Doctor Lisa. To life everlasting

In Moscow, the remains of the head of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa), who died in the Tu-154 crash in the Black Sea on December 25, have been identified. Glinka's funeral will take place on January 16 at the Novodevichy cemetery. After the Russian plane crash, Glinka’s close friend, founder of the Galchonok charity foundation, Olga Zhuravskaya, began sharing memories of Dr. Lisa on her Facebook. Rain, with the permission of the author, publishes her witty and touching sketches from Glinka’s life.

“Here is a text below, written poorly, but sincerely. The text is old and terrible. I didn’t change or edit anything about it. In a nutshell, this is a text about how I came to Lisa in 2006 and was completely blown away by the fact that hospice was cool. Lord, I even remember that parrot that was screaming obscenities. I can’t say goodbye to you yet, you understand me too.

The first thing I saw was a young, impeccably dressed woman. Have you seen her photos on LiveJournal? Forget it. They don't convey even half the charm.

Lisa has very refined taste and, forgive her, a luxurious apartment. The walls are aquamarine, Lisa, I have never seen so much light green light and color, or is it just like that in my memory? Huge, absolutely St. Petersburg windows and ceilings. A tree climbed right into the balcony with all its branches - I understand it, I want to be closer to Lisa.

“But here is my child,” Lisa says in a whisper and opens the door. There, buried under the blankets, Lizino’s treasure was buried and sleeping, interested in the issues of returning hot water and unwilling to ever, ever get a haircut.

It’s light in Lisa’s hospice. It's bright and hectic. Nurses and doctors are walking around, phones are ringing. “This,” Lisa shows me, “is the kitchen.” The refrigerator, the prose of life, is full of food. “I explained for so long that everything can be taken without permission, but they still aren’t used to it,” she laments. “This,” we move on, “is a bar.” Yes, yes, bottles of good and expensive alcohol.

The Hospice is sterilely clean and smells of cookies. This is because Lisa has first-class care, clean showers, a floor that is washed three times a day, and God knows how much more is done - I can’t imagine.

“Our parrot Petrovich is a fool,” Natasha (Glinka’s assistant. - Rain) says thoughtfully, “And he bites.” But we give it to those patients who feel completely alone.”

“You don’t want to quarrel with me,” Lisa says on the phone, “We have a boy in Moscow who needs money. Yes, the damned Muscovites have our boy, whom they provided with everything he needed, but now he needs money. Can you hear? I am surprised to note the iron notes in Lisa’s soft voice. And, just a second later - great - Lisa chirps, - that would be right away! When is the next revolution there?“.

I ask you to go through the wards. “Just,” Lisa manages to warn, “don’t tell them I’m leaving.” They are terribly worried, and the howl is unbearable.” It's good that she managed to warn. “Isn’t Lizavetochka Petrovna going anywhere?” asks Tatyana, Tanya’s grandmother. “No, he’s not leaving, why would he?” “Sit down with me, dear,” he says, “What’s your name?” “Olechka,” I answer, adopting a diminutive manner. “Well, sit down, Ninochka, let’s talk about God.”

Later, together with Lisa, we go to the priest. Lisa convinces him to eat, convinces him that he can do whatever he wants. “In general,” Lisa gets into a rage, “what do you want, say anything!?” “Well, what could a man want?” the priest answers modestly looking at us. “A woman,” Lisa happily guesses. And at this moment I’m thinking exactly the same thing, but I don’t have time to say it out loud. “Shashlik,” the priest answers in confusion. “I’ll bring it tomorrow, tomorrow,” Lisa promises. When we leave the room we look at him and can’t hold back our laughter.

Children's room in a hospice - fear and pain. Bed, sofa, toys, air conditioning. I don’t want to talk about it, but Liza’s main joy is that the room is empty.

Elizaveta Glinka and Olga Zhuravskaya / photo: Olga Zhuravskaya’s Facebook page

Later, while sitting in a restaurant, the phone rings, after which Lisa begins to jump. Klitschko (I don’t remember which one) will come to a boy who dreams about this so much, this boy, he has no mother at all. But this is confidential, otherwise journalists will come running. But can I write to LJ later? Of course it is possible. What happened to the boy, I ask cautiously. Explains. The diagnosis is serious, but not fatal. Lisa helps everyone.

Liza’s assistant Natasha, bright and beautiful, instantly organizes a meeting because she understands Liza’s contacts faster than the latter.

I gave Lisa a bouquet from myself and from Olya T. These flowers were placed in vases throughout the wards. How beautiful, grandmother Tanya rejoiced. And Lisa brought the shish kebab.”

“Lisa also very funny read negative comments out loud to us: “We need to drive this rubbish to the neck, stop fattening on our deeeeeeens,” she drawled nasally. Then she added: “By the way, we should drive you all out of our luxurious mansion.”

Around this moment, the lights went out in the basement on Pyatnitskaya once again, and we all wet ourselves a little out of fear. There was a pause. “It’s apparently darkness that has fallen on Glinka, who is hated by the procurator,” Lisa summed up the evening.”

(It seems to me or am I ruining my reputation as a saint?)

photo: Olga Zhuravskaya’s Facebook page

“Liza loved everyone to lie in the coffin in full dress, and therefore buried the Kyiv hospice guests in her husband’s costumes, secretly from her husband. Naturally, Gleb gloomily and not without surprise walked around his own closet, not understanding why a typical female problem had arisen in his life: having nothing to wear.”

“So you say - share your memories. A couple of days ago, with the light hand of the beautiful Natasha, I got to the point of talking about Lisa with the BBC. There at the end the announcer, in his sexy British English, asked if I had a nickname that Lisa gave me. I figured out how to translate “Red-haired ******* (prostitute)” into English, and dryly replied that “out of grief I can’t talk about it yet.”

“I was writing a text about Lisa (nothing came of it), I remembered a little thing. Liza and I were sitting somewhere in the center of Moscow, drinking wine, gossiping, well, the usual. “In short,” I said, looking up from the phone, “now this one is coming to us, I’m worried.”

As soon as this one appeared, Lisa rustled instead of “hello”: “Do you even understand what treasure you got?” Yes, our redhead read Shakespeare in the original!“.

Of course, I didn’t read any Shakespeare in the original, but Lisa knew how to sell stale goods without batting an eye.”

“I once asked Lisa what she would do if it weren’t for palliative care, and she answered that she would study the female orgasm. Seeing my bulging eyes, she explained: what, it’s such a disastrous thing.”

““Write about my sweater... The same pink one that was too big.” “Don’t worry!” said Lisa, “I’ll sew up his throat, the three of us homeless people will live in it like in a tent!”

Photo: Irina Cherkasova / Facebook

“I called Lisa and yelled: “Save me, if anything happens, I’m at your house!” “For God’s sake,” Lisa agrees, “but I’m not there, so if anything happens, you’re there with my husband!”

“One day I flew into the basement and yelled from the threshold: “Lisa, I’ve never been to a mammologist, feel my breasts urgently!”

“Let Petrovich [the doctor who worked with Glinka. “The rain] is feeling,” Lisa yawned from under the papers, “for at least some kind of entertainment for him.”

“God forbid,” I balked, “he’s a man, I’m embarrassed!”

“Actually, I’m a doctor,” Petrovich was indignant.

“Then with your eyes closed,” I begged.

“I’m crazy,” said Petrovich.

“Ask him to take off his glasses,” Lisa said cheerfully.

“Lisa, where is Petrovich?” someone shouted from the entrance.

“He’s pawing the redhead behind a box of clothes for the homeless,” the doctor readily explained.

Elizaveta Glinka, who dedicated her life to helping the seriously ill, homeless and lonely, became the personification of kindness and mercy for all Russians. They say that there were no other people's children for her. But many years ago, a boy from Saratov, Ilya Shvets, became especially dear to Doctor Lisa - the doctor adopted him (or, more precisely, took care of him) and brought him into the family. This story was kept secret for a long time: Elizaveta Petrovna did not want to traumatize the teenager with unnecessary attention.

Today Ilya is already 22, lives in his hometown, studies at the institute and works as a photographer. Married. Three years ago, in August 2013, he gave Doctor Lisa her first granddaughter - as she herself said, a wonderful girl “weighing 4 kilograms and 54 centimeters tall.”

Forgive me, but we won’t say anything about our mother, we are in grief, and we don’t have time - we are leaving soon,” Ilya’s wife briefly answered “Komsomolskaya Pravda”-Saratov. And he himself simply posted a photo with his beloved mother Lisa on social networks and wrote: “I can’t believe it...”

Took me straight from the funeral

The doctor adopted 13-year-old Ilyusha from Saratov in 2008, when she herself already had two adult children: 20-year-old Kostya and 14-year-old Lesha. The boy’s mother, a patient of the Glinka Foundation, died of cancer, and if not for Elizaveta Petrovna, the child would have ended up in a shelter immediately after the funeral.

A few hours before her death, Ilya began calling me: “There’s something wrong with my mother, she doesn’t speak well,” the doctor said in an interview. “I said: “I’m flying out tomorrow, give her some water and call an ambulance.” The next call was already at two o’clock in the morning: “I’m giving my mother water, but it’s pouring out of her mouth.” Then I understood everything: “Wake up your neighbors.”

As the doctor recalled, distant relatives of Galina (that was the name of Ilya’s mother) in Saratov did not pay for the funeral. All expenses unexpectedly fell on the shoulders of the capital’s physician. And then it turned out that no one was going to take the boy for themselves either. “I won’t go to the orphanage,” the teenager firmly snapped, lowering his eyes.

Well, I... In general, we went to the guardianship, wrote a statement, and that’s how I got him,” Doctor Lisa described that case in a nutshell to Kommersant. - The irony of fate: Ilyusha is a mestizo, his father was dark-skinned. I was thinking about what to tell the children: I went to Russia and also brought my child. Said. The older one said: “Fine, but what?” And the younger one is more emotional: “What are you talking about! Do I really have a black brother now? What's it like in Harlem? How cool, great!”

All my friends call Ilya a calm and independent young man. Photo: social network

Twice adopted

Ilya's story is unique - in fact, this boy was adopted twice. Back in 1994, a newborn was found in a box thrown into the garbage chute of a hostel in Ulyanovsk. Doctors managed to save the squeaking lump with a dangling umbilical cord. The boy was crippled - his biological mother tried to poison the child, pulled his stomach...

The unfortunate baby, when he was two months old, was noticed in the Baby House by a 35-year-old woman named Galina, who herself once grew up in an orphanage. In the mid-nineties, changes occurred in the country: single people were allowed to adopt children. This is how Ilyusha found his home. For the sake of her son, Galya was ready to do anything, so when the neighbors told the boy that he was not their own, she sold the apartment and left for Saratov. I got a job at the local market. True, there was nowhere to live. The family was in great need, wandering around to shelters, monasteries... The local diocese and volunteers from charitable societies began to collect help for them.

Well, what about without housing? “You can’t live on the street,” Galina described it to the correspondent at the time. - I went to an appointment with the regional administration. And there they offered me - me to the hospital, Ilyusha - to the shelter. And he's sitting right there! I say to the official: “Does my child look like an unloved one? To the shelter? Take it! Here he sits. Take me by the hand and lead me to the shelter!” How to leave a child without a mother?..

As a result, they were given an apartment,” Alisa Orlova, the same correspondent who in the “zero” for several years in a row collected money for the family, shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda. - They received housing from the state, which of course was a miracle. I remember how Galina went to see some deputy...

But the woman was diagnosed with cancer, and in an advanced form: for a long time the patient was treated for a completely different disease. Neither surgery nor chemotherapy helped - within two years the woman literally burned out.

I don’t remember Ilya very well - he was mostly silent, but it was clear that he loved his mother very much,” said Alisa. - A tall, handsome and quiet boy. He looked older than his age. Since childhood, he was a churchgoer and traveled a lot to monasteries with Galina. To be honest, I didn’t know that he was in Saratov - I thought he lived in the USA with Elizaveta Petrovna’s family...

Doctor Lisa prevented me from quitting my studies

Ilya moved to his hometown from Moscow four years ago - he went to college to become a cook, and while studying he met a girl, Vika. And after the wedding and the birth of the child, Doctor Lisa’s adopted son finally settled in Saratov. By the way, Ilya never boasted about his famous mother - neither his classmates nor teachers knew about it until today.

Ilya is a calm and independent boy. We knew that he was a ward, the state allocated money to him, but the student never spoke frankly about his family,” Natalya Anyushankova, deputy director of the college of culinary arts, admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - After the second year, I began to travel to Moscow often, and even thought about quitting my studies. And then he settled down. Like, his “aunt” in the capital told him: “Don’t even think about it: you’ll move as soon as you get your diploma.” We could not even think that this aunt was Elizaveta Glinka...

Elizaveta Glinka was identified among the incident that occurred on December 25, 2016. According to preliminary data, the funeral will take place on January 16 at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow - the farewell ceremony will begin at 10.00 Moscow time. Experts also identified another 70 bodies of those killed in the Tu-154 crash over the Black Sea, which included Anton Gubankov, artistic director of the Alexandrov ensemble Valery Khalilov, 10 crew members and nine media representatives - Dmitry Runkov, Vadim Denisov and Alexander Soydov, Pavel Obukhov, Alexander Suranov, Valery Rzhevsky, Mikhail Luzhetsky, Oleg Pestov and Evgeny Tolstov. reports TASS.

Doctor Lisa was one of the victims. She, together with the members of the ensemble named after. Alexandrova and Russian journalists flew to Syria for a charitable purpose. Glinka's mission was to deliver medicines to the university hospital in Latakia. First of all, these were medicines for cancer patients and newborns. Elizaveta Glinka also carried consumables for medical equipment, which do not arrive in Syria due to the war and the sanctions regime.


Before her “last” trip to Syria, Doctor Lisa repeatedly visited “hot” spots, where she fearlessly saved people right under bullets. In early December 2016, thanks to her efforts, 17 children from Donbass arrived in Russia for treatment and rehabilitation in the best Moscow hospitals. It should be noted that during the 2 years of the conflict in Ukraine, these children were not the only ones saved by Doctor Lisa - thanks to her, hundreds of small patients from Donbass were able to receive the necessary treatment and a chance of salvation in the capital’s clinics, despite the fact that she took out sick children under flying shells.

With the same mission, Elizaveta Glinka visited Syria several times starting in 2015. Dr. Lisa was involved in the delivery and distribution of medicines, and the organization of medical care for civilians affected by the armed conflict. Thanks to her courage and bravery, hundreds of Syrians were saved from imminent death, since the professionalism of the head of “Fair Aid” allowed her to “pull people out of the other world” even in field conditions.

The Fair Aid Charitable Foundation was founded by Elizaveta Glinka in 2007. The organization helps people who find themselves in difficult situations, including cancer patients. In addition, every week volunteers distribute food and medicine to the homeless at Paveletsky Station, and also provide them with free legal and medical assistance.


In the Assumption Church of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow on the morning of Monday, January 16, a farewell was held for the doctor and philanthropist Elizaveta Glinka, deceased December 25 in a plane crash over the Black Sea. Doctor Lisa's funeral will take place at the Novodevichy cemetery in the capital.

Everyone was able to say goodbye to Elizaveta Glinka during the civil funeral service in the Assumption Church from 8 to 14 o'clock on Monday, according to the website of the Russian Presidential Council for Human Rights. The funeral service and funeral of Doctor Lisa will be held in the circle of family and friends.

Friends and colleagues remember Elizaveta Glinka with warmth. “In a difficult situation, Lisa always knew how to find words, knew how to find time to call, write and support. It’s a shame that she didn’t fully recognize how dear she was to us,” Katerina Gordeeva, trustee of the Gift of Life Foundation, told TASS. Member of the Human Rights Council, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group Lyudmila Alekseeva calls the death of Doctor Lisa a huge loss. “It’s very difficult to talk, this is a huge loss. People like Doctor Lisa are born once every thousand years,” the human rights activist believes.

Elizaveta Glinka, who was flying on board the crashed Tu-154, was transporting medicine to Syria. On December 8 she became the first laureate a new State Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of charitable and human rights activities. Glinka was a member of the Human Rights Council, as well as the head of the Fair Aid charity foundation.

On Monday, farewells are being held in Moscow and the regions for other victims of the disaster. A civil memorial service was held at the Ostankino television center for the journalists of Channel One and NTV who died in the Tu-154 plane crash, RIA Novosti reports. Colleagues came to say goodbye to them, people brought flowers. In the corridor on the walls of the television center, all the photographs and mirrors were curtained with black.

The funeral of the four deceased journalists took place on Monday afternoon at the Federal War Memorial Cemetery in Mytishchi, near Moscow, TASS reports. Channel One correspondent Dmitry Runkov will be buried on January 17 with military honors in his homeland in Arkhangelsk, at the Vologda cemetery, a representative of the city administration previously told the agency. The funeral of journalists from the Zvezda TV channel took place on Saturday, January 14.

The Tu-154 plane crash killed crews from Channel One, NTV and the Zvezda TV channel. Nine journalists became victims of the crash: correspondent Dmitry Runkov (Channel One), cameraman Vadim Denisov (Channel One), sound engineer Alexander Soydov (Channel One), correspondent Pavel Obukhov (Zvezda), cameraman Alexander Suranov (Zvezda), assistant cameraman Valery Rzhevsky (Zvezda), correspondent-producer Mikhail Luzhetsky (NTV), cameraman Oleg Pestov (NTV), sound engineer Evgeny Tolstov (NTV).

48 victims of the disaster were buried at the military cemetery in Mytishchi

In total, 48 victims of the Tu-154 crash were buried at the military cemetery in Mytishchi. In addition to four journalists, crew members of the crashed aircraft, military personnel, artists of the Alexandrov ensemble, as well as the head of the cultural department of the Russian Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov were buried there. At the end of last year, assistant director of the department Oksana Badrutdinova, who also died in a plane crash, was buried here.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, members of the government and the Federation Council, State Duma deputies, relatives, friends and colleagues came to say goodbye to the dead. Secretary of State - Deputy Head of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov assured the relatives of the victims of the plane crash of full support from the military department.

Artistic director of the ensemble Alexandrov will be buried in the Vladimir region

Artistic director of the ensemble named after. Alexandrov Valery Khalilov, who was also on board the Tu-154 that crashed into the sea, will be buried on January 16 at the Arkhangelsk churchyard in the Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region, where the conductor’s great-grandmother rests. Local historian Evgeny Fedorov, one of the ceremony organizers, told TASS about this. “Due to weather conditions, the funeral of Valery Khalilov was postponed from Sunday to Monday, January 16. The ceremony will be attended by musicians of the Alexandrov Ensemble, who will perform funeral music,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, the general bequeathed to be buried in the Arkhangelsk churchyard near the village of Novinki, where his great-grandmother was buried. At the entrance to the village where he lived as a child, Khalilov built a column chapel at his own expense.

It was expected that more than 300 military personnel, representatives of the Ministry of Defense, cultural figures, the leadership of the Vladimir region and local residents would take part in the funeral of the artistic director of the Alexandrov ensemble. The funeral cortege was scheduled to arrive at the Arkhangelsk churchyard at 13:00 Moscow time.

On Saturday evening, the coffin with the conductor’s body was brought to the Sorrowful Convent in the village of Khmelevo, located a few kilometers from the burial site. From early Sunday morning people began to come to the monastery. Throughout the day, Valery Khalilov’s wife, daughter, brother and sister were next to the coffin.

Funeral service Khalilov was held on Saturday in Moscow, at the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov. The service was conducted by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, with whom the People's Artist of Russia had friendly relations and joint creative work. Then friends, colleagues, colleagues and fans said goodbye to the conductor in the ensemble’s concert hall in the capital.

Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov (1952-2016) - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Composers of Russia, Lieutenant General. Born into the family of a military conductor, he graduated from the Moscow Military Music School (today the Moscow Military Music School) and the military conducting department at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

From 2002 to 2016, Khalilov was the head of the military orchestra service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the main military conductor. In April 2016, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the position of artistic director of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A. V. Alexandrov.

Valery Khalilov led the international military music festivals "Spasskaya Tower" (Moscow), "Amur Waves" (Khabarovsk), "March of the Century" (Tambov) and the International Military Music Festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The 18 people killed in the plane crash are still unidentified.

Currently, 18 people killed in the Tu-154 crash, including two crew members, are still not identified, sources in the forensic medical examination bureau told TASS. A total of 92 people died as a result of the plane crash.

Of the more than 70 identified victims of the plane crash, 12 will be buried in the regions, 50 at the Federal Memorial Military Cemetery in Mytishchi near Moscow, more than 10 in Moscow and the Moscow region, the agency’s interlocutors said. Last week it became known that relatives of the victims of the disaster had developed conflict with the Ministry of Defense due to the fact that the military department opposed holding a full funeral service.

A Tu-154 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense crashed in the Black Sea on December 25, two minutes after takeoff from Adler airport. On board were 92 people - eight crew members and 84 passengers, including eight military personnel, 64 employees of the Alexandrov Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army, the head of the Fair Aid charity foundation Elizaveta Glinka, known as Doctor Lisa, two federal civil servants and nine employees of Russian TV channels. They were heading to the Khmeimim airbase in Syria to wish Happy New Year to the Russian Aerospace Forces air group.

The wreckage of the plane was found a few hours later 1.5 km from the coast in the Sochi region at a depth of 50-70 m. There were traces of an explosion or fire on them not found, without ruling out at the same time the version of the crash as a result of a terrorist attack through mechanical impact.

Kommersant source close to the investigation January 12 reported that experts did not find confirmation of an explosion on board the Tu-154 or shelling of the aircraft from the ground. Thus, the investigation excluded the version of a terrorist attack from the list of possible causes of the disaster.

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