Spiritual life of ancient Russia. Culture and spiritual life of Russia in the XIV - XVI centuries

The Mongol-Tatar invasion interrupted the powerful rise of Russian culture. The destruction of cities, the loss of traditions, the disappearance of artistic trends, the destruction of monuments of writing, painting, architecture - a blow, from which it was possible to recover only by the middle of the 14th century. In the ideas and images of Russian culture of the XIV-XVI centuries. the mood of the era was reflected - the time of decisive successes in the struggle for independence, the overthrow of the Horde yoke, unification around Moscow, the formation of the Great Russian people.

The memory of a prosperous and happy country, which Kievan Rus remained in the minds of society (“light bright and beautifully decorated” - the words from “The Tale of the Perdition of the Russian Land”, no later than 1246), was kept primarily by literature. Chronicle writing remained its most important genre; it was revived in all the lands and principalities of Russia. At the beginning of the XV century. in Moscow, the first all-Russian annalistic code was compiled - an important evidence of progress in the unification of the country. With the completion of this process, chronicle writing, subordinated to the idea of ​​justifying the power of the Moscow prince, and then the tsar, acquired an official character. During the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible (70s of the 16th century), an illustrated Chronicle of the Face was compiled in 12 volumes, containing more than 150,000 miniatures. In the XIV-XV centuries. the favorite topic of oral folk art is the struggle of Russia with the "infidels". A genre of historical song is taking shape (“The Song of the Click”, about the battle on the Kalka, about the ruin of Ryazan, about Evpaty Kolovrat, etc.). The most important events of the 16th century were also reflected in historical songs. - Kazan campaign of Ivan the Terrible, oprichnina, the image of the Terrible Tsar. Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. gave rise to a cycle of historical stories, of which the "Tale of the Mamaev Battle" and the inspired "Zadonshchina" stand out (its author Sofony Ryazanets used images and excerpts from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"). The lives of the saints are being created, in the 16th century. they are combined into a 12-volume set of "Great Readings-Meney". In the XV century. The Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin describes his journey to India and Persia (“Journey Beyond the Three Seas”). The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the love story of the prince of Murom and his wife, probably described by Yermolai-Erasmus in the middle of the 16th century, remains a unique literary monument. Domostroy, written by the confessor of Ivan the Terrible Sichvestra, is remarkable in its own way - a book about housekeeping, raising and educating children, and the role of a woman in a family.

At the end of the XV-XVI centuries. literature is enriched by brilliant journalistic works. The Josephites (followers of Igumen Joseph of the Volotsk Monastery, who defend the principle of non-intervention of the state in the affairs of a rich and materially strong church) and non-possessors (Nil Sorsky, Vassian Patrikeev, Maxim the Greek, who blame the church for wealth and luxury, for craving for worldly pleasures) argue fiercely. In 1564-1577. Ivan the Terrible and Prince Andrei Kurbsky exchange angry messages. “... Tsars and rulers who make cruel laws are dying,” Kurbsky inspires the tsar and hears in response: “Is it really light - when the priest and crafty slaves rule, the tsar is only a tsar in name and honor, and not at all with power better than a slave? The idea of ​​the "autocracy" of the tsar, the divinity of his power, acquires almost hypnotic power in Ivan the Terrible's messages. In a different way, but just as consistently, Ivan Peresvetov writes about the special vocation of the autocratic tsar in Bolshaya Petition (1549): punishing the boyars who have forgotten their duty to society, the righteous monarch must rely on the devoted nobility. The significance of the official ideology is the notion of Moscow as a “third Rome”: “Two Romes (“the second Rome” - Constantinople, devastated in 1453 - Auth.) fell, the third stands, the fourth will not happen” (Filotheos).

It should be noted that in 1564 in Moscow Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets published the first Russian printed book - "The Apostle".

In the architecture of the XIV-XVI centuries. the tendencies of the historical development of Russia-Russia were reflected with particular obviousness. At the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries. stone construction is resumed - in Novgorod and Pskov, less affected by the Ordish yoke. In the XIV century. in Novgorod, a new type of temples appears - light, elegant, bright (Spas on Ilyin). But half a century passes, and tradition wins: harsh, heavy structures reminiscent of the past are being erected again. Politics imperiously invades art, demanding that it be the custodian of independence, which the unifier Moscow is so successfully fighting against. Signs of the capital city of a single state, it accumulates gradually, but consistently. In 1367 the white-stone Kremlin is being built, at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. new red-brick walls and towers are being erected. They are erected by masters Pietro Antonio Solari, Aleviz Novy, Mark Ruffo, ordered from Italy. By that time, the Assumption Cathedral (1479), an outstanding architectural monument, had already been erected on the territory of the Kremlin by the Italian Aristotle Fioravanti, an outstanding architectural monument in which an experienced eye will see both the features traditional for Vladimir-Suzdal architecture and elements of the Renaissance building art. Next to another work of Italian masters - the Faceted Chamber (1487-1489) - Pskov craftsmen are building the Cathedral of the Annunciation (1484-1489). A little later, the same Aleviz Novy completes the magnificent ensemble of Cathedral Square with the Archangel Cathedral, the tomb of the Grand Dukes (1505-1509). Behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square in 1555-1560. in honor of the capture of Kazan, the nine-domed Intercession Cathedral (St. Basil's Cathedral) is erected, crowned with a high multifaceted pyramid - a tent. This detail gave the name "tent" to the architectural style that arose in the 16th century. (Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, 1532). Zealots of antiquity struggle with "outrageous innovations", but their victory is relative: at the end of the century, the desire for pomp and beauty is reborn. Painting of the second half of the XIV-XV centuries is the golden age of Theophan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Dionysius. The murals of the Novgorod (Savior on Ilyin) and Moscow (Annunciation Cathedral) churches of Theophanes the Greek and Rublev’s icons (“Trinity”, “Savior”, etc.) are turned to God, but they tell about a person, his soul, about the search for harmony and ideal. Painting, remaining deeply religious in themes, images, genres (wall paintings, icons), acquires unexpected humanity, softness, and philosophy.

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