What a fool this leader of the Isaev party is. Nikita Isaev - fake oppositionist and face from TV

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Biography, life story of Nikita Olegovich Isaev

Nikita Olegovich Isaev is a Russian entrepreneur, statesman and politician.

Early years. Education

Nikita Isaev was born in Moscow on November 12, 1978 in the family of Subbotnik Oleg Alexandrovich and his wife Ekaterina Yuryevna Isaeva. The family was large - besides Nikita, there were four more girls and one boy growing up. Oleg and Ekaterina, together with the children, huddled in a communal apartment.

In 1995, Nikita graduated from secondary school No. 325 and received a silver medal along with his certificate. At school I studied jurisprudence in depth, so I entered the university accordingly. Nikita became a student at the Moscow State Law Academy. In 2001, he received a diploma of higher education and immediately entered graduate school at the same educational institution. In 2004, Isaev was awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences. He defended his dissertation entitled “The Legal Nature of the Reinsurance Agreement” at the Russian State University for the Humanities.


Back in 1997, while studying at Moscow State Law Academy, Nikita Isaev founded the Financial House training center, whose activities consisted of providing young Russian entrepreneurs with up-to-date knowledge about the financial market and the correct handling of money.

In 1998, Isaev began to get involved in youth politics. Already in 1999, he became the head of the public organization “Foundation for Support of Young Leaders”. The Foundation was engaged in developing optimistic and at the same time realistic thinking among young entrepreneurs during the economic crisis. Thanks to this work, Nikita realized that he was well versed in crisis management and could do a lot of good in this area.

In 2000, Nikita Isaev began practicing law. He worked as the head of the legal department at the insurance company National Insurance Group. In 2001, after entering graduate school, he became a teacher of the “Business Law” course at the Moscow State Law Academy, as well as a teacher of several special courses at the Russian State University for the Humanities.


In 2002, Isaev headed the Legal Department and the Department for Special and Strategic Issues. Until 2004, he was a member of the insurance expert council of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, a member of the General Legislation Committee and the Reinsurance Committee of the All-Russian Union of Insurers; led the working group on the creation of arbitration courts of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, was a member of the working group on the methodology of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

In 2004, Nikita Olegovich created the insurance company Prime Insurance. Three years later, the company became a large insurance holding company, uniting a couple of dozen Russian and foreign insurance companies and brokers. In 2006, Isaev organized the financial and industrial holding Prime Group, whose activities included the construction industry, trade, media, education and other activities.

In 2006, Nikita Olegovich joined the United Russia party and became a member of the party’s personnel reserve. At the same time, the entrepreneur focused on youth policy, business education and the development of children’s and youth sports (he himself adored football from an early age - both playing and watching). Thus, Nikita Isaev was a member of the Commission for the Development of Children and Youth Sports of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports, Chairman of the Commission for Youth Business Education of the Public Council under the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Isaev created the Youth Business School, and also acted as the author of the idea and general producer of the television reality project “Football Academy”. In addition, Nikita Olegovich for some time hosted the author’s program “Private Law with Nikita Isaev” on the “Capital” channel.

In 2006-2007, Nikita worked in the Government of the Ivanovo region. At first he was the head of the investment department, and over time he rose to the position of deputy head of the department for industrial development and innovation - executive secretary of the Council for the placement of productive forces and investments in the Ivanovo region. At the beginning of 2008, Nikita Olegovich became Secretary of State at the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Youth Affairs. At the end of the same year, Isaev became assistant to the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. At the end of 2009, Isaev was awarded the rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

In 2010, Nikita Olegovich became director of the Department of Special Programs and Territorial Development Projects of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, on the basis of the Youth Business School and the Financial House, Isaev organized and headed the research organization Institute of Contemporary Economics.

In 2015-2016, Nikita Olegovich was the acting chairman of the Presidium of the Political Council of the Rodina party. In January 2017, Isaev became the head of the socio-political movement “New Russia”.

Personal life

In 2006, Nikita Isaev met with a TV presenter and socialite

The actions of the current economic bloc of the government are leading the country to a dead end. This was discussed, at which the decision was made to withdraw the air defense in opposition to the government's economic course. Our proposals, fragments from the party's economic program.

Some time ago, the rector of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, Professor A.S. Zapesotsky spoke in KP with an article entitled . The material is tough and interesting. Literally a few days after this, the Zvezda TV channel invited me to the “Special Article” program, which implied a discussion of this material. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the studio and was asked to participate via Skype.

Along with the author of the article, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeevich Zapesotsky, in the studio were the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” Pavel Gusev, as well as the director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics Nikita Isaev. The same expert who (that is, his exchange rate to the dollar is too ... small) about whom we talked last week. “Value” was given to his words by the fact that Nikita Isaev is the second person in the Rodina party - Chairman of the Presidium of the Political Council of the party.

The program was recorded and not broadcast live, and since there were some problems with Skype (connection) in the studio, I listened to almost the entire discussion while waiting for it to go on air.

Full version of the program:

Nikolai Starikov about the economic crisis and German Gref:

I would like to note that PChairman of the Presidium of the Political Council of the Rodina party Nikita Isaev surprised me on this broadcast.

A few things:

1. Naivety or even sympathy for perestroika (see about 8.30 min). It is obvious that Gorbachev and his accomplices did not start the “changes” in the USSR to improve the economy or its careful transformation into something more efficient and productive.

Perestroika was started to destroy the USSR! Just like “privatization” according to Gaidar and Chubais, it was done to transfer the property of our people into the hands of TNCs, by temporarily transferring it into the hands of the so-called oligarchs. And naivety, bordering on a lack of understanding of political processes, is inappropriate for people professionally involved in politics.

2. Today, only inveterate liberals or complete fools can talk about the need for privatization as such, after what happened in the 90s. The thesis “private is always more effective than public” is false from the very beginning. Otherwise, Norway or Saudi Arabia would have private, rather than state, oil companies. But both Saudi Aramco and Statoil belong to the state. Just like China's oil monopoly. Ownership does not guarantee efficiency. Management, goal setting, managerial talents, names of leaders - these are the components of success. For example, the surname Chubais is synonymous with bankruptcy and the sale of property. Why? Because Chubais’s task is to quickly and effectively distribute state property into the right hands and for pennies.

So Nikita Isaev from the Rodina party is not against the next round of privatization, as such. He agrees that private is always more effective. He simply believes that there is no need to privatize now – it’s still cheap.


“Privatization is not only revenue to the budget, it is a change of owner to an effective owner. If we accept that the state is an ineffective owner, offer effective owners, offer a real buyout price for real money, only now only foreigners can offer this, because there is absolutely no internal investment resource.” (see 15.45 min)

Do you understand the difference? We, the Great Fatherland Party (GF), are against privatization in principle.

The second person in the Rodina party agrees that “the state is ineffective” and suggests not selling while assets are cheap.

3. During the discussion, Nikita Isaev, in response to Zapesotsky’s remark about the rapid restoration of the USSR economy after a terrible war, said that “under Stalin there was a totalitarian regime.” To him about the effectiveness of state management of the economy - in response to the cliché of Western propaganda, which has nothing to do with ECONOMY. But it perfectly shows how the second person in a party that wants to be considered patriotic actually thinks. The logic is poor. The private is always better than the state, and if there is an example of the opposite from our history, then this is a “totalitarian regime.” Doesn't this remind you of liberal rhetoric? Reminds me a lot. I expressed my bewilderment and indignation at this approach when I was given the floor.

It is difficult to say what motivated the authors of the program, but Nikita Isaev’s words and my response on this topic were cut out from the final version of the program. I don’t understand such selective censorship - it’s strange that words and ideas that will help the mass of voters understand what is actually hidden behind the beautiful and correct slogans that Nikita Isaev usually “spouts” are deleted. It seems that someone is deliberately masking the mistakes and slips made by this leader of the Rodina party.

However, in such a situation, it is difficult for voters to make an informed choice, and the Rodina party itself will never know that in the second position there is a person whose views cannot be called patriotic.

Do we need such “patriots” in the Duma, painfully reminiscent of liberals and even ready to outdo them in depressing the value of the national currency? Do you agree to privatize state property when it becomes more expensive? And those who consider the great past of our country a “totalitarian regime”?

Many were surprised by the position of the State Duma deputy when he opposed the reunification of Russia and Crimea. Why be surprised? During the election campaign, he spoke beautiful words, used socialist rhetoric and got into the Duma. And there he directly engaged in anti-state activities, the pinnacle of which was. So today we already see that, under the cover of patriotic rhetoric, people are trying to go to the Duma whose views cannot be called patriotic.

A patriot is one who respects his history. All. Without a trace. Both the Russian Empire and the USSR. And kings and general secretaries. He understands that both the first and second acted within the framework of a historical context, at a certain time and in a certain era. And he is always on the side of his country, no matter what it is called. He proposes measures that are adequate to the historical context in economics and politics. Today. And today to advocate privatization means to completely ignore the results of the previous one, which significantly WEAKNESSED rather than strengthened our country.

I would venture to assume that if such political “shifters”, the appearance of which is already noticeable, appear in large numbers and actively advocate “for everything patriotic is good, against everything bad,” then the word “patriot” risks acquiring a negative connotation and meaning, like this has already happened with the words “liberal” and “democrat”.

We need to be more careful. We need to look less at beautiful slogans. And - listen.

They will definitely talk. As they say, let a liberal speak and he will say everything himself.

This rule also applies to political “shifters”.

Most of Nikita Isaev’s conscious life is connected with business and politics, and now he directs the work of the Institute of Contemporary Economics, heads the Board of Directors of the Prime Group Holding Company, teaches at the Moscow State Academy of Law, and heads the “New Russia” movement. Nikita Isaev prefers not to talk about his personal life, and even at public events only one appears.

It is known that he is married and has two children, but it is impossible to find information about who Nikita Isaev’s wife is, where they met, how their family life is going. Before meeting his wife, Nikita Olegovich met with the famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, and they say they even wanted to get married, but later the couple broke up.

Isaev is a Muscovite, born into a large family, where five more children were growing up besides him, and he spent his childhood in a Moscow communal apartment. Parents tried to give Nikita Olegovich a good education - he studied at a high school with a legal bias, considered one of the best in the country.

Isaev was always one of the best students, became a silver medalist, and after receiving a certificate he entered the Moscow State Law Academy. While studying at the university, Isaev became the founder of the Financial House, a center for training young entrepreneurs. Later, on its basis and on the basis of the Youth Business School, Isaev founded the Institute of Contemporary Economics, which was supposed to become a platform for discussions on economics, politics, and social development.

He also did not forget about political activities - in his senior years he headed the “Young Leaders Foundation”, which opened the way for Isaev into the field of crisis management.

After graduating from university, Nikita Olegovich entered graduate school and four years later became a candidate of legal sciences.

Nikita Isaev’s work biography began with work at the National Insurance Group company, where he headed the legal department, and two years later became the head of the Legal Department. Nikita Olegovich created his own company, Prime Insurance, specializing in the insurance business, in 2004, and in three years it became one of the leaders in the insurance market.

Isaev’s company united up to twenty domestic and foreign firms and brokers, and two years later it became a holding company whose activities extended to trade, education, media, construction and other industries.

Nikita Olegovich did not forget about public activities in the field of youth policy. Isaev was involved in the development of children's sports and implemented several projects on economic education for youth.

On the channel “Capital” he hosted his own television project “Private Law with Nikita Isaev”. One of Nikita Olegovich’s interesting projects was the “Football Academy” project, the goal of which was to search for young talented athletes worthy of defending the honor of Russian football.

In 2008, Isaev took the place of Assistant Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and was involved in coordinating issues related to the restoration of South Ossetia, destroyed during aggressive actions by Georgia, and two years later in this ministry he was appointed head of the Department of Social Programs.

In 2016, Nikita Olegovich, who headed the political council of Rodina, tried to take part in the primaries of United Russia, but was removed. Since January 2017, Isaev has headed the socio-political movement “New Russia”.

Now Isaev is a frequent guest of various shows where discussions are held on socio-political topics.

Participant in many political talk shows and programs on Russian television, an opposition politician who has gone from “a moderate liberal to an unqualified patriot and back to a liberal.” In addition, this person is a social activist, economist, lawyer, teacher and businessman. Now he is the director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics. Meet Nikita Isaev (Subbotkin).

Some biographical information

Nikita was born in Moscow on November 12, 1978 in the large family of Oleg Alexandrovich Subbotkin and Ekaterina Yuryevna Isaeva. In addition to Nikita, she raised four sisters and one brother. The family lived in a communal apartment in the late 70s.

The boy was inquisitive and smart since childhood. He studied well, graduated from 11 classes in 1995 with a silver medal. Mentioned on the school website in the section of the best students of the capital's educational institution No. 325. Entered the Moscow State Law University - Moscow State Law University named after. Kutafina. According to him, he saw himself as a lawyer from the age of 13. He also did excellent work at the university, after which he was accepted into graduate school. In 2006 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

Since the late 90s, he energetically entered into public activities, in particular, he worked in the field of youth politics. He even created an educational company to teach aspiring entrepreneurs how to manage their finances.

In the 2000s he began legal and commercial practice in the insurance industry. Acted as an expert of the antimonopoly service. At the same time, he taught at the Department of Law at the Russian Humanities University.

Around the same period, he became deeply interested in politics. He joined United Russia and even decided to leave a fairly successful business for a while for the sake of public service. He held several positions, mainly related to regional development matters.

At the end of 2015, he joined the Rodina party, even acting as chairman of the party council.

In 2017 - leader of the New Russia movement.

He was actively involved in the development of children's and youth sports, invented and produced the television project “Football Academy” in Krasnoyarsk. In addition, he created and hosted the program “Private Law with Nikita Isaev” on the “Capital” channel.

  • Loves sweets, vacations on exotic islands, football and modern music.
  • From an early age, his parents taught him to winter swim, thanks to which he does not catch a cold even in his adult years.
  • He is friends with Abramovich, Nadezhdin, Dmitry Gudkov and football player Dmitry Sychev.
  • He almost married the co-host of the TV show “Dom-2” Ksenia Borodina.
  • Baptized, professes Orthodoxy (unofficially he is an adherent of Kabbalistic teachings).
  • As a boy, I dreamed of visiting Artek, but I managed to achieve this only as an adult, and in the status of deputy minister. He says that real dreams come true sooner or later.
  • Enemies consider “Nikitka” a pathological swindler. They say that the second one is growing up.

Isaev believes...

... it is difficult to seriously respond to calls to move the capital of Russia to the geographical center of the country. This is all “a collection of proposals from the populist’s box.” Some hope to get rid of the motorcades with flashing lights in Moscow, others dream of raising the standard of living, as in the white-stone. But regions should develop in a normal country regardless of where the capital is located;

... politics and populism are synonymous words, people love to be deceived, and politicians love to deceive;

... the import substitution program has not yet become effective. The domestic industry has not strengthened. If Western sanctions are suddenly lifted, and foreign goods again find themselves in Russia with free and uncontrolled access, then on the one hand, this will increase competition, but on the other, it will finish off Russian industry;

...freedom is better than non-freedom;

...Russians should under no circumstances break away from their roots.

User opinions about Isaev

Some consider him a competent specialist and a reasonable person, others consider him an outright saboteur. Some people think that this gentleman knows what to do, how to get the country out of the crisis, others are sure that Isaev is just a windbag, with little knowledge of politics and economics.

We do not undertake to judge him, and provide this opportunity to our readers.

Lately people have started asking me what I think about Nikita Isaev, whom a number of media outlets call “opposition politician, economist, political scientist, leader of the “New Russia” movement.” In January 2017, the Life publication, known for being used to “mochilov” the non-systemic opposition, published a note “Nikita Isaev’s New Russia Movement will compete for the protest electorate,” in which it said that this organization “is going to act as a constructive opponent of the current authorities and fight for the location and sympathy of the urban protest electorate." As a matter of fact, if Life praises someone and calls something “constructive,” then at a minimum you should be suspicious of this.

Let's take a closer look at this character, from whom they are trying to mold another tame "opposition expert." Cyclopedia reports that Nikita Isaev is now 40 years old and calls him “director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics, candidate of legal sciences, opposition politician.” What his opposition is is not very clear, because for several years now he has been on central television programs and often appears on Vladimir Solovyov’s talk show. Here is a fragment of one of them, in which Yevgeny Satanovsky threatens to tear off his “balls right in the studio” and adds: “Shut your throat, general of the tattered army, and don’t blather!”

It is clear that Isaev’s skirmish with Zhirinovsky and Satanovsky is a poorly staged performance designed to attract at least some attention from the jaded public through scandals and shockingness. They always act this way when there is nothing else to offer the audience.

The biography of the “oppositionist” Isaev contains very interesting feints. Since 2006, he has been a member of the United Russia party, a member of the personnel reserve of the United Russia party - the Professional Team of the Country. I don’t know if he is a relative of another prominent edros member Andrei Isaev, but in 2008 Nikita Isaev already became deputy head of Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakemenko, better known as the founder of the pro-Kremlin youth movement “Nashi” and the Seliger youth forum. In the Russian opposition environment, the participants in this movement were often called “Nashists” and “Putin Youth”; in fact, it was one of the many projects of the then First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov, who tried to manage social processes with the help of similar tools.

In March 2016, the Federal Organizing Committee of United Russia for holding primaries before the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation deregistered Nikita Isaev, since he was at the same time the head of the presidium of the political council of the Rodina party, without being a member of this party, and allowed himself certain " unethical statements. Thus, Nikita Isaev failed to become a deputy from United Russia, and the Rodina party gained only 1.51% in the State Duma elections on September 18, 2016 (less than YABLOKO, Communists of Russia and the Party of Pensioners).

Realizing the futility of “Motherland” in its current form, Nikita Isaev created the “New Russia” movement, which should evoke associations with Novorossiya and the unrecognized republics of the DPR and LPR. The website of this movement says the following: “First of all, the movement is based on the concept “New NEP - national economic policy” developed under the auspices of Nikita Isaev. With the help of the “New NEP”, “New Russia” plans to lead the country out of the economic crisis and restart the Russian economy for bringing it to a leading position in the world." “New Russia” is called a “federal-level movement,” but in a year it has only three regional branches (according to the official website): in St. Petersburg/Leningrad region, Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Crimea.

I don’t know what kind of “thinking, active citizens” this project is designed for, but it’s obvious that its creator has a complete mess in his head. Flirting at being a liberal, a patriot and a socialist at the same time produces a comic impression. User general_ivanoff a year ago I made a detailed analysis of this mess in the article “A new political project headed by ex-deputy Vasya Yakemenko and ex-fiancé of Ksyusha Borodina.” In it, he, in particular, points out the plagiarism contained in the name of Isaev’s new movement and calls him “Surkov’s man,” whose task is to erode the protest electorate.

As the blogger writes: “In the winter of 2011/12, Surkov left the Presidential Administration, and Isaev said goodbye to the civil service. Nikita had to go into nowhere for a long time in order to burst into Russian television screens in all her glory as the founder and director of the Institute of Contemporary Economics (a pretentious office from three full-time employees). A rapid media coverage and promotion began. Unprincipled demagoguery on many TV and radio platforms, unprincipled shying away from “liberal” to “patriot”, opposition for the sake of opposition. In December 2015, the curators put Isaev into the “Rodina” party, having invented it. specifically for him, the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Political Council (until the beginning of March 2016, when mention of him disappeared from the Rodina website). On March 18, 2016, Isaev registered for the primaries of United Russia in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, but on March 30, he became the Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia. Neverov personally canceled Nikitin’s registration. This was a major bummer, since the deputyship promised to him in the State Duma of the 7th convocation collapsed. Nikita Olegovich fell victim to the purge of Surkov’s protégés. But they don’t throw away proven personnel. The curators gave the go-ahead for the next project. Returning from fiery New Year's parties in New York, Miami, Mexico and the offshore archipelago of Turks and Caicos, our naughty man proclaimed a "New Russia" based on the "urban protest electorate."

Considering all this, it is difficult to take seriously Isaev’s “analytical” articles in various media with “constructive criticism” of the authorities - be they governors, ministers or other officials.

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