Diablo 3 crusader skills. Diablo III Theorycraft: Crusader - Warlord

Crusaders are brave warriors, capable of withstanding the onslaught of countless hordes of demons and undead, and the fame of their indestructible shields spreads throughout Sanctuary. Demons better stay away from the Vengeful Crusader, because this steel-clad warrior is not only ready to fend off their blows - he will fry his enemies to a crisp!

About the character development option

Shields, blocking and tank-like armor are essential attributes of a true crusader. Each of these passionate champions of faith you meet on the battlefield has a story to tell. They will withstand any blows from the demons of the Underworld without blinking an eye and will be able to fully repay their offenders. Heaven's punishment is inevitable!

The larger the group of opponents, the more damage they will receive. More damage - more corpses!

This build for SilverAce99#1196 was inspired by the concept of damage reflection. This is how a character was born who embodied the idea of ​​a kind of “return fire”. The Vengeful Crusader is the result of much work and is "a hero that deals fire retaliation without relying on spike damage." The key to using the character effectively was the Punish skill (with the Roar rune) and a simply sky-high block probability. Your opponents will still regret choosing you as their victim, because with each blow they will cause themselves more and more pain!


This solid build focuses on buffs (to buff both the Crusader and the party) and makes great use of less popular runes.

Active skills:

  • Punishment (with the Roar rune)
    • The key skill of this development option.
  • Shining Shield (with the "Sacred Judgment" rune)
  • Horse (with the Nightmare rune)
    • Allows you to quickly retreat if you smell something fried.
    • Deals fire damage and is enhanced by stats that you will increase.
  • Court (with the rune "Verdict")
    • A control skill with a short recovery time that allows you to reduce damage received at a crucial moment.
    • Significantly increases the damage of the entire group.
  • Principle of Valor (with the Critical Strike rune)
    • Simply increases damage dealt and combines well with the Judgment skill (with the Verdict rune).
  • Blessed Shield (with Fire Shield rune)
    • Allows you to hit enemies at a distance (which is very useful if you need, for example, to finish off a fleeing demon).
    • The rune allows you to deal area damage in melee combat, which is very useful in skirmishes with large groups of enemies.
    • The only skill in the character's arsenal that consumes anger.

Passive skills:

  • Divine Power
    • Great if you're using Maximus or Flaming Cleaver.
    • When using a two-handed weapon, the consumption of anger is reduced, which will allow you to use Blessed Shield more often.
  • No step back
    • The Crusader must block as many enemy attacks as possible, so the choice of this passive skill is very logical.
  • Update
    • Constantly blocking will result in constant health replenishment.
  • Reliable shield
    • Allows you to use “Shining Shield” more often (with the “Sacred Judgment” rune).
    • Gives a small increase in damage from the skills “Punishment” and “Blessed Shield”.

Alternative skills:

  • Taunt (with the "Try to Hit" rune)
    • Replaces the skill “Horse” (with the “Nightmare” rune) or “Judgment” (with the “Verdict” rune).
    • Additionally increases the chance of blocking, increasing the damage from the “Hallowed Shield” skill and the probability of triggering “Punishment” (with the “Roar” rune).
    • Allows you to effectively replenish your anger supply if the crusader attacks a large group of enemies.
  • Zeal
    • Replaces the skill “Divine Power”.
    • If you only use one-handed weapons, then this passive skill will definitely come in handy.


As noted earlier, this development option is not very demanding on equipment, so you will have enough space to experiment and customize it “for yourself.” You can adapt it to use items you already have or easily find recommended ones.

The basic set of items is collected, and the crusader’s protection is increased by the equipment he has made himself.

Required items:

  • Cult attribute
    • Found in Horadrim Treasures in Act II.
    • Guaranteed to provide an 11% increase in block probability.
    • Significantly reduces blocked damage (the most effective shield in this regard).
  • Helm of Government
    • Easy to make.
  • Light of Justice
    • One of the few items that increases the chance of blocking.
    • A common item that is not at all difficult to obtain.

Items suitable for this character:

  • Magic fists
  • Ash Tunic
    • Significant increase in fire damage.
    • Reduces the cost of using the “Hallowed Shield” skill (with the “Fire Shield” rune).
  • Maximus
    • Significant increase in fire damage.
    • If you take a good position, you can deal impressive fire damage to several enemies.
  • Conquerors of the underground depths
    • The crusader inflicts a significant portion of the damage through the “Punishment” skill (with the “Roar” rune), which replenishes resources.
  • Ear Belt
    • Reducing the damage inflicted by enemies in close combat allows you to act more effectively in the thick of battle.
  • Blackthorne's Battle Dress
    • The good protection indicators of this set make it very useful for a melee fighter.
    • The four-piece bonus from the set is ideal for tank characters.
  • Cameo of Countess Julia
    • Provides protection from monsters that have the most dangerous property for a given development option.
    • Magic sentries become easy prey.

Alternative items:

  • Defender of Westmarch
    • Allows you to deal more damage than Cult Attribute.
  • Yekanborg
    • Useful if you want to deal damage equally with both Blessed Shield and Punishment.
  • Akarat's Awakening
    • Allows you to almost always keep the most necessary skills at the ready.
  • The last witness
    • If you are playing as a support character, then this shield will allow you to deal damage to more enemies with the help of Radiant Shield.
  • Curse of the Captives
    • The “Censure” skill and “Shining Shield” will allow you to regularly use the increase in damage from this gem.
  • The power of simplicity
    • “Punishment” is one of the main skills that deals damage, and this gem goes well with the item “Conquerors of the Underground Depths”.
  • Taegeuk
    • Increases the hero's survivability if upgraded to level 25.
    • Since this development option uses one skill that replenishes resources and does not spend anger too actively, it will be very easy to maintain the positive effect of the gem.

The main indicators to pay attention to:

  • The increase in block simultaneously increases both defense and damage dealt, since the amount of damage dealt by the Blessed Shield skill depends on the block probability indicator. In addition, the “Punish” skill (with the “Roar” rune) works when blocking attacks.
  • The Crusader must deal fire damage, and any item with the appropriate boost will be useful to him.
  • It is also necessary to increase the protective characteristics (resistance to all types of damage, survivability, + X% to health reserves), since you will often be attacked: this is the whole point of the presented development option. You will not have a chance to repay the enemy with his own coin if you die from the first blows.

SilverAce is experimenting with this progression on Torment III and IV difficulties. It is great for completing quests and entry-level Nephalem and Greater Rifts. I had no problem using this build on Torment VI difficulty, and I definitely want to use it regularly once I get a couple more items I need. I'm wondering what the limits of the Vengeful Crusader's capabilities are.

This development option implies a very risky playstyle, so I would not recommend using it immediately in heroic mode. If you are confident in your abilities, then perhaps a very interesting (and full of adrenaline!) game awaits you.

Why we liked this development option

The Vengeful Crusader is a breath of fresh air. This development option embodies the essence of a true defender of the Zakarum faith, bringing back unpopular skills and items and using them effectively. It is unlikely that you will be able to reach the top lines of the rating table, but you will be able to enjoy exciting battles to your heart's content, rushing into the thick of the battle every time. In the end, this development option allows one to achieve good results. Be sure to increase your block chance and you'll turn your opponents to ashes!

Hello, garage! Stop beating yourself up!

To emerge victorious from such a battle, where life seems to hang by a thread, is simply amazing. In the past, when I played melee heroes, I never wanted to be surrounded by monsters with the Fire Chains ability. But now I have the Punish skill (with the Roar rune), and nothing stops me from wreaking havoc on the battlefield! This is exactly what I wanted!

What do you think of it?

What qualities does your champion of Akarata embody? Do you fight monsters hand-to-hand or prefer to unleash the wrath of Heaven on them from the other side of the map? Have you ever used build options that rely on blocking damage yourself? Tell us about it at

  • Crusader
  • Reasons for changes
    • Many of the Crusader's anger-consuming skills were not effective enough, while the "Heaven's Fury" skill with the "Heavenly Fires" rune was too powerful. We'll be slightly reducing the power of the Fires of Heaven rune and increasing the effectiveness of the Crusader's other Wrath-spending skills to increase the variety of build options.
    • Rage-replenishing, single-target damage skills like Punishment and Judgment were not as effective as those that deal damage to multiple enemies. Thus, we will increase the effectiveness of Punishment and Justice.
    • We've also made some changes to improve the Mount skill. The duration and cooldown of this skill have been reduced. Overall, the effective duration has increased slightly, but more importantly, you will now be able to use this skill more often. We have removed from the game the ability to interrupt stun effects using the Mount. Thus, this skill will better serve its intended purpose: increasing the character's mobility and counteracting immobilizing effects (like those imposed by monsters with the Jailer property). We also want Mount to be useful in combat, so we'll be increasing the damage dealt by its runes.
  • General
  • Crusaders now take 15% less damage.
  • Active skills
    • Champion of Akarat
      • Rune "Focus"
        • Fixed an issue that was causing the cooldown of the Reprimand skill to not decrease.
    • Blessed Hammer
      • Rune "Fiery Wrath"
        • The range of action has been increased from 5 to 8 m.
        • Damage dealt to enemies caught in burning areas has been increased from 95% to 150% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Ice Hammer"
        • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that was preventing enemies from being frozen.
        • Ice Hammer no longer disappears after exploding.
    • Blessed Shield
      • Base skill damage increased from 280% to 340% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Fire Shield"
        • Damage dealt increased from 105% to 270% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Shattering Shards"
        • Damage dealt increased from 50% to 333% weapon damage.
        • Known Issue: These changes are not reflected in the rune description.
    • Hand of Heaven
      • The skill's initial base damage has been increased from 250% to 340% weapon damage.
      • Base damage dealt by individual lightning bolts increased from 210% to 340% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Divine Well"
        • Damage dealt increased from 14% to 80% weapon damage.
        • The distance over which lightning scatters from the explosion site has been increased from 12 to 18 m.
      • Rune "Cleft"
        • Area damage increased from 80% to 400% weapon damage over 5 sec.
        • The area affected by discharges has been increased from 3 to 6 m.
      • Rune "Sky Storm"
        • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that caused the storm area to move differently than originally intended.
    • Heaven's Fury
      • Rune "Fires of Heaven"
        • Damage dealt reduced from 950% to 735% weapon damage.
    • Justice
      • Base damage dealt by skill increased from 175% to 240% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Explosion"
        • Damage dealt increased from 25% to 30% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Hammer of Pursuit"
        • Now the summoned hammer is aimed at the target faster.
        • Damage dealt increased from 200% to 300% weapon damage.
    • Phalanx
      • Base damage dealt by skill increased from 295% to 380% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Archers"
        • Damage dealt increased from 85% to 160% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Security"
        • Damage dealt increased from 200% to 285% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Shield Wall"
        • Damage dealt increased from 75% to 180% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Herd"
        • Chance to stun enemies increased from 25% to 30%.
      • Punishment
        • Base damage dealt by skill increased from 200% to 270% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Counterstrike"
        • Damage dealt increased from 70% to 94% weapon damage.
    • Shield Bash
      • Base damage dealt by skill increased from 325% to 370% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Rupture Strike"
        • Damage dealt by exploding enemies increased from 550% to 660% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Powerful Strike"
        • Damage dealt increased from 550% to 740% weapon damage.
        • The damage bonus is now 500% of the shield's block chance, rather than 150% as previously.
    • Horse
      • The base cooldown time of the skill has been reduced from 25 to 16 seconds.
      • The duration of the skill has been reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds.
      • This skill no longer removes stun effects from the Crusader.
      • Rune "Hardening"
        • The duration of the skill has been reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
      • Rune "Destructive Gallop"
        • Damage dealt increased from 475% to 515% weapon damage.
      • Rune "Nightmare"
        • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where flames would not burn long enough.
      • Rune "Capture"
        • Damage dealt increased from 125% to 185% weapon damage.
    • Wide swing
      • Base damage dealt by skill increased from 400% to 440% weapon damage.
  • Passive skills
    • Lord Commander
      • Now reduces the cooldown of the Mount skill by 25% and the Bombardment skill by 35%.

09 Jul Rosehip in Akkan: A topic for build connoisseurs. Hello Crusader fans. Please help me get detailed answers to ambiguous ones; not found on forums and Google; but very relevant questions for me. Build: Akkan Armor (5 pieces) + Summoner's Thorns (2 pieces). Questions: 1. Does area damage deal more than 100% damage? For example: I have 120% area damage, does this mean that with a blow (the “Punishment” skill) I will deal not 100%, but 120% of the damage to the enemies adjacent to my target? 2. Does area damage work on the skills: Bombardment, Consecration (with runes for spike damage)? 3. Weapon "Cleaver": its property "attacks deal 75%-100% of the damage of spikes" works on the skills: Bombardment, Consecration? 4. Weapon “Cleaver”: its property “attacks deal 75%-100% of the damage of thorns” works, in general, for skills; or just a simple attack? 5. Weapon “Cleaver”: does its property “attacks deal 75%-100% of spike damage” multiply with other bonuses for spike damage (during attacks), or are added to them? Also, please answer a few more practical questions about this build (Akkan's Armor (5 pieces) + Summoner's Spikes (2 pieces)): 6. Which of the one-handed weapons (Cleaver, Pig Cutter, Doomsayer) will give more damage to monsters? And why (detailed answer, with examples if possible; please). 7. What are the attack speed breakpoints for getting procs for 2 pieces of the Summoner's Thorns set? Each build is interesting not only in terms of effectiveness, but in terms of the specifics and mechanics of the game. This is why it may be of interest to some players. For this reason, it should have a separate topic on the forum: for theoretical acquaintance, getting answers to specialized questions and discussing the features of playing with this build. On our forum there are topics on Rosehip in the Summoner. This is a slightly different build. Therefore, there is no point in looking for exact answers to the above questions: the information will not be on 100% reliable; And there is no topic specifically on this build, which I find very sad - the build is interesting and playable for both rifts and medium VPs (without problems, in half the time, I complete 84 VPs (without caldesans). Now, such a topic, we have. darklord 10 09 Jul

26 Jun PTR 2.6.5. Cross. Hi all. I would like to know from those crosses who ran on the PTR how things are going with the cross, taking into account the fact that the shield and flail for Captain America were buffed for the LON assembly? Anything else new to say? Anna 9 26 Jun

12 Jun Discussion of crusader builds and equipment. Actually the subject. The first topic for the section, and although it is still too early to discuss, we must start the section somewhere. Evilet 3738 12 Jun

08 Jun Passive "Good Deed" Hi all! The description of the passive https://eu.diablo3.com/ru/class/crusader/passive/holy-cause states that the crusader will restore up to 1% of his total health every time he deals damage. If I understand correctly, this is not the same as restoring HP from a hit. I decided to play through the “Consecrated Shield” with the “Cleaving Shield” rune. With all legendaries, after the first hit on the enemy, the shield is divided into 3 pieces, each of which ricochets 6 more times. Those. almost 20 hits on various targets in one throw (which, by the way, is free and the spell is spammed non-stop). However, in this situation, the level of red liquid in the circle on the left side of the panel is in no hurry to creep up. :(The damage type of the ability is light. The damage type of the rune is light. Even on the flail, the damage type is light. Does anyone have any information on this issue? How does this passive actually work? Hatchet 0 08 Jun

04 Jun Invoker in spikes (bugs or fix)? I want to sum it up and put an end to it. After crawling around the Internet, forums, old topics, videos from YouTube, I came to the conclusion that the physics is caused by the gear (not the SS ring), the damage in the area and the crucible does not work or...??? And so, Invoker in Thorns, Klenov even studied this topic from A to Z, with the release of patches there were no comments from the blizzards, so that there were fixes, certain corrections... WelcomeTo13 37 04 Jun

10 Apr Divine Power Having decided to try out the Crusader and seeing the “Divine Might” passive, I wondered: Doesn’t the 20% damage nerf kill the damage advantage that a two-handed weapon usually gives over a one-handed weapon, taking into account the difference in attack speed? Suneku 1 10 Apr

10 Apr Are one-shots the norm? This is a question for you, friends. I’ve been playing on a non-seasonal character for 80 hours, and during this time I’ve already been playing on torture 13. It would seem that there’s a catch, the problem is that I’m on the 13th torture, that on the great portal of level 70 all the mobs are one-shotted and don’t carry me through at all . All because of this summoner set. It’s normal that I can’t equip any other set or take other abilities, otherwise the mobs won’t rush through at all, in this build they all get one-shots. I thought maybe the problem was me, I tried to change clothes, but with no other set there was such damage. Am I simply not using the potential of other sets and legendaries correctly, or have I broken the game, and in such an imba-set I walk around and poke my finger at one-shot portal bosses in 2 seconds, and is everything different for other characters/classes? Or if you play on a seasonal character, not all sets and not all legendaries are available there, but only certain ones? I just can’t understand, was this how it was intended, or did I break the system? Zoulkax 6 10 Apr

09 Apr Video: "Double Cruise 130 12:20" Good evening, Mainstat brothers. I’ll try to inspire you a little and please the Crosses at the moment and excellent three-killers and excellent bosskillers. Enjoy watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlmMmmcFibY REDVILAYN 1 09 Apr

25 Mar Who is canonical to play and who is it? THE END OF HER CRUSADER I followed the link (Crusader: find out the hero's story) in the description of the crusader (https://eu.diablo3.com/ru/class/crusader/) - this story gave rise to several questions: 1) Is the hero's story canonical? 2) If this is canon, then for the sake of canon you need to play a woman? 3) The story ends with Lilsa (the daughter of Reiter - the owner of the Oasis tavern) agreeing with Anaji’s proposal to become a crusader, they go together to the fallen star - this all means that in diablo lll we control Lilsay, who took the name Anaji after her death during the journey to Tristram (by the way, in one of the first tasks you can read how our crusader says that we need to find a student - this means one of them died)? And it’s possible that Lilsa died! Please help me figure it out)) THANK YOU in advance for your answer;) STRATEGIST 2 25 Mar

16 Mar How to kill Maltael with a cross solo on a master? I'm dying for the 4th time already. The cross is not so hot, but it removes half of his health, and then I’m constantly dying from its fire. Tell me what to do, maybe change the build? What is the best way to wet it? zaknaifen 16 16 Mar

21 Feb I'M COLLECTING A TOP BUILD FOR A CRUSADER Hello people! I've been playing Diablo relatively recently, no more than 100 hours. I decided to upgrade the crusader in season 16 and came up with an interesting build.. 30 hours of play = easy farming lvl 60. portal. I'm going through the adventure on Torment Xlll. It's most convenient to lay down a bunch of mobs. Bosses also go down quickly, since the main perk is (wide swing), and the set increases the attack speed - restoring anger allows you to hit every 5 hits with the "Wide Swing" perk, taking into account 13,000%. (Almost eternal anger at the crusader) Video breakdown of the level 60 portal: https://vk.com/video23700483_456239476 (uploaded to VK, because it’s faster) Here’s the build (the stats have not been updated - at the time of publication the damage was 1.1 million): https: //eu.diablo3.com/ru/profile/Ympuuuu-2802/hero/117406418 P.s. there are shoals, they are quickly demolished (perks help you last longer + vampirism). I am solving this problem at the moment - by pumping up strength and armor. I will be glad to hear your opinion) Ympuuuu 3 21 Feb

12 Feb Builds with Howll's Insight Hi all! I couldn’t find any up-to-date information on builds from https://eu.diablo3.com/ru/item/blessed-of-haull-P2_Unique_Belt_05 It seems like an interesting mechanic that allows you to stay away from the battle, which will greatly increase survivability, you can use rings for 50+ 50% damage from alternating abilities, you can use Akila's cuirass. Does it make sense to collect or is it not relevant now? Unfortunately, there is not enough time to study the issue myself. Does anyone have experience using it? raskalbass 1 12 Feb

12 Feb Pet breeding Hello, crusaders.?page=1 or video with examples of gameplay on T6 in different variations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvNeFuqi5zc and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRU72L1gDbw In your country, I see, pet breeding is more common. I'm thinking about creating such a crusader. I would like to ask your opinion how strong he is (the goal is high-speed farming of T6), I really want to see a video demonstrating the gameplay and your expert assessment of what is better - a barbarian pet breeder (see video above) or a crusader. Ings 34 12 Feb

10 Feb LoN Rebuke + Fire 100% + Scourge dachshunds I tried to put together a LoN build for the cross on fire + reprimand (in the cube, Jan's pants + editsvo ring) in all the things I could, I increased the CD and in the end I got a figure of 66.06%, and with this figure, the account still recharges for about 10 seconds. those. a complete rollback is not enough. Without an account we will die. so I took unity into the cube and onto the satellite. You can also take “zodiac” instead of unity, but there won’t be much of an increase and the remaining cooldown time of the akkana will decrease to 6-7 seconds. The result is like this - 9.3kk damage from fire. if instead of unity you throw SS - the elemental damage is a little more than 10.5kk https://i.imgur.com/ZN7hmfm.jpg then I picked up this sword - Scourge and it says that the damage from fire is 1800-2000% with a chance of 45 %. This skill works almost every hit, but significant damage is not visible on the screen. https://i.imgur.com/k40eNcq.jpg who is good with mathematics? where is the damage? if I take the Primordial Crucible instead of this sword, the damage to mobs remains at the same level: (I threw the current profile into the d3planner https://www.d3planner.com/458543909 p.s. maybe the Scourge there has a scattering radius of 5 meters and that’s why I I don’t see a significant difference? ZampolitAS 1 10 Feb

09 Feb Question for experts: “True memory” Guys, hello everyone. Well, I've been playing D3 for about 3 weeks. For some reason, everyone is criticizing the two-hander "True Memory" in the light assembly. I kind of run with it, I put “Joanna’s Argument” through the cube. Stats: 1790-2234 damage from light 1457 strength 1452 survivability - 10% cost of anger + 265 to strength (from improvement) 2.6% chance of slowing down drilled a hole for an emerald (+130% crit) Why is he not very good? I feel comfortable with him. Through it, the “Hallowed Hammer” merges very kosher with the “Falling Sword”, if you get the hang of it. Tried the ancient "Joanna's Argument" with the "Crucible" through the cube. Yes, it’s easier to kill RB, but you still have to get to RB in the VP)))) P.S. How to shift clothes on this forum? rds 3 09 Feb

29 Jan Need help with the "Summoner's Thorns" build Are there any cross folders here?) Look at my thorn bearer, what should I change in it and everything is right, I hardened it?) Persh 27 29 Jan

26 Jan Akkana set via Censure question. I have a question: does the hero's damage affect the damage of the rebuke? Why did I ask such a question, it’s simple, I rolled the primordial amulet and there I had to choose either to put 100% critical damage, or 20% light damage, can anyone tell me which is better? Ast1onaX 12 26 Jan

23 Jan Cross in Season 16 and patch 2.6.4. Cross. Season 16 and patch 2.6.4. Hi all. I would like to know the latest news from those who run in PTR for this class. Please tell me what and how))) Anna 36 23 Jan

22 Jan Akkan Armor Dungeon I usually don't have any questions about the mechanics of the game, but I'm confused here. It requires hitting at least a dozen opponents with Reprimand 12 times. What would seem simpler? They run up on their own, we hit - we hook at least 14-19. But the problem is different. Let's say I hit a group of enemies with Reprimand, hitting 14 of them. Most are alive. I again wait until they surround me and hit (I should hit at least 11-13), but the game reports that I only hit two! How is this possible? As a result, each group can only be hit once, because no matter how many enemies survive, a second strike will only hit a couple of enemies, regardless of how many of them are standing around. The rest take damage but are not counted towards the counter. Okay, so each group only needs to be hit once, which would require twelve groups of enemies. There is not so much on location! Apparently the game wants me to hit the same group repeatedly but doesn't count the hit. As a result, the dungeon is impassable. Therefore, a question arises regarding the mechanics of calculating damage from Reprimand. When does the game not consider an enemy to be taking damage when they take damage? ZakPSX 3 22 Jan

11 Jan Cry for help =) Hello everyone, please look at my Motaro cross, what needs to be added there for durability to appear, otherwise at 60 VP I’ll die from just the sight of the mobs =)) Nattramn 12 11 Jan

24 Dec 2018 cdr Guys, I don’t understand how the cdr works. I know that the mechanics are dimming. I saw a cross, he has no cdr on 1 ring, while he has cdr on the shield of 8% and on gloves 7%, weapons 10%, 1 ring by 8% and a crown and he has 66% cdr, but I have 58% with Why do I have both rings by 8%, shoulders by 8% (he too), gloves by 5%, a shield by 7% and a cannon by 10%, why does he add more frame than me? JUICE 8 24 Dec 2018

10 Dec 2018 Give me some advice!! Hi all! I want to immediately apologize if my questions seem stupid and ridiculous. I recently started playing Diablo 3 as a cross. And I had a few questions: I have the legendary catfish (gogok, curse of the captives and the smitten lvl 56). 1. At what lvl is it better to insert them into gear or weapons? Which ones and where and with what gems? Thanks in advance for your answer. djunk 1 10 Dec 2018

07 Dec 2018 Shield selection Good afternoon. Cross for reprimand. There is a shield of freedair's wrath, not ancient: 8% cdr 10% ksh 15% damage from censure. In bed affix 725 to censure There is a primordial shield of freedair's anger in which you can roll the affix. Question: continue to use the first shield? Or roll the cdr in the original one and harden it? Magnus 3 07 Dec 2018

04 Dec 2018 Novice Crusader Good afternoon everyone. Played d3 with euro release 3 weeks forty. A couple of years ago I bought the RoS add-on and decided to rock the magpie and run around with it a little. He carried out assignments, poured bloody fragments into Kadale, and even closed several great portals solo. But after a month of playing I got bored and forgot about it. Now I'm back and decided to create a seasonal hero. The choice fell on the crusader. First impressions - cool, a fighting machine, it goes into the crowd and smashes everyone to pieces. After a dead forty, it’s a thrill to play. I played most of the campaign on Master difficulty. There were no problems. But in act 5 things started to go crazy. On the Master, he even died once on the pack on the way to Pandemonia. I beat mobs for a very long time. After that I had to demote him to Expert. I spent a long time and painfully picking at Adria and Maltael. In profile, he now baked Chimtob under Maltael - he pounded with a blow from his shield. And the whole campaign was carried out in the same spec as it is now, except for the shield strike. On PKM there was a skill with a wide scope, it seems. Eats 20 anger. Please advise how to further develop the character. I only play solo. The gear so far is only the one I’m wearing + in the chest there are low legendaries waiting for the Kanai cube. So far the main problem is damage. I've been picking for too long Pah 10 04 Dec 2018

14 Nov 2018 Fast Fan party There are thoughts for a fast non-meth group. Of the supports, viz-sap and var or monk. From the demagers: dx on daggers with a mark and a wolf and a cross. In theory, it shouldn't turn out bad, although, of course, it can't be compared with the official meta. I’ll describe about 3 out of 4 as having strongman’s bracers, which is 90% of the bonus damage. 1) Viz sap bonus to damage (dome 15%, freeze 33%, passive Cold Blood 10%, toxin 10%, radiance of ice + 10% crit, + 10% attack speed inside the dome) bonus to durability + ~ 50% inside the dome . Strongmen+30%. 2) Var sap (scream for 25% bonus damage, 10% lacerations), bonus to durability from the scream + 30% to slope, 25% crowd laws. Strongmen+30%. 2.1) Monk sap (monk assembled with 2 pieces of hive for hanging palms for bonus 15% damage, mantra attacks speed + 10%). Strongmen+30%. 3)Dx (wolf -15% multiplicative increase in damage, mark with the infection rune 15% additive damage). in the theory of Retribution among dkh. 4) Cross (principle of attacks speed 7-15%). Strongmen+30%. Thus, dh acts as a kind of bosskiller for solo targets, the cross sorts out the heaps. Actually, the question for this forum thread is: is there a cross with free time to test all this? Algren 14 14 Nov 2018

12 Nov 2018 Party 4 players Good day. I play for the cross in Akkan through Reprimand. Build and skills as in solo pushing (https://eu.diablo3.com/en/profile/Magnus-23624/hero/103825703). Tell me, when playing in a party of 4 people, how to make this build more effective? Or is it the same whether in solo or in a party? In other words, what is the correct way to cross in a party of 4 people? Magnus 1 12 Nov 2018

09 Nov 2018 please criticize the build - I ask for advice my build - https://eu.diablo3.com/en/profile/French-2641/hero/112641525 (note - I play for fun, without fanaticism, I’m a beginner, I’ve closed 60 VP so far) I put together this build based on Wide Swing in Rolland's set. without a crucible. I like the mechanics of the game - a lot of very fast (after gaining attack speed) and strong hits, good survivability (at 190kk you gain stamina under all buffs). of the minuses - the usual walking speed, I didn’t take a horse - I took a taunt instead. because anger ends quickly. not all things are as they should be - but we are grinding slowly. Why is this build worse than a build with a crucible? what could be added here? Frenchman 4 09 Nov 2018

24 Oct 2018 Comparison of two blades. A question. There are two ancient blades of prophecy. In one, the average damage is 300 lower, but the censure is 798, and in the other, the average damage is 300 higher, but the censure is 786. Which is better? And how to calculate this? Inguisitor 10 24 Oct 2018

08 Oct 2018 How to survive?)) Hello everyone) When viewing my profile during a seasonal hike, it is clear that my crusader is dressed rather poorly, but the question arose about how to survive. When viewing the profiles of other players, some have less bait than mine, they shoot at 70 VP even in the champion) GoodGame 2 08 Oct 2018

07 Oct 2018 Build without complete items. Good afternoon. Conquests are completely impossible for me this season. The only thing that I think can be done is to go through the 45th portal without set items. I've already tried different options, but the damage is sorely lacking. I would be very grateful if you give me links to several options for ready-made builds. Thank you in advance. ChaserMT 4 07 Oct 2018

04 Oct 2018 FEAR appears, how to remove it Good day. Please tell me where the fear effect comes from??? The cross is censure, there is no fear on clothes, skills and knowledge. Thanks in advance. hikaGold 4 04 Oct 2018

04 Oct 2018 Condemnation through fire Has anyone tried to collect censure through fire, what are the disadvantages of this build, if there was such a topic, stick your nose into it. Rozneritsa 1 04 Oct 2018

30 Sep 2018 Game mechanics. Why is it that when I spam Reprimand, it fires much fewer times over a period of time than if I try to hit the GCD with a click. Moreover, these are some sky-high numbers: when spamming, Reprimand is triggered 20 times in 20 seconds, with a perfect GCD press, if you never fail - 30 times in 20 seconds. It's just a wild difference. DirtySouth 1

In the western kingdom of Kejistan, I heard rumors about the warriors of Zakarum, the crusaders. And although the inhabitants of these lands were taciturn, I was able to come to the conclusion that this order was founded two hundred years ago, at the time when Rakkis led his army of paladins to the west. But these crusaders... they headed east with a completely different mission.

My records indicate that a high priest of Zakarum named Akhan felt something eating at the heart of his faith. He knew that the corruption would eventually destroy his beloved church, and he must act. After much prayer, Akhan came up with the idea of ​​creating an order of crusaders.

Akhan selected the most devoted, pious and militant acolytes of Zakarum. He taught them to channel the power of the Light in the same way as the paladins did when they were reborn. But the paladins were not granted, like these crusaders, the primordial divine powers of Zakarum.

When the crusaders had learned all they could, Akhan sent them to all corners of the world in search of a way to cleanse themselves of the filth that snaked around the heart of the Zakarum faith. They did not have a clear goal, and some clerics stated that it was a fruitless endeavor doomed to failure. But the determination of the crusaders was unshakable.

The crusaders took an oath to devote their lives to the search. They were convinced that their crusade would not end once evil was destroyed. They believed that the quest would elevate them, that the piety of their lives and pilgrimage was the true goal. To be a crusader was to find meaning in the quest itself.

Each Crusader was a warrior of rare strength. They were masters in handling weapons and shields, they had perfect control of their bodies and acquired the power of Light. Each of them swore to live and die as a crusader. Two hundred years ago, they took disciples and went to the wetlands in the east, and no one heard from them again. Up to this day...

There are rumors that the crusaders have returned, that they are going to go west. But who are these tall, blond warriors? They are not at all like those crusaders who left Travincal two hundred years ago, and the current inhabitants of the ruins of this ancient city consider them impostors!

Just recently I met a crusader who was returning from oblivion, and only then did I understand... Every crusader takes a disciple. When the crusader dies, the student takes his place in the order, takes his armor and even his name! When the first generation of crusaders died, their own disciples took their place. And this went on for two hundred years...

Of the four hundred and twenty-seven crusaders who disappeared in the east, three hundred and forty-one returned. Are they still seeking redemption in their faith? How will they respond to the destruction of the city from which they once came? Will they continue to move west towards the lands of Westmarch? And what does their return portend?...

The third issue of the “Weekly Theorycraft” column has been released (formerly Theorycraft Thursdays). This time we are invited to get acquainted with a build for shield lovers - the Crusader called “Commander” from Leviathan. We remind you that anyone can get into the category if the description of your unusual build matches the quality of Blizzard.

Official Blizzard quote ()

One of the many factors that influenced the development of the Crusaders' skills was their history. As members of a holy warrior order, Crusaders never fight alone and rely on their comrades in battle. Today Leviathan#1356 shared with us a development option for a crusader who makes full use of the capabilities of his companions and is capable of both inflicting great damage in a short time and quickly replenishing resources.


Everyone knows that the best defense is an attack, and Leviathan’s commander lives up to this saying like no other. Phalanx is the cornerstone of this crusader's skill set, and with additional companions that can be summoned by appropriate items (such as Vaho's Possession and the Ashira Robes set), an entire army can be assembled under the leadership of a commander.

In addition, this development option specializes in dealing a lot of damage in a short period of time. “The main goal is to always have multi-target abilities on hand to take out weak monsters, and then quickly deal big damage to groups of special enemies before they surround you,” Leviathan writes to us. “Many people think that the most important thing in heroic mode is to have good defense, but I think that offensive skills are just as important.”

My very own crusader became a warlord this week! In order to deal high damage effectively and quickly, Leviathan decided to focus on replenishing resources. Therefore, his Crusader uses one-handed weapons and skills with low cooldowns so that he can use powerful attacks frequently. After all, the less often enemies attack the Crusader, the less damage he will have to absorb.


Before we go into more detail about this character's skills, it's important to note that Leviathan introduced this build prior to the release of Patch 2.0.5 this week. While we didn't make any changes to Leviathan's original design, we did have to provide some comments on how the changes in the recent update affected the concept and operation of the warlord.

Active skills

  • Justice (Explosion rune)
    • The main skill that accumulates anger.
    • The skill pairs well with items like “Vaho’s Possession” or the “Ashira’s Robes” set, since the effects of these items will trigger quite often.
    • Thanks to the built-in stun, the skill also has the potential to control opponents.
  • Hand of Heaven (Retribution rune)
    • A basic skill that allows you to deal damage to multiple targets.
    • The main (and only) skill that consumes anger.
    • Allows the Crusader to deal great damage from a distance.
    • Unlike other similar abilities, Fist of the Heavens allows players to more accurately target a specific area to deal damage.
  • Steed (Rune "Destructive Gallop")
    • An excellent skill to start a fight.
    • The character will mainly use this skill to move away from danger.
  • Phalanx (Archers rune)
    • The short cooldown suits our Crusader best and pairs well with the Champion of Akarat skill.
      • Champion of Akarat no longer resets the cooldown of Phalanx (with the Archers rune), but allows you to use this skill several times in a row.
      • As a result, the Crusader is able to summon more allies to help him, allowing him to fight waves of monsters more effectively, leaving nothing to chance.
    • The skill is suitable for ranged combat.
    • The skill allows you to summon allies, which fits perfectly into the theme of this development option.
  • Principle of Valor (Critical Strike rune)
    • High attack speed allows you to replenish resources faster.
    • The increased damage on a critical hit is consistent with the features of this build and pairs well with Phalanx.
    • Additional attacks increase the chance of various effects triggering.
  • Champion of Akarat (Focus Rune)
    • A great way to increase damage dealt and accumulate resources for powerful attacks.
    • Allows you to significantly reduce the cooldown time of skills. Combines well with skills that have a short cooldown.
      • Note: This skill was changed in update 2.0.5.
      • Champion of Akarat no longer resets the cooldown of skills, but allows you to use them several times in a row.
      • As a result, the Crusader is able to deal high damage more consistently, allowing him to fight waves of monsters more effectively without leaving anything to chance.
    • Allows you to resist control effects, which is very valuable in heroic mode.

Passive skills

Passive skills open up much more room for experimentation. As a result, the skills listed below are not required for this development option.

  • Righteousness
    • Additional resource replenishment allows you to regularly use Fist of the Heavens while your other skills are on cooldown.
  • Lord Commander
    • Significantly increases the damage dealt by Phalanx.
    • Allows you to keep the “Steed” ready for especially dangerous moments in battle.
  • Multicolor
    • An excellent damage booster.
  • Sharpness
    • Combines well with the main skill, which replenishes resources, which allows you to increase the damage dealt.


A commander needs a team, so he can’t do without friends! The recommended items, a list of which you will find below, will be incredibly useful and will allow you to survive in the most fierce battles. On the other hand, various ways to speed up resource replenishment will allow you to deal more damage.

Unfortunately, Leviathan's very first commander died, but you can see his equipment in the image above.

Strictly speaking, these items are not necessary, but their properties that allow you to summon allies, as well as an increase in survivability, are ideal for this development option.

  • Ashira's Robes
    • The bonus from the four pieces of the set allows you to call on allies for help, who will take part of the damage inflicted by monsters.
    • The items in this set can be crafted, making them easier to obtain. In addition, it will be much easier for players to pick up other pieces of equipment.
  • Waho's obsession
    • Dark reflections summoned with this item can stun enemies.

These items are suitable as an addition to the main ones, allowing you to increase their power.

  • Reaper's Wristwraps
    • This item can be crafted, making it easier to obtain. Reaper's Wristbands are great for starting your search for the items you need.
    • Provides efficient replenishment of resources for any class.
  • Ring of Royal Luxury
    • This is a fairly popular item, but our development uses many items from the sets, making this ring especially valuable.
  • Power of Ogild
    • The three-piece bonus will increase your survivability during battles in Nephalem Rifts.
    • This item is perfect for any heroic character.

Specific items are not so important for this development option, and their absence can be easily compensated for by increasing the characteristics listed below.

  • Since this development option relies on its companions and assistants, the “Damage on a Critical Hit” characteristic corresponds to the general concept and goes well with the “Phalanx” (with the “Archers” rune).
  • Attack speed affects not only the amount of damage per second, but also the replenishment of resources.
  • Indicators “+ X units. physical damage" or "+ X units. Lightning Damage" can also be useful, but they are not necessary, since the Crusader's skills are divided into types of elemental damage.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the properties of items that increase the damage from certain skills (such as Phalanx, Fist of Heaven and Judgment).

When Leviathan introduced us to this build, he was already using it extensively on Heroic difficulty on Torment III. Of course, by raising the damage dealt and durability to a certain level, the commander is able to fight effectively at any difficulty level. He is best at carrying out assignments and fighting in Nephalem portals.

The brave commander Buffy managed to crush many opponents, but she still fell in battle.

Why we like this development option

Development options that rely on helpers are always very interesting, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is always more fun to fight in company, and a crusader is a born commander. Of course, this powerful character is capable of setting the heat on his enemies even without any help, but if he also leads the army, then it’s unlikely that anyone will want to mess with him. Additionally, the ability to deal a lot of damage in a short period of time is also very attractive as it makes the game more dynamic, which we really like. Players who have just started playing in heroic mode are not recommended to immediately rush into battle, but, on the other hand, crusaders who rely on the presented development option are able to get out of even the most difficult scrapes.

And you won't have to bend down to get items (note: the chance of getting items does not increase).

Tell us what you think about this development option!

Warlord Leviathan is a new, fresh take on an already familiar character. Usually sorcerers and demon hunters use assistants, but the crusaders also turned out to be quite capable military leaders. The presented version of the development follows a clear theme, while it is quite suitable for the game. In general, the commander performed excellently in battle, as stated.

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