cause injury. We fix another board with a section of 20 * 2 cm to the second frame structure. Then we make the legs of the bed from two bars (10 * 5 cm), and their height will be equal to the upper tier.

DIY children's bunk bed video:

Finishing work before installation

For further operations, an assistant is needed. In the legs we make holes for the screws with hex heads, at the level of two tiers of the bed. In addition, you need to drill holes in frames with sides 15 and 20 cm wide.

To hide the heads, we drill holes, and after finishing the work, we cover them with putty. We screw the screws into the holes. The legs to the frames must be fixed very securely. Then we level the wall if it is uneven and attach a frame with legs to it.

Final installation

We check, using the water level, the evenness of the wall and the structure attached to it, and begin to fix it. By the way, the attic bunk bed, which we will talk about below, is installed in a similar way. In order to properly fix the bunk bed, we mark the locations of the holes for the dowels for the screws with hex heads and drill them.


If the walls are made of, then the hole must pass through the frame, drywall sheet and necessarily through the metal profile, for more reliable fastening.

After securely fixing our bed, you need to install a fence made of boards with a section of 2 * 10 cm.

Children's bunk bed

Staircase to bunk bed

So that the child can safely climb to the second tier, you need to make a ladder. It should be installed according to your tastes and the size of the room. You can make it look like a staircase in a train compartment, then it will not take up any space. In this case, it can even be used as a Swedish wall.

And you can make a more complex structure, the so-called diagonal staircase. It looks prettier, but can also take up a significant amount of space. We complete our work by laying sheets of plywood or chipboard in the place where the mattresses will lie.


When determining the height of a bunk bed, keep in mind that the child will sometimes want to jump on it, so it should not be installed too close to the ceiling.

What is a loft bed

If you have one child or two children who definitely want to sleep on the upper shelves, then there is a way out of this situation - a children's attic bed with their own hands. It differs from the usual bunk bed in the absence of a lower tier and, accordingly, is characterized by a significant release of space that can be used at your discretion. It is made in the same way as a standard bunk bed, but with less material and effort.

Upper bunk height

Usually the upper tier is placed at a height of 80-180 cm. It all depends on your wishes. If the upper tier is located at the maximum height, then you have more opportunities to use the lower free space. Otherwise, your options are somewhat narrowed, but there are fewer signs for parents to worry that the child will fall from a great height.

In general, if a loft bunk bed excites your imagination, and you definitely decided to install it, then the main thing to do is to determine the distance between the upper tier and the ceiling. Firstly, you need to understand that the child is growing and he needs, if not to stand, then at least to sit normally in bed. Secondly, it is not quite comfortable to sleep when you have a ceiling in front of you. Thirdly, the flow of warm air rises, so with a small distance to the ceiling, especially at high ambient temperatures, the child will simply miss it.

Bunk bed for children

Bed with wardrobe

As we have already understood from the above, the space under the upper tier can be used for the benefit of the child. For example, install a wardrobe there. Such beds even got their name - a loft bed with a wardrobe. They look like a monolithic structure, in which the wardrobe is located at the bottom, and the bed stands directly on it and is additionally fixed to the wall. This design seems to be the most reliable. Agree that in this case, the space is used very efficiently. In addition to the closet, you can build a study table with bedside tables, a computer table or even equip a sports corner in the design.

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