What is the continental fgp. Physico-geographical position of Africa

  • Physico-geographical position of the continent.

  • Relief, tectonic structure, minerals.

  • Climate.

  • Inland waters.

  • Soils.

  • Natural areas. Flora and fauna.

  • Population. Economic activity.

  • States and capitals.

“Geographical location of Africa. History of the study".

  • Lesson topic

Lesson objective:

  • Introduce the continent's characteristics plan

  • Introduce the concept of geographical location of the continent

  • Reveal methods for determining the geographical location of the continent

  • Study the features of the geographical location of Africa and their impact on the nature of the continent.

Features of the mainland

  • In size, Africa is second only to Eurasia; its area is 29.2 million km2

  • About ½ of its territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Snow caps rise above the expanses of savannas.

  • Africa is home to the deepest river in the eastern hemisphere, the Congo, and the longest river in the world, the Nile.

  • Africa is the hottest continent on Earth.

Description plan for the mainland FGP

Geographical location of continent Africa

Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the tropics and the prime meridian.

Determine the geographic coordinates of the extreme points of Africa.

  • Option 1.

  • Northern point - Cape Ben Sekka

  • Southern point - Cape Agulhas

  • Option 2

  • Western point - Cape Almadi

  • Eastern point – Cape Ras Khavun

Description plan for the mainland FGP

  • Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the tropics and the prime meridian.

  • Find the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent in degrees and the length of the continent in kilometers from north to south and from east to west.

  • In what climate zones is the continent located?

  • Determine which seas and oceans wash the continent?

  • How is the continent located relative to other continents?

Physical map of Africa

History of continental exploration

Discovery and exploration of the mainland

David Livingston

  • English traveler to Africa. Livingston lived in Africa for twenty-eight years as a missionary and explorer.

  • Discovered the Zambezi region and many parts of Southern and Central Africa

  • Compiled a modern map of the “Black Continent”

  • Victoria Falls discovered

  • Studied the upper reaches of the Congo River, Lake Nyasa

The city of Kuruman, where D. Livingston lived for eight years

The steamboat on which D. Livingston sailed along the Zambezi

D. Livingston and G. Stanley on Lake Tanganyika

The natives carry D. Livingston, exhausted by fever.

Vasily Vasilievich Junker

  • Russian explorer of Africa.

  • Studied Central and East Africa

  • Conducted topographical work, meteorological and hydrological observations

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Slide captions:

SECTION II. Continents, oceans and countries of the world EURASIA Topic: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EURASIA. Practical work No. 4 “Determination of the physical and geographical position of the continent using a physical map. Registration of F.G.P. on k/k." Geography teacher of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 406 Tyrnova T.V.

General characteristics of Eurasia. S = 55 million km

S = 55 million km A H I Z Europe

The highest point of the continent, Chomolungma (Everest 8848m.) The deepest lake Baikal

7 495 m. 8848 m. 5642m. Peak of Communism Elbrus Chomolungma

The formation of the nature of the continent is greatly influenced by its geographical location. Geographic location is the location relative to the equator. prime meridian, tropics, and polar circles. Extent in latitude and longitude. Position relative to oceans and other continents.

The sequence of presentation of the physical-geographical position (F.G.P) of the continent, according to plan. (use the application on p. 334 of the textbook) - In addition to practical work on k/k, the student must pass the mainland FGP test orally, demonstrating the story on the map!!!

WRITE IT IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!!! Relative to the equator, the continent of Eurasia is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. Regarding the “O” meridian, most of it lies in the Eastern Hemisphere...... The continent in the south is intersected by the northern tropic (Tropic of Cancer). In the north, the continent crosses the Arctic Circle. Stage I of practical work on the map. The location of the continent relative to the most important lines of the degree network: the equator, the “0” meridian (up to 180 days), the tropics, the polar circles.

equator “o” meridian Tropic of Cancer Arctic Circle Find it in the atlas…….mark on k/k.

Stage II Practical work on the map. Determination of the extreme points of the continent. Sequence of actions: - Find the most extreme points of the continent on the physical map, and then on the map. - Mark the extreme point - by signing it with a pen. - In the legend, indicate the coordinates of the point you found.

Cape Chelyuskin Cape Piai Extreme points: Northern – cape Chelyuskin (?) Southern – cape Piai (?) Eastern – cape Roka (?) Western – m. Dezhneva (?)

Determination of the length of the continent: in degrees and kilometers……… Sequence of actions: a) Extent from west east to 40 north latitude. = ______________ - calculate the magnitude of the segment in degrees =_________ - convert degrees to kilometers =_________ REMEMBER that the magnitude of an arc of 1 degree along the Equator = 111 km. , and along the 40th parallel = ___________.

Sequence of actions: b) Extent from S to 100 c. d. = ____________ - calculate the magnitude of the segment in degrees =_________ - convert degrees to kilometers =________ REMEMBER that the magnitude of an arc of 1 degree along the “o” meridian = 111 km. , and along the 100th meridian =_______.

Cape Chelyuskin Cape Piai Extreme points: Northern – cape Chelyuskin (?) Southern – cape Piai (?) Eastern – cape Roka (?) Western - m. Dezhneva (?) Sign the distances........

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

lesson notes...

Geographical location and history of exploration of the continent of “Eurasia”.

Teacher: Demin Alexey Sergeevich UMK: Geography of continents and oceans. In two parts. E.M. Domogatskikh, N.I. Alekseevsky. – M: “Russian Word” 2010. Class: 7 Lesson topic: Geographical location and history...

Module for studying the geographical location of the Eurasian continent

The material can be used to organize independent work for students when studying the topic "Eurasia. Geographical location"...

Africa is a continent of heat, impassable thickets of equatorial forests, huge savannas and endless deserts. The uniqueness of nature is determined by the peculiarities of Africa’s location on our planet, that is, its physical and geographical position.

Physiographic location(from Greek "physics" - nature) - the location of the territory in relation to various natural objects: the equator, the prime meridian, the tropics and polar circles, seas and oceans, and other continents.

Relative to the equator, Africa is located in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres of our planet. Since the equator divides Africa approximately in half, the natural conditions of the continent are mirrored to the north and south of it.

The prime meridian crosses Africa in the western part, so most of the continent is located in the Eastern Hemisphere, the smaller part in the Western Hemisphere.

Thus, Africa is the only continent that is simultaneously located in all four hemispheres of the Earth: the Northern. Southern, Eastern and Western.

Since most of the continent lies between the Northern and Southern tropics, the majority of Africa's territory is located in the hot thermal zone. This causes the hot climate of the entire continent.

Africa is washed by the waters of two oceans: in the west - the Atlantic, in the east - the Indian. In the north the continent has access to Mediterranean Sea, which is connected Strait of Gibraltar with the Atlantic Ocean. In the northeast the continent faces Red Sea, connected Bab el-Mandeb Strait And Gulf of Aden with the Indian Ocean. The formation of the nature of Africa is significantly influenced by ocean currents near its shores. Thus, the existence of a harsh coastal desert Namib on the southwest coast of the continent caused by cold Benguela Current. Due to the influence of cold Canary current waterless desert spaces Sahara approach the very ocean coast in northwest Africa. At the same time, warm currents Guinean And Mozambican contribute to the formation of wet weather, respectively, on the western and southeastern coasts of Africa.

Africa connected to Eurasia Isthmus of Suez. In the middle of the 19th century. everyday life is dug through this isthmus Suez Canal, thanks to which the sea route from Europe to the southern and eastern parts of Eurasia was significantly reduced (Fig. 42).Material from the site

The proximity of Africa to Eurasia has a significant impact on the formation of the nature of the continent. In particular, dry air masses flow from Eurasia to northern Africa. Therefore, the northern, wide part of the continent is drier than the southern.

The extreme points of Africa are considered to be capes: in the north - Ras Engela, in the south - Agulhas (Agulhas), in the west Almadi, in the east - Ras Hafun.

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The development makes it possible to teach how to characterize the continent’s FGP, to continue to develop the ability to work with maps, and the ability to independently obtain knowledge; analyze, draw conclusions; contribute to broadening the horizons and cognitive activity of students.

The educational goal of the lesson is to promote a sense of responsibility, an interested attitude towards learning, the formation of artistic abilities of students, and instill an interest in geography.



Geography teacher courses.

Geography lesson

on the topic: “Physical and geographical position of Africa. Exploration of the mainland."

Geography teacher Smirnova V.V.MOU Secondary School No. 1, Selizharovo village.

Tver, 2008

Objective of the lesson:

Introduce the physical and geographical position of Africa.

Introduce the history of the development of the African continent.

Lesson objectives:

Educational – teach how to characterize the mainland’s financial sector.

Developmental – continue to develop the ability to work with maps, the ability to independently obtain knowledge; analyze, draw conclusions; contribute to broadening the horizons and cognitive activity of students.

Educational – to promote a sense of responsibility, an interested attitude towards learning, the formationartistic abilities of students???,develop an interest in geography.

Ways of motivation:Today we need to find out the geographical location of the continent and its history so that when traveling to other countries you can navigate a new place(the ability to assume the nature of a territory based on its FGP)

Lesson type : a lesson in learning new knowledge.

Equipment : map of the hemispheres, physical map of Africa, atlases, textbooks,presentations and drawings of children.

Progress of the lesson.

Class organization. – (1 min.)

Acquaintance with the physical and geographical position of the continent. (15 min.)

Introductory conversation.

Among other continents of the Earth, Africa occupies a special position. Africa is second only to Eurasia in size: its area is 29.2 million km 2 , or 1/5 of the landmass of our planet. Africa is a continent of contrasts. About ½ of its territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Snow caps rise above the expanses of savannas. In Africa flows the deepest river in the eastern hemisphere (look at the map and name it) - the Congo River (Zaire), and the longest river in the world (identify it on the map) - the Amazon River. Geographically, Africa has not been fully studied; the deep regions of the tropical forests have yet to be explored.

Today in class we are starting to study Africa. Look at the board and read the topic of the lesson. Try to make a plan for studying the topic.

(students’ answers are listened to and discussed).

Now compare our plan with the plan for studying the physical-geographical position of the continent proposed in the textbook.

Then students read each point of the plan and, together with the teacher, look for the answer. In this case, the teacher should assist in determining the types of cards that should be used. In the future, when describing the FGP of the continents, students must determine for themselves which map should be used to answer the question.

On the screen is a plan for describing the continent's FGP and a diagram of the outline of Africa. Students calculate the length at the board (you can call a weak student).

Description plan for the mainland FGP:

3. In what climatic zones is the continent located? - this is a consequence

African FGP Description Plan

(joint work of teacher and students):

Teacher. 1. Determine how the continent is located relative to the equator, the tropics (polar circles) and the prime meridian.

Children. Relative to the equator – Africa is cut in the middle by the equator. Its extreme points in the north and south are approximately equally distant from the equator.

Relative to the prime meridian, the prime meridian lies in western Africa.

Most of Africa is located between the tropics in the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones.

Consequently, most of Africa lies north of the equator. we can assume a change in the PTK from N to S

Teacher. 2. Find the coordinates of the extreme points of the continent in degrees and the length of the continent in kilometers from north to south and from east to west.


Children. Northern – metro station Ben Sekka ()

Yuzhnaya - metro station Igolny ()

Western – m. Almadi ()

Eastern – metro station Ras Hafun ()

Length from North to South - __________ km., _______________ degrees

The length from East to West is ____________ km., _______________ degrees.

Conclusion? point 3

Teacher. 3. In what climatic zones is the continent located?

Children. In the equatorial, subequatorial and tropical zones. Only its northern and southern outskirts enter the subtropical zones.

Teacher. 4. Determine which oceans and seas wash the continent?

Children. From the west - the Atlantic Ocean.

From the east - the Indian Ocean.

Seas: The Mediterranean Sea separates Africa from Eurasia, the Red Sea -

The main thing is currents and their influence on nature, a conclusion about their influence

Teacher. 5. How is the continent located relative to other continents?

Children. Africa is more closely connected with its neighbor, Eurasia, than other Southern continents. As a result, the flora and fauna of North Africa, Southern Europe and South-West Asia have many similarities.

After the entire description of the continent's FGP has been made, the work should be summarized. At the same time, depending on the abilities of the students, you can offer to answer one point of the plan or give the task to fully describe the FGP of Africa to one student.

In order to consolidate the learned material, you can offer a game: the teacher reads the text, then stops, and the students must complete the sentence.

Africa is crossed in the middle by the meridian (20 East longitude)

The Prime Meridian crosses Africa from (west)

Africa is washed by oceans (Atlantic and Indian)

From the north the mainland is washed by the Mediterranean Sea).

The eastern extreme point of the continent is considered ()

The Gulf of Guinea is located on the ______________________ mainland.

The largest island off the coast of Africa (Madagascar island).

III. Discovery and exploration of the continent – ​​(10 min.) (you can start with this).

Studying this point of the lesson should begin with studying the world maps of Al-Idrisi and Ptolemy. What did they know about Africa at the time of these cartographers, what territories were known, where were the boundaries of what was known, how to explain the names of the African coast, why further study did not occur, what name did Africa have?

Teacher's story:

History of the discovery of the mainland:

Explanation of the name of the continent “Africa”:

Further discovery and exploration of the continent should be studied on the basis of reports from previously prepared students orusing a textbook.

Student presentations – 2 presentations, 3 minutes each. (6 min.)

Vasco da Gama.

He was born in Sines, educated in Évora, and studied the art of navigation.

After the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartolomeu Dias in 1488 and receiving a message from Peru di Covillama that he had reached India by land, King John II ordered the construction of ships and sent them to search for a sea route to India, but died in 1495. His successor Manuel I in the first years of his reign, he sought to strengthen his position in order to implement João’s plans. In 1497 he ordered an expedition led by Vasco da Gama. The flotilla consisted of the flagship San Gabriel, the ship San Rafael (captained by Vasco da Gama's brother Paulo) and two smaller ships.

Vasco da Gama left Lisbon on July 8, 1497, headed west from the Cape Verde Islands, then turned east and, describing a large arc, reached the African coast near the Cape of Good Hope. After clashes with the local population in the extreme south of Africa, he continued his voyage and rounded the Cape of Good Hope. On the east coast of Africa came into conflict with local Arab rulers. Many expedition members died from scurvy. In the Arab port of Malindi, the Portuguese were greeted friendly. Vasco da Gama hired an experienced pilot, under whose leadership the flotilla crossed the Indian Ocean and on May 20, 1498 reached Calicut on the Malabar coast of India.

On the way back, the flotilla was plagued by storms. During one of these, the San Rafael was badly damaged and had to be abandoned (as was another small ship). Vasco da Gama landed on Terceira Island in the Azores archipelago to bury his brother Paulo, and one day in August 1499 he arrived in Lisbon. The 55 surviving members of the expedition (out of 170) returned with him. A valuable cargo was delivered to their homeland - pepper and other oriental spices. Thus ended the longest journey of that time, culminating in the discovery of a sea route from Europe to Asia. Thus, if thanks to Columbus’s voyages vast lands of the New World were discovered, Vasco da Gama discovered the wealth and resources of Asia for Europe. King Manuel granted him the title of nobility and later the title of Admiral of India.

Brief biography of the researcher, traveler

Egor Kovalevsky.

After completing the course at Kharkov University,

Served in the mining department, then in the Altai and

Ural factories. In 1837, Kovalevsky was sent, at the request of Bishop Peter, to Montenegro to find and develop gold-bearing strata. In 1839 he participated in the Khiva expedition of Count Perovsky. In 1847, at the invitation of the Egyptian Viceroy Megmet Ali, he carried out geological surveys in Northeast Africa. Kovalevsky was one of the first to make a correct guess about the position of the sources of the White Nile, which were precisely determined much later. In Kovalevsky's book "Journey to Inner Africa" ​​(St. Petersburg, 1849; 2nd ed., 1872) a description of Abyssinia is given. In 1849, Kovalevsky accompanied a spiritual mission to Beijing and insisted on passing our caravans along a convenient “merchant route”, instead of the almost impassable Argalinsky sands; this provided convenience for trade and enriched geographical information about Mongolia. Through the mediation of Kovalevsky, the Kuldzha Treaty of 1851 was concluded. At the beginning of 1853, during the attack of Omer Pasha on the Montenegrins, Kovalevsky was sent to Montenegro as a commissar. During the Crimean campaign, Kovalevsky remained at the headquarters of Prince M.D. Gorchakov until October 1855 and collected materials for the history of this siege. In 1856, Prince A.M. Gorchakov entrusted Kovalevsky with the management of the Asian department. In 1861, Kovalevsky was appointed senator. In 1856 - 1862, Kovalevsky was assistant to the chairman of the Imperial Geographical Society. In his youth, he wrote “Thoughts about Siberia” (St. Petersburg, 1832) and the tragedy “Martha the Posadnitsa” (ib., 1832), but when he was convinced that poetry was not given to him, he switched to prose.

IV. Practical work – (10 min.)

Assignment: mark on contour maps, determine and indicate the geographic coordinates of the extreme points of Africa; sign coastline objects:

Straits: Gibraltar, Mozambique.

Capes: Ras Engelya, Almadi, Ras Hafun, Needles, Good Hope.

Channel: Suez.

Peninsula: Somalia.

Islands: Madagascar, Socotra.

Bays: Guinean.

Seas: Red, Mediterranean.

The result of the lesson is a conclusion about the influence of FGP on the nature of the continent, assumptions about the possible features of its nature.

Homework(variable). Grading - (3 min.)

Option #1. Complete the table below.

Henry Stanley


19th century

The article contains information that explains the peculiarity of the geographical location of the black continent relative to other continents. The material indicates unique features that are characteristic only of this territory. Supplements information from the 7th grade geography course.

Geographical location of Africa

The Black Continent is recognized as the hottest continent on the planet. This is due to the fact that it passes on both sides of the equator. It conventionally cuts the continent down the center. This position of the land area became the objective reason that the territory receives a significant amount of solar energy necessary to support life. The size of the territory from north to south is 8 thousand km, from west to east in the northern tip - 7.5 thousand km.

The continent is washed by two oceans and two seas at once - the eastern part - by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, the western part - by the Atlantic Ocean, and from the north - by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

The mainland is distinguished from others by its features, which consist in its weak dissection in the vertical and horizontal planes. The geographical position of Africa is specific, since the continent is located symmetrically relative to the equator.

The location of the continent is such that it is located between two tropics: the extreme northern tip is 37°20” N. w. - Cape El Abyad, extreme southern tip 34°5” S. w. - Cape Agulhas.

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

It is surprising that the main part of the mainland territory lies in the hot zone. The entire area is regularly heated by the sun's rays.

The physical-geographical position of the continent is that its northern region is much wider than the southern one. The width of the southern part is about 3000 km, and the length from the western tip of Cape Verde to the eastern point of Ras Hafun is only 7.5 thousand km.

Rice. 1. Map of natural areas of Africa.

Africa relative to other continents

Due to the unusual configuration of the continent, the location of natural areas is different. But this is compensated by their transition into each other.

Rice. 2. Scheme of transition of climatic zones.

Africa's position relative to other continents is such that it is located almost in the very center of the world map. Other continents are located on different sides of the world.

Rice. 3. The position of Africa on the map.

A characteristic feature of the continent is the ability to “mirror” the fullness of its natural diversity. Due to the fact that the continental territory is cut in the center by the equator, its natural zones, which are located in the northern part, reflect the zones that are located in the southern region from the equator. It turns out that, walking from Cape Town to Cairo, you can observe each of the natural zones of the African continent twice. None of the continents on earth is endowed with such a unique feature.

When drawing up a plan to describe the geographical location of Africa for a geography lesson, you need to consider points such as:

  • The orientation of the continent relative to imaginary contours on the map: the equator, the tropics, the polar circles, the poles of the earth, the prime meridian.
  • Placement in the hemispheres of the planet.
  • Names of the extreme continental extremities and their coordinates.
  • The size of the territory from north to south in degrees and kilometers.
  • The size of the territory from west to east in degrees and kilometers.
  • The orientation of the continent in climate zones and regions.
  • The orientation of the continent relative to the seas and oceans that wash it.

What have we learned?

We learned that due to the specific physical and geographical features of the continent, each of its natural zones can be observed twice. We found out that the equator line literally divides Africa into two halves. We have established the reason why this territory is recognized as the hottest part of the land on Earth. We got acquainted with the plan for a detailed determination (through description) of the geographical location of the mainland. They established the differences between the natural zones of the black continent from each other.

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