Yard games of our childhood. Forgotten games of the last Soviet generation

The main occupation of children in all centuries has been and remains play. It is precisely this that is one of the eternal things in the world, or maybe it is a special world where adults have no access... Times change, and with them, games. Adults often say that children today are not the same. So, after all, modern adults were once the “wrong” children for their parents. Nothing stands still: society, its interests, and games change along with them. Let's try to draw a parallel between the games of children of the 70s and 80s and those that are popular now.

Games from the 70s and 80s .

It was a time when you could only learn about mobile phones from Soviet science fiction. Most children were content with a communication device in which two matchboxes were connected by a silk thread. This phone provided communication up to 10 meters. By the way, at such a distance you can hear without a phone, but it’s more interesting!

At a time when there was no MTV or NTV, not to mention consoles and Playstation, children spent most of their time on the street. Many children of different ages gathered in the yard, united by the same yard games.

The girls were constantly jumping over an elastic band, knitting something, embroidering and keeping their painted notebooks with interesting rhymes, questionnaires for girlfriends and fortune tellers. All of them were dressed in terrible brown school uniforms and white aprons. Their cuffs and collars were altered almost daily, as they quickly got dirty from some kind of needlework. And, of course, the entire courtyard of that time was painted with classics! You can't go anywhere without them.

The boys also had their own games. Their characteristic features were the use of something forbidden, the disapproval of adults and a health hazard. And it’s not drugs and sex, as many people think. Boys' fun includes war games, slingshots, self-propelled guns, bungee jumpers and, of course, a pocket knife! The knife was a symbol of involvement in power and was used for games outside the school walls. The most famous knife game was called "Earth". Two players drew a large circle on the ground, divided in half. It was necessary to throw a knife at a piece of the enemy’s land and, based on its position, it was determined which piece of the firmament would go to the occupier. They played until one of the players had no place left on the ground to put his foot.

Both boys and girls of the 70s and 80s were united by such outdoor games as “Cossack Robbers”, where you had to run fast, hide well and show a lot of ingenuity in placing marks, “Knock Sticks for Yourself”, “Lapta”, “The Fisherman and the Fishes”, “Tag”. Ball games such as “Square”, “Ten” and “Dodgeball” were also very popular.

The role-playing games were based on the most “fashionable” films of that time: “The Elusive Avengers”, “Chingachgook” or “The Three Musketeers”. All these games were exciting, with a captivity scenario and very moving.

Of all the games that bravely faced time, the most desired for children was an electronic game with a Wolf who caught eggs in a basket, called “Well, wait a minute!” Without a doubt, children who scored more than 1000 points would be able to defend the Brest Fortress alone, since they had great nerves and reactions.

What do children of our time play?

The progress of the 21st century has eliminated the need for children to make houses for dolls or cars from natural materials. Everything is already ready. Our time offers a wide variety of computer games that are increasingly taking over the brains of modern children. And they, in turn, do not particularly resist this influence. Thus, the majority of modern children spend all their free time near the computer. Many of the “feats” of the youth of our time are virtual. Nowadays, children with slingshots and crossbows are not seen, since all children's aggression remains on the Internet. Nowadays children don’t write on their desks: why should they, because there are numerous social networks and forums.

As we see, computer games and social networks in which the current generation lives their childhood are not so harmful. There are many educational and useful games, for example, games created to teach children languages ​​and train logical thinking.

At all times, children never stop playing war. It’s a pity, but throughout history humanity has lived without war for about a year, so this game will never become obsolete. It’s just that before all the children were Chapaevs, but now the majority want to become Batman and Harry Potter. Children's games mirror the life and interests of society and its time, and nothing can be done about it.

I would like to note that not everything has gone into oblivion. Just like many years ago, children dance in circles, play hide and seek, catch up, choose a driver with a counting rhyme, and play with toys. At some point, some adjustments were made, but their essence will remain unchanged for many years.

Everyone has their own childhood and we are all children of our time. It’s just that sometimes parents should engage their children with their games more often. This is the only way to preserve the continuity of generations.

My dear educators! The long-awaited summer is coming! And this means a playground and outdoor games! I suggest you remember our old favorite games and teach them to the children. I'm sure it will be great and fun! Let's leave the Winx fairies and all kinds of robots, let them get bored... But we won't be bored!



"Rubber bands"
Target: develop the vestibular apparatus, coordination, attentiveness. Learn to train, win, lose with dignity, jump the highest and be friends with girls, even if at the moment they are rivals.
Progress of the game:
The main attribute of this game for girls is the elastic band. The ideal number of players is 3–4 people. Each participant performs jumping figures and combinations at different heights: from ankle level (the “first” jumpers) to neck level (the “sixth” jump). As soon as the jumper makes a mistake, another participant takes her place, and the girl who made the mistake puts on an elastic band. If there are four players, the pairs switch places when both players from one pair alternately make mistakes.


Target: develop dexterity, accuracy, ability to concentrate and knowledge of numbers.
Requires crayons, an asphalt pad and a pebble (or washer). You draw small cells with numbers in a certain sequence, and you can jump even alone. The main thing is to hit the cage with a stone, jump to it on one or two legs and return back the same way. The luckiest player is the one who manages to go all the way from one to ten. There can be any number of hopscotch players.


Target: develop the ability to be part of a team and win in a “one against all” situation.
The participants in this ancient Russian folk game are divided into two equal teams and stand opposite each other in ranks, holding hands, at a distance of 10–15 m. The teams move towards each other, pronouncing in turn a long chant: “Boyars, we have come to you, dear ones.” , and we came to you...” The dialogue ends with the words: “Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever.” The one who is chosen as the bride must then run away and break through the enemy’s chain. If the attempt is successful, the player returns to his team; if not, he remains in another. The losing team starts the next round. The goal of the game is to gather as many participants as possible into a team.

“If you drive more slowly, then stop”

Target: develop coordination, the ability to run quickly and react to changing circumstances.
The driver’s task is to stand with his back to the participants at the finish line (the greater the distance between the driver and the participants, the better) and say loudly: “The slower you go, the further you go - stop.” While the driver is talking (and he can do this at any pace), the participants try to run as far as possible towards the finish line. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in place. Anyone who did not have time to stop or made an accidental movement is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first and touches the driver.


Target: develop the ability to run quickly, think quickly and react to what is happening.
Participants run away from the driver (this game is a type of tag). The driver catches up with the player and touches him - he gets dirty. The one who is saluted spreads his arms, and any other participant can run up, touch him and “help him out.” The driver’s task is not to move far from the person who has been greased and not to let anyone get a step closer to him.

"The sea is agitated once"
Target: develop imagination, spontaneity and artistry.
The presenter turns away from the players and says a little rhyme:
The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Marine figure, freeze in place!
While he speaks, the participants move chaotically in any order, depicting the movements of waves with their hands. As soon as the driver falls silent, you need to freeze in some figure. The driver approaches one of the players and touches him. The player depicts his figure in motion, and the driver guesses what it is. The player whose figure was not guessed becomes the driver himself.

"Cossack Robbers"
Target: develop basic scouting skills, terrain awareness, and resilience.
The players are divided into two teams - “Cossacks” and “robbers”. They agree on what territory they will play on. This could be a yard, an entrance, a street, several courtyards. The "robbers" guess a secret word. The “Cossacks” move to the side so as not to see the “robbers”. The “robbers” run away, marking the direction of their movement with arrows on the asphalt (walls of houses, curbs, trees, etc.). They begin to run in a group, and then scatter in all directions, trying to confuse the “Cossacks” with arrows. The task of the “Cossacks” is to find the “robbers” using the arrows.

"12 sticks"

Target: develop the ability to competently hide and quickly run when necessary.
The game is reminiscent of classic hide and seek. 12 small sticks are placed on a “lever” (for example, on a board and a pebble placed under it) so that stepping on the lever can scatter the sticks. The driver's task is to collect the sticks, put them on the lever, say a little count with your eyes closed and go in search of the hidden players. As soon as the driver discovers the player, he runs to the “lever” and breaks the sticks, calling the name of the one found. The player becomes the driver. If the one found manages to get ahead of the driver and reach the sticks first, the driver does not change.

Target: develop the ability to dodge, dexterity, coordination of movements
“Bouncers” - two players - stand on both sides of the court. The remaining players are in the center. The task of the “bouncers” is to throw the ball to each other and hit any of the “central” players. The players' task is to dodge the flying ball. The one who is hit leaves the game. Other participants can “save” the eliminated player by catching the ball in the air (the main condition is not from the ground, otherwise you will also be thrown out). When there is only one participant left in the team of “central” players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If he manages to do this, all those who dropped out return to their original places.

"I know 5 names"
Target: develop multitasking, erudition, the ability to correct your mistakes and move on.
The first player takes the ball in his hands, says: “I know one girl’s name,” hits the ball on the ground with one hand and says the name. Then he continues with different variations: “I know one boy’s name,” “I know one color,” “I know one animal,” “I know one city.” When all the combinations have been used, the player recites the same counting rhymes, only on the count of two: “I know two girl names” - and then in a circle. The game continues until ten. If, while hitting the ball, the player did not have time to say his name or hit the ball, the turn passes to another participant. When the ball, having passed through all the participants, returns to the first player, he continues to play from the phrase on which he made a mistake. The winner is the one who first gets to ten in this chant.

Target: develop a sense of humor, the ability to listen carefully and respond quickly.

All players sit or stand in a row. The driver throws the ball to one of the participants and at the same time names an object. If the item is "edible", the player catches the ball. If not, he repels. The driver’s task is to confuse the player, for example, in the chain “apple-melon-carrots-potatoes” he suddenly says “iron”. If the player makes a mistake and “eats” the “inedible”, then he himself becomes the driver. The faster the driver throws the ball and names objects, the more exciting and interesting it is to play.

Target: develop the ability to monitor the manipulations of others, act quickly and decisively.
Players sit in a row and cup their hands. The driver holds a small object in his fist or folded palms, for example a coin, button, ring. He goes around each player in turn, putting his own into his “boat” and saying the rhyme: “I wear and wear a ring and give it to someone.” The driver’s task is to discreetly place a “ring” on one of the players and say “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” After this, the player who got the item jumps up and tries to run away. The task of the other participants is to detain the escaping person.

Will you go to the ball?
Goal: develop imagination, select synonyms and ask questions,the ability to think outside the box, monitor one’s own speech, maintain attention and quickly find a way out of the current situation.

The driver says the rhyme:

The lady sent you a piece of blanket

She told me not to laugh

Don't make a bow on your lips,

Don't say "yes" or "no"

Don't wear black and white.

Will you go to the ball?
After the counting, the driver asks the player a variety of clarifying questions: what will he wear, what will he ride on, what color will the dress or trousers be, what is the name of the groom, etc. The player's task is to answer the questions without using the words “yes”, “no”, “black”, “white”. The most interesting thing is to mix simple and complex questions, change the pace of speech and intonation.

"I was born a gardener"
Target: develop memory, attention, courage and willingness to be responsible for one’s actions.

Each player chooses a name for himself - the name of the flower and tells it to the “gardener”-driver and other players. The driver says a little rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I got really angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except...” And calls the “name” (name of the flower) of one of the players. A dialogue takes place between the driver and the player. The player says the name of one flower from those on the team. The participant whose name was announced must respond. The dialogue continues. The one who made a mistake: for example, did not respond to his name, mixed up the name of the flowers, gives away a forfeit (any of his things). At the end of the game, forfeits are played out. The “gardener” turns away, they take out the thing and ask the driver: “What should this player do?” The “gardener” assigns a task (jump on one leg, squat, sing, recite a poem, etc.) - the player “works off” the forfeit and takes his item.

"Hot Potato"
Target: develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention.

All players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, hitting it. If one of the players does not hit the ball, he squats in the center of the circle (“cauldron”). The game continues.

Any player can help out the “offenders” if they wish. To do this, when hitting the ball, he tries to hit those sitting in the center of the circle with it. The “released” one (the one who was touched by the ball) takes part in the game again.

Those sitting inside the circle try to catch a ball flying past. Important - you cannot stand up from your haunches to your full height; you can only try to jump without standing up to your full height. If one of the players succeeds, then all those “punished” return to the game, and the player who threw the ball takes their place.

For younger players it’s the same, but instead of hitting the ball, you can catch it in two hands and quickly (!!! - the potatoes are hot, we’ll burn ourselves!!!) throw it to the next player. If someone hesitates, he also goes to the circle of “guilty people.”

Participants – at least 4 people.

We use a counting machine to select the driver. He takes the ball in his hands and stands in the center of the circle that the rest of the players form. The driver throws the ball and calls the name of any player (for example, “Shtander-Pasha”; “Stander-Vasya”; another variation is “Hali-halo Pasha”). The one whose name was called must catch the ball, at this time everyone else scatters as far as possible from him. As soon as the ball is caught, the player shouts: Stander-stop! (Hali-Halo stop!)
Everyone freezes in place.

The player with the ball chooses any player to touch with the ball.


Giant - step over the entire span of the leg

Human - ordinary steps

Lilliputian - when the heel of one foot is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other

Ants - take small steps on their toes (one step immediately before the other)

Umbrellas - circle around yourself on one leg

Duck - squat steps

Frog - jump

Camel - you had to step where you spat

It’s better to name a bunch of “entertaining” steps to make it more fun. For example: “Before Katya there are 7 giant ones, three umbrellas, two Lilliputian ones...” After all the steps are named, the player with the ball performs them and must throw the ball towards the target player. If the player catches the ball or dodges it, the driver throws the ball up again and everything repeats all over again. If hit, the player becomes the driver.

“Yeah, it turns out that’s how it happens,” I thought, looking at a gaggle of girls, frozen in bewilderment in front of a hopscotch grid lined out on the asphalt. It immediately became clear that they did not know how to play rubber bands, above the ground and knockout. I had to teach. Parents, let's go outside, summer is ending and the children don't know anything!


In fact, the game, like the classics, was played back in the Middle Ages, and in Russia it has been known since the 19th century. The rules of this street game for girls are simple, you only need asphalt, chalk and pebbles.

Draw a field with ten squares and a semicircle, throw the first pebble and jump at least alone, moving the stone from cell to cell with your foot. 1-2 cells - we jump with one leg, 3 and 4 - one leg on each, 5 - two legs in one. Then repeat, turn and go again. The game develops dexterity, accuracy and jumping ability.


Source: mira1.ru Everyone played them in the 80s, and even boys did not consider it shameful to jump with girls. It was considered especially chic to “jump around” a new, unstretched elastic band, which was in short supply. According to the rules, this street game required at least three people (two standing, one jumping) and, in fact, the elastic band itself. There were several levels: 1) at the ankle level (nothing complicated, just warm up), 2) at the knee level (more difficult, but still easy), 3) at the hip level (at the “zip” - well, this already made me think), 4 ) elastic at the waist (many refused) and, finally, the last level, for incredible jumpers, when the elastic was pulled at neck level!

The combinations of jumps were varied and differed from each other in different areas: “steps”, “ship”, “bows”, “salty”. The one who stepped in faltered and changed places with the “pillar” holding the rubber band.


This is a game for the strong-willed, not the crybabies. Two players stand at the edges of the field, and the rest - in the middle. The two leading ones need to knock them out with the ball. It’s hard to imagine where exactly the ball will hit, but bruises are guaranteed, because no one will ever regret it! The one who is hit by the ball is eliminated from the field. The dropout can be saved by other players by catching the ball on the fly. If this fails, only one, the most dexterous player remains, who must hold out and dodge the ball as many times as he is full years old.


Another ball game. Players quickly toss the ball to each other like hot potatoes. Those who don’t catch sit in the center of the circle and try to jump to catch the ball flying over their head. Got it? You change places with that one. who awkwardly threw him!

By the way, your comrades can help you if they hit you with a batted ball. But no one knows where they will end up for you. For example, I once caught a ball with my nose and walked around with wonderful black eyes for two weeks.

Cossack robbers

A live team game for boys and girls, which will not hurt modern children at all. The group is divided into two teams, one will look for the other, combining both hide and seek and tag in one game. The “robbers” make a secret word and run away, hiding from the “Cossacks,” marking their path with arrows on the asphalt and trying in every possible way to confuse their pursuers. They, in turn, catch the opponents one by one, take them to their “headquarters” and extort the secret word from the captured person. Nettles, insect scaring and other terrible forms of torture are used.

The game is considered over if the word is recognized and the “robbers” are caught. As an option, the “robbers” themselves can cooperate and capture the “headquarters” of the Cossacks.


Quiet joy for the neighbors - no one is running around. Players sit on a bench, holding their hands in front of them. And the one who drives squeezes a ring and a coin in his palms and goes around the players, putting his palms into the folded “boats”. At the same time, you need to say: I wear and wear a ring, and I will give it to someone. To whom exactly he gave something becomes known after the words “Ring, ring, come out onto the porch!”

At this moment, the “gifted” player must jump up and run away from the bench. The task of the rest is to prevent this from happening. The children's street game developed the abilities of a real intelligence officer, because it is very difficult not to give away your emotions from receiving the treasured ring, so that no one would guess and be able to catch you!

above the ground

An excellent version of catch-up, which was best played on the playground. The leader tries to catch the players, and when they run away, they can “escape” by raising their feet above the ground. At worst, you could fall on your back and raise your legs up, but such behavior was considered unsportsmanlike. The best thing was to jump onto a stump, a curb, hang on a branch... The leader could stop and wait to see if you would fall, but standing in front of one player for a long time was also ugly - run and catch the others!

Yes. Of course, the games of our childhood were not very demanding, but we spent almost all our free time on the street. The biggest misfortune was popping home for a drink of water and being caught by my parents and sitting down for dinner. After all, at this time, languishing friends shouted under the windows: Come out! Let's play Cossack robbers!

And now we ourselves are mothers and we want to take our child out for lunch not from behind the computer desk, but from the street. Moreover, the holidays are ahead!

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The same problems with money can become a reason for yesterday’s high school student to go to work in construction instead of university. If family circumstances suddenly change, for example, the breadwinner passes away, there will be nothing to pay for education, and the family needs to live on something.

It also happens that everything goes well, you manage to successfully enter a university and everything is fine with your studies, but love happens, a family is formed and you simply don’t have enough strength or time to study. In addition, much more money is needed, especially if a child appears in the family. Paying for tuition and supporting a family is extremely expensive and you have to sacrifice your diploma.

Tatiana Reznik
Entertainment script “Games of our childhood”

Joint entertainment with parents during the week games and toys.

"Games of our childhood"

Dear parents, we are glad to welcome you to our garden. Thank you for throwing away all everyday worries and coming to us

Where to buy a ticket to childhood?

To show the children...

How interesting it was

walking in the yard with a crowd.

They burned bonfires, played hide and seek,

swaddled all the cats.

We played our games -

to salespeople and doctors.

We jumped on a skipping rope

and drove the “lesaped”...

It's a pity, of course, our time


Moms and dads, let's show and tell our children what games we played.

(Parents remember their yard games)

"Confusion", “Mommy, unravel us!”, "Unravel the Circle", “Grandma, unravel the threads!”

Rules games“Grandma, unravel the threads!”

At the beginning, players choose a driver ( "Granny"). If there are a lot of players, then there can be several drivers at once (about one driver for 8-10 players). The drivers leave the room (on the street - they turn away or move away) and the players join hands, forming a chain in the form of a circle. Then they begin to tangle their chain. In this case, the chain can intersect itself, players can climb or climb over the chain, intertwine their arms and even legs. One condition is that you cannot let go of your neighbor’s hands. After the chain is tangled beyond imagination, the players call in unison driving:

Confusion, confusion, unravel us!

Grandma, unravel the threads!

And also like this:

Dad got the thread mixed up

Mom is a knot untie!

The drivers return and begin to move the players, unraveling the chain. In this case, the main condition is the same the most: You can’t break your hands! If the drivers were able to untangle the players, restoring the circle and without tearing their hands, they won. If they were unable to unravel or if the chain was broken, the players won - "confusion". Naturally, players should not throw their hands on purpose!

Rules Tea-tea-help out games

A driver is selected, the players scatter, if the driver slaps someone, the player must freeze with his arms out to the sides and scream:

“Tea-tea-help out!”

Another player can run up to "bewitched" and touching "release" his. "Unenchanted" the player is back in the game. The game ends when all players are enchanted. The one who was grazed first becomes the driver (if you can remember this, or is chosen again by a counting rhyme. (Complication - help you crawl under wide-set legs. Or hug the grazed one)

"Sparrows and Crows"

Participants are divided into two teams. One team will "sparrows", the other - "crows". Teams are placed opposite each other at a distance of 2-3 meters.

At the driver's command (adult) "Sparrows!" the sparrow team must rush to catch up with the crow team, and on command "Crows!"- vice versa. The game continues until the chasing team catches all the players of the escaping team.

Now you can start the game. The trick is that the driver pronounces the commands syllable by syllable slowly: “Wooo - rooo -. WE!” or “Woooo - rooooo -. HIGH!”, so until the very last moment the players do not know whether to catch up or run away. By the way, a cunning driver can name completely different words: “Wooo - rooo -. TA!”, “Wooo - rooo -. JBA!, “Wooo - rooo -. VKA!, which adds more fun to the game. And also, to make it more complicated games You can line up teams with their backs to each other. Then it will be easy to run away, but difficult to catch up with.

Rules for sitting games"Sparrows and Crows"

Two players sit opposite each other (can be done through the table) and extend one hand to each other. In this case, the hands should not touch. The driver is the same as in previous versions games accidentally says words "sparrows" or "crows". The one whose word is called must have time to grab the opponent’s hand, and his opponent must have time to pull it back.

Rules games Three-fifteen-ruble-twenty

For games draw a circle on the floor or ground (it’s easiest to draw a circle on the asphalt with crayons). A pebble is placed in the center of the circle. Players stand in a circle so that their right leg is put forward and touches the pebble with their toe. It turns out that the right legs of the players touch each other (something like chamomile). Then all the children playing in chorus shouting:

Three-fifteen -ruble-twenty!

The driver shouts the cherished “Three - fifteen - ruble - twenty” and tries to jump and step on the foot of the neighbor on the right. The neighbor should not catch the crows, but also jumps away to escape. At this time, the remaining players stand motionless in the places where they jumped for the first time.

If the player managed to escape and his foot was not stepped on, the command “Three-fifteen-ruble-twenty” goes to him. Now he "screams" and tries to jump on the leg of his neighbor on the right. The game goes in circles.

If the child did not have time to jump away and the driver stepped on his foot, then he is eliminated from the game. games. The winner is the one who remains in the circle.

Rules Stander stop games

You need to choose a large, flat area. A wide yard, large lawn or stadium will do. You need to draw a circle on the site. We are in childhood They drew such a circle with crayons on the asphalt or with a stick on the ground. Counting table (you can choose an interesting old rhyme) choose a driver. The driver takes the ball and stands in the center of the circle. All players are located around him at a distance of about a step from each other.

The driver calls the name of one of the players and throws the ball high with words, for example, “Stander, Vanya.” Vanya remains in the circle and catches the thrown ball, while the rest run away from the circle in different directions. As soon as Vanya caught the ball, he shouted “Stop!” All escaping players stop. Now they are not allowed to leave the place.

Vanya tries to hit any player with the ball (we are in childhood often insulted the nearest one). The player can dodge and jump, but he cannot move from his spot. If hit, then this player becomes the driver. If the driver misses and the ball flies past, then everyone jumps up and runs back into the circle, and the driver catches up with the ball and again shouts “Stop!” Now he can throw the ball only at those players who did not have time to run into the circle.

Options Shtander games

As in any other games games Stand-stop has several options.

If the player whose name was called manages to catch the ball in his hands, then he throws it again and calls a new name. And you can only run away from the circle when the ball falls to the ground (often our ball bounced and flew into the bushes, and by the time the wada got it out of there, the players had already run far away).

There is an option Shtander games, which is similar to the game Hali-Halo. In this option, if the players run away very far and it is difficult for the driver to throw the ball, then he can choose one of the runaways and say how many steps there are to him (Lilliputian, giant, etc.). Which steps will be taken must be chosen by the player to whom the wada will step.

For example, Vanya says: “I’ll go walk to Sveta.” Lights in response to him screams: "Walk giant." Vanya in answer: “You are 15 giant steps away.” If Vanya is not mistaken, then after walking 15 steps, he will easily hit Sveta with the ball. If he steps over, he may try to get into Sveta from behind without looking.

Another option games in Shtander - a game with points. Each player who is hit with the ball receives 1 point. If a player scores 3 penalty points, he is eliminated from games.

Children did you enjoy playing with their parents in their games?

Childhood never leaves us,

Childhood always with us,

Those who are from childhoods are gone,

WITH childhood live as old people.

Childhood never leaves us

Childhood always lives in us,

Just from takes away childhood

Life is vanity.

Parents play active games with their children games and always be in a good mood!

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