What is crc data. Error in crc data external hard drive how to fix

Portable storage media, solid state drives, flash drives and hard drives are devices for transferring and storing files. But sometimes, when using one of these drives, a "Data Error (CRC)" warning appears. This warning appears when you try to copy data between these disk devices or when installing applications and games.

For example, an error may appear if an external hard drive or flash drive turns off for some reason while copying files.

A cyclic redundancy code (CRC) usually indicates a hardware problem, but can also be software related. An error in the CRC data may indicate a failure of the HDD or the appearance of bad sectors on its surface. In solid-state SSDs with a PCI Express interface, sometimes due to the presence of a layer of dust on the device board. Also, the error occurs when there is poor contact in the SD card connection adapter, through a problem with the USB port, and this can be easily checked. On the software side, CRC indicates disk driver failures.

Before you treat it with special utilities, there are several ways to narrow down the source of the problem.

  1. If the error occurs with an external hard drive or flash drive, try a different port. The port may be faulty.
  2. Try copying the data to another drive. If the error still occurs, check on another computer.
  3. If you cannot transfer to other storage media, the problem may be with the file. Most likely, a broken sector has formed where it was recorded. If there is no access to it and it is important, we restore the bad sectors with the MHDD or Victoria program, and safely transfer it to another medium.
  4. The game installation file downloaded via a torrent client does not launch? Most likely, a damaged archive was downloaded. Delete it and download a new one from other torrent sites.

Drive letter not displayed

One solution is to check disk drives for file system errors using the Chkdsk utility. Testing requires a drive letter, but what to do if it is not displayed in Explorer. There are several solutions.

Connect the undetectable hard drive to another computer as a second one.

Press the Win+E key combination and see if the drive shows up in Explorer.

If not, press Win+R to open the Run window. Enter the command devmgmt.msc and confirm the launch with Enter.

Expand the “Disk Devices” tab and check if the problematic disk is listed. If it is missing, right-click and select “Update hardware configuration” from the menu.

If a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark appears in Device Manager, this means there is a problem with the drivers. Right-click on the unknown device and select Update Driver, then Automatic Search.

If this does not solve the problem, right-click and select Uninstall and restart your computer, or check for an updated version of the driver on the official website and update it manually.

Now press Win+R and type diskmgmt.msc. You should see a disk with a status of "Unallocated" marked in black. Right-click and select Initialize Disk.

Open Windows search, type “command prompt” and at the found position in the search results, right-click and select “Run as administrator”.

Type diskpart and confirm with Enter.

Then type automount enable and confirm with Enter.

After rebooting the system, the letter should appear.

Chkdsk disk check

This is a built-in Windows tool for identifying file system errors and bad sectors and fixing them.

If you receive a CRC error message when copying from a USB drive, check that external drive first. There's no point in spending hours testing your hard drive only to find out that the problem is in a flash drive that only takes a few minutes to test.

Run Command Prompt as an administrator. Type the command chkdsk X: / f, where instead of X, enter the letter of your erroneous storage medium. Check the letter in Explorer by pressing Win+E together.

Once completed, test results will appear.

If the CRC error persists, try running chkdsk before booting Windows.

  1. Connect a bootable USB flash drive with a recovery disk or a Windows installation disk to your computer and reboot the system.
  2. On the first screen with the manufacturer's logo, press one of the Esc, F8, F12 or F10 keys, which is intended to enter the Bios.
  3. After entering the BIOS, look for the Boot options or similar section to change the boot priority.
  4. To change the boot order, use the arrows to move the USB drive (or CD/DVD depending on what you are using) to the first place.
  5. Save the changes and restart your PC.
  6. When booting from the installation disc, specify your keyboard layout and language. On the Install Windows page, click the System Restore link.
  7. Go to "Troubleshooting - Advanced Options" and find the "Command Prompt" item.
  8. After logging into the command interface, enter chkdsk X: /f.

After testing is complete, check if this solution helped fix the error.

System utility for disk diagnostics

Windows comes standard with a Check Disk utility that is easier to use than the Chkdsk command.

Note: If you selected "C", the computer will ask you to schedule a scan. This means that the system storage will be checked the next time the system boots. Click "Schedule a disk check."

Wait for the scan to complete. As mentioned, this may take more than a couple of hours.

Quick formatting

We use this method as a last resort if the CRC error could not be corrected using the chkdsk utility. If there is important data on the disk, then this method will help restore it.

A quick format writes the boot sector and an empty file system table. At the same time, the files are not erased unless you copy something new to them that will replace the old data.

After quick formatting, you need to use a data recovery utility.

Connect the drive to your computer. If problems arise, install it on another PC as a second hard drive.

Use the Win+E keys to open the Explorer window. Select the failed device, right-click and select Format.

Check the “Quick” option and confirm execution on Start.

Once the format is completed, launch the data recovery application. We recommend using Recuva, the free version of which can recover all data.

Some users, when downloading (or installing) files from any sources, may encounter a CRC error, which manifests itself with the message “Error in data (CRC)”. This problem usually occurs when the system detects a mismatch in the control data of the downloaded file, resulting in an error message in the CRC data. In this article, I will tell you what a CRC data error is, under what conditions it occurs, and also explain how to fix it.

Screenshot of the “Location is not available” error

What is CRC

Before we begin to describe what to do in a situation where an error occurs in the CRC data, it is worth explaining what a “CRC” is.

As you know, CRC (Cycle Redundancy Check) is an algorithm for creating and checking a “file checksum”. The latter is used to monitor the integrity of transmitted data in order to prevent damage or loss.

This algorithm, based on cyclic code, calculates the checksum of the file and adds it to the body of the file itself. When downloading (copying) this file, the system, having an algorithm for calculating the checksum, checks the correctness of the received data, and if inconsistencies occur, it displays a CRC error message (data error - cycle redundancy check).

The CRC algorithm was invented back in 1961, has undergone several qualitative improvements, and is now a universal tool for checking the integrity of received data.

CRC technology

Features of the CRC error

As for the reasons for this dysfunction, the specific causes of the CRC error may be as follows:

  • Loss or damage to any of the network data packets during transmission;
  • Loss or corruption of data on the hard drive (for example, due to bad sectors);
  • Physical damage to the optical disk with information (CD, DVD, etc.);
  • Violation of the integrity of the system registry;
  • Random failure during program installation;
  • Incorrect file configuration and so on.

To display the CRC code, there is such a program as HashTab, which, after its installation, in the properties of the file itself (right-click on the file, then select “Properties”) displays the checksum values ​​of this file.

HashTab program

Error in CRC data - problems with hard drive

So how do you fix the CRC error? Since it regularly happens due to problems with hard drive access, I recommend doing the following:

Step 1: Recover lost data on your hard drive. If this problem arose when trying to access any file on your hard drive, then you should use various programs to recover lost data. In particular, you can try software products such as Power Data Recovery or BadCopy Pro, designed specifically for the tasks I’m considering.

For example, to use Power Data Recovery, you need to download and install the application, select “Damaged Partition Recovery” in the menu, and perform a Full Scan. If lost data can be recovered, then, first of all, you will need to copy it to a reliable and secure medium.

Power Data Recovery program interface

Action 2. An alternative option for restoring access to data on the hard drive is to use the system disk check utility.

  1. Go to Explorer, right-click on the problem drive (for example, C:), select “Properties” in the menu that appears.
  2. Go to the “Tools” tab, click on “Run check”, check the two check disk options, click on “Ok”, and then restart the computer.
  3. After rebooting, the system will automatically run a data integrity check on the hard drive and try to recover damaged sectors (this may take some time).

Checking the disk for errors

Action 3. You can also run the command line as an administrator (click on the “Start” button, write cmd in the search bar (without pressing enter), right-click on the same result that appears at the top, and select “Run as administrator”). On the command line you need to write:

chkdsk c: /r /f - (instead of “c:” enter the name of another problematic disk if necessary) then press enter and wait until the check is completed.

How to fix CRC error - alternative options

In addition to problems with the hard drive, a CRC error can occur for other reasons. Therefore, to fix the CRC error, do the following:

  • If this error occurred during the installation of a game, it will be easier to download its image again (or the program files themselves) from another source using proven Download Master level programs; perhaps this will help get rid of the CRC error.


If you have an error in the CRC data, then, first of all, determine the conditions under which this error occurred. Most often it occurs when trying to download and install disk images (or programs themselves) from the network. An effective remedy in this case would be to use alternative resources for downloading these files, which, in most cases, helps to effectively solve this problem. If you are dealing with hard drive dysfunction, then you need to use programs like Power Data Recovery or BadCopyPro, which can help restore access to the files you need.


Fixing hard drive CRC error

A data error (CRC) occurs not only with the built-in hard drive, but also with other drives: USB flash, external HDD. This usually happens in the following cases: when downloading files via torrent, installing games and programs, copying and writing files.

Ways to fix CRC error

A CRC error means that the file's checksum is not what it should be. In other words, this file has been damaged or changed, so the program cannot process it.

Depending on the conditions under which this error occurred, a solution to the problem is formed.

Method 1: Using a working installation file/image

Problem: When installing a game or program on a computer, or when trying to burn an image, a CRC error occurs.

Solution: This usually happens because the file was downloaded with corruption. This could happen, for example, if the Internet is unstable. In this case, you need to download the installer again. If necessary, you can use a download manager or torrent program to avoid connection interruptions during downloading.

In addition, the downloaded file itself may be damaged, so if a problem occurs after downloading again, you need to find an alternative download source (“mirror” or torrent).

Method 2: Check the disk for errors

Problem: There is no access to the entire disk or installers saved on the hard drive that worked without problems before do not work.

Solution: This problem may occur if the file system of the hard drive is corrupted or it has bad sectors (physical or logical). If bad physical sectors cannot be corrected, then other situations can be resolved using programs to correct errors on the hard drive.

In one of our articles, we already talked about how to fix problems with the file system and sectors on the HDD.

Read more: 2 ways to recover bad sectors on your hard drive

Method 3: Finding the correct distribution on torrent

Problem: The installation file downloaded via torrent does not work.

Solution: Most likely, you downloaded the so-called “broken distribution”. In this case, you need to find the same file on one of the torrent sites and download it again. A damaged file can be deleted from your hard drive.

Method 4: Check CD/DVD

Problem: When trying to copy files from a CD/DVD disk, a CRC error appears.

Solution: Most likely, the surface of the disk is damaged. Check it for dust, dirt, scratches. If there is a clearly expressed physical defect, most likely nothing will be done. If you really need the information, you can try using utilities to recover data from damaged disks.

In almost all cases, one of the listed methods is enough to eliminate the error that appears.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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Cause and solution for crc error in data

The crc error occurs when the user tries to copy a file to his hard drive or other storage medium.

The manifestation of this trouble can be associated with two main root causes:

  • Size checksum mismatch.
  • Some damage to the hard drive being used.

There is a way out of any of these situations that can lead to a crc error.

Treatment of the first option

The crc error, associated with a mismatch in the size of the downloaded file and its theoretical source, usually occurs when using a torrent. For example, such a discrepancy can lead to the entry “crc data error when installing the game” at any stage of installation, when a person has already prepared himself for a pleasant pastime.

The solution to this problem is quite simple, although it will require the user to waste his time:

  1. Enable torrent client.
  2. Remove problematic files from distribution (select with the mouse and click on the “del” button).
  3. Erase already downloaded information from the PC hard drive.
  4. Search online and find a better giveaway. Recommends paying attention to reviews from other people who may have identified this problem earlier, which will save time.

Fixing the second type of this problem

If a crc data error appears on an external hard drive or on its stationary counterpart, then a little more effort will be required.

The initial step in how to fix a crc data error related to a drive is to perform a small verification procedure:

  1. Select the disk you want to record to.
  2. Right-click on it to be able to go to the properties menu.
  3. Go to “Service”, where you select the first line that gives you the right to start checking the disk.
  4. Wait for the result.

After this step, it is recommended to perform defragmentation. This process starts in the same place, just one line down. Typically, such a procedure requires a significant wait, so you will have to be patient or devote yourself to something else.

If the two steps described above could not positively solve the problem, then you will have to use special programs. How to treat crc hdd data error? Typically, HDD Regenerator, Victoria or similar applications are used for this. After installation, you should go to the software settings, where you can set the parameters so that the application starts checking immediately before the operating system loads.

Only if none of the proposed options helped to cope with the situation, you should seek help from specialists who may advise changing the hard drive.


How to fix an error in CRC data?

A data error (CRC) occurs when the checksums of the file accessed by the utility do not match. This could mean that the file has somehow become modified or even corrupted.

This problem mainly occurs when you install applications and games; make copies of the file located on the disk; write any disc or download via torrent utility. Let's now look at the main causes of errors in crc data.

Error in crc data occurs when burning a disc

You need to check the checksums of your image. Especially if you said it from the network. To do this you need to download the HashTab utility. After installation, a new tab called “File hashes” will appear in the properties window. Using it, you can compare the hash amount of the image with the amounts displayed on the site.

If you find that these amounts do not add up, you will have to download this image again. It is best to use the Utorrent utility for this. When downloading files, it itself calculates their checksums. If you download files from direct links, then you can use the Download Master utility.

Error in crc data occurs when copying from drive to HDD

Most likely the error occurs because the disk you are using is damaged or has dirt on it. Try cleaning it and try copying from the disk. If all else fails, but you really need the files on the CD, you can use the BadCopyPro utility.

An error in crc data occurs when installing utilities or games

The best solution would be to redownload the image you downloaded. As mentioned above, it would be best to use utilities such as Download Master (for direct links) and Utorrent (for torrent downloaded).

Here we will need to perform a check on your file system. To do this, do the following:

  • Press the Win+R key combination and enter the cmd command. This will take you to the Command Prompt.
  • In the Command Line, enter chkdsk c: /r /f (the letter C is your logical drive). This command will start the process of checking your hard drive for various errors and fixing them.

Error in crc data occurs when using Utorrent

  • Try updating the utility.
  • Get rid of problematic distribution in the utility.
  • You will have to delete the undownloaded file.
  • Try to find another similar distribution and try to download it.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter


How to treat CRC hdd data error?

  • 1. Why does the CRC hdd error appear?
  • 1.1. BadCopy Pro program

Many users are familiar with the situation when the system produces various errors. How to treat CRC hdd data error? What caused its appearance?

As a rule, it occurs when copying CD/DVD information and indicates damage to the disk or loss of the ability to make the necessary copies. Naturally, there is nothing pleasant about this, but there is no need to panic about it. Thanks to the existence of special programs, you can fix the problem and read data that contains damaged disks.

External hard drive Seagate Backup Plus 1TB USB Portable was purchased almost two years ago.
All this time it worked flawlessly, did not fall, and there was no damage.
Perhaps it was incorrectly disconnected from the computer several times by unsafe removal, or by simply pulling out the cord from the USB connector...

The hard drive was used primarily to store the necessary information (software, source codes for completed work, etc.), it was often not used, periodically filled with information and sent to a distant shelf (where it is dark and dry). It was a little more than half full.

Once again, when the need arose to use it, the inscription appeared - " You must format the disk in the drive before you can use it. Format?"After this message appeared, there was a growing feeling of panic and the first thought - how to save data from external HDD?

It must be said that the disk was detected as a regular removable disk and when trying to open it, it displayed a message about the need to format.

Always connected via USB 2.0 to the laptop.
After refusing to format the hard drive, I saw the message " CRC data error 23"

In "Disk Management" (For XP: Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Computer Management) it was also detected, but its file system was RAW!

After a long read of various resources, advice was found on how to save information using the program R-Studio .

In the disk panel, select the device and click “Scan”, default settings, that is, we will scan the entire disk for files of any type.

After scanning (it took me more than 4 hours), click “Show disk contents”, mark the files for recovery and click “Recover marked”.

After that, in the next window, select the path where to restore the files. Here we indicate another HDD installed in the system and click “Yes”:

Everything worked out, R-Studio helped solve the main problem - to save (remove) data from the HDD, while it was connected via USB. The panic began to subside, but there was still a misunderstanding of what happened to the device.

Next, I read that there are often reading failures due to a malfunction of the SATA-USB adapter inside the HDD box. To eliminate this, I disconnected the adapter and connected the Seagate to the SATA connector in the system unit.

When turned on, the system launched Scandisk to check the newly connected HDD:

During the check, several messages of the following type were received:
Deleting index entry...
And Inserting an index entry into...
After passing the check, the system booted and Seagate became available for opening.

Miracle! The information on it before the glitch was available for viewing.
There was also a folder on it found.000
Such folders contain files or their recovered fragments.
The next step was to run the Seagate virus scan.
No viruses were detected.

Next, you need to find out the technical condition of the hard drive using S.M.A.R.T.
S.M.A.R.T.- This is a self-testing and reporting technology, present in all modern hard drives. Data on S.M.A.R.T. can be obtained using specialized software.

How to work with Victoria for Windows

To get started, in the “Standard” tab, click on the right side of the required device:

On the left appears information about the hard drive, the so-called device passport.

Afterwards, next to the “GET SMART” button, the general result of the HDD self-test will be displayed, in my case it says “GOOD”. This is already good.

On the right, the self-diagnosis test is described by indicators with their values ​​for the current HDD.

The “Health” column (literally, health level) clearly displays the value of a particular parameter in the form of colored circles.
Green indicates an acceptable value, yellow indicates a value that requires attention and, if possible, action to improve.
Red circles indicate that the indicator value does not correspond to the normal range.

The parameter " deserves special attention" Reallocated sector count" - The number of transferred sectors, that is, those that S.M.A.R.T. considered faulty and from which information was transferred to the backup area. Accordingly, if the parameter value is more than 0, then there are “bad blocks” on the disk and the process of its “aging” has already started.

Overall, if S.M.A.R.T. turned out to be GOOD, then move on to the next tab “Test”, where Victoria allows you to conduct a thorough analysis of the disk surface for the presence of (bad) clusters. This process took me 2 and a half hours.

Here we select the “Ignor” mode (ignore the found bad blocks, that is, do not take any action with them for now, but only show information about their presence or absence.)
We indicate information about which blocks we want to receive:

All blocks are color coded depending on the amount of reading time:

After this, press the “Start” button.
While the scan is in progress, you can go about your business, the main thing is not to work with the hard drive on which the scan is running, otherwise this will significantly increase the analysis time.

On the left side of the window, the process of scanning the disk surface block by block clearly occurs and the number of certain sectors is displayed opposite the colored blocks.

If, upon completion of the check, there are red and blue sectors, this indicates that bad blocks have appeared on the hard drive and it is necessary to perform remapping, that is, replace the bad sector with a sector from the reserve area.
This can be done by turning on the "Remap" scanning mode and starting the process again.

In this mode, scanning will take even longer, because in addition to scanning, bad sectors will be overwritten.

In my case, upon completion of the disk check, I found 1 blue sector.

It is not clear where it came from, either due to a logical failure or physical damage.
In any case, almost every case of hard drive failure has individual characteristics. A lot of different factors can affect it, from power outages to system glitches.

As it became clear to me from reading a hundred or two articles on data recovery and detecting bad blocks, some hard drives continue to fail with increasing frequency, and some work flawlessly over the next years.
But in any case, you should not rely 100% on the device and, if possible, especially important information should be duplicated on another medium.
And if you have already discovered bad sectors, then periodically check the S.M.A.R.T. and test the surface of the hard drive once every six months to avoid unpleasant surprises.

I hope this note will be useful to someone and many thanks to the developers R-Studio, God bless you!

Some users, when downloading (or installing) files from any sources, may encounter a CRC error, which manifests itself with the message “Error in data (CRC)”. This problem usually occurs when the system detects a mismatch in the control data of the downloaded file, resulting in an error message in the CRC data. In this article, I will tell you what a CRC data error is, under what conditions it occurs, and also explain how to fix it.

Screenshot of the “Location is not available” error

What is CRC

Before we begin to describe what to do in a situation where an error occurs in the CRC data, it is worth explaining what a “CRC” is.

As is known, CRC (Cycle Redundancy Check - translated as “cyclic redundancy check”) is an algorithm for creating and verifying a “file checksum”. The latter is used to monitor the integrity of transmitted data in order to prevent damage or loss.

This algorithm, based on cyclic code, calculates the checksum of the file and adds it to the body of the file itself. When downloading (copying) this file, the system, having an algorithm for calculating the checksum, checks the correctness of the received data, and if inconsistencies occur, it displays a CRC error message (data error - cycle redundancy check).

The CRC algorithm was invented back in 1961, has undergone several qualitative improvements, and is now a universal tool for checking the integrity of received data.

Features of the CRC error

As for the reasons for this dysfunction, the specific causes of the CRC error may be as follows:

  • Loss or damage to any of the network data packets during transmission;
  • Loss or corruption of data on the hard drive (for example, due to bad sectors);
  • Physical damage to the optical disk with information (CD, DVD, etc.);
  • Violation of the integrity of the system registry;
  • Random failure during program installation;
  • Incorrect file configuration and so on.

To display the CRC code, there is such a program as HashTab, which, after its installation, in the properties of the file itself (right-click on the file, then select “Properties”) displays the checksum values ​​of this file.

Error in CRC data - problems with hard drive

So how do you fix the CRC error? Since it regularly happens due to problems with hard drive access, I recommend doing the following:

Step 1: Recover lost data on your hard drive. If this problem arose when trying to access any file on your hard drive, then you should use various programs to recover lost data. In particular, you can try software products such as Power Data Recovery or BadCopy Pro, designed specifically for the tasks I’m considering.

For example, to use Power Data Recovery, you need to download and install the application, select “Damaged Partition Recovery” in the menu, and perform a Full Scan. If lost data can be recovered, then, first of all, you will need to copy it to a reliable and secure medium.

Action 2. An alternative option for restoring access to data on the hard drive is to use the system disk check utility.

  1. Go to Explorer, right-click on the problem drive (for example, C:), select “Properties” in the menu that appears.
  2. Go to the “Tools” tab, click on “Run check”, check the two check disk options, click on “Ok”, and then restart the computer.
  3. After rebooting, the system will automatically run a data integrity check on the hard drive and try to recover damaged sectors (this may take some time).

Action 3. You can also run the command line as an administrator (click on the “Start” button, write cmd in the search bar (without pressing enter), right-click on the same result that appears at the top, and select “Run as administrator”). On the command line you need to write:

chkdsk c: /r /f - (instead of “c:” enter the name of another problematic disk if necessary) then press enter and wait until the check is completed.

How to fix CRC error - alternative options

In addition to problems with the hard drive, a CRC error can occur for other reasons. Therefore, to fix the CRC error, do the following:

  • If this error occurred during the installation of a game, it will be easier to download its image again (or the program files themselves) from another source using proven Download Master level programs; perhaps this will help get rid of the CRC error.


If you have an error in the CRC data, then, first of all, determine the conditions under which this error occurred. Most often it occurs when trying to download and install disk images (or programs themselves) from the network. An effective remedy in this case would be to use alternative resources for downloading these files, which, in most cases, helps to effectively solve this problem. If you are dealing with hard drive dysfunction, then you need to use programs like Power Data Recovery or BadCopyPro, which can help restore access to the files you need.

The crc error occurs when the user tries to copy a file to his hard drive or other storage medium.

The manifestation of this trouble can be associated with two main root causes:

  • Size checksum mismatch.
  • Some damage to the hard drive being used.

There is a way out of any of these situations that can lead to a crc error.

Treatment of the first option

The crc error, associated with a mismatch in the size of the downloaded file and its theoretical source, usually occurs when using a torrent. For example, such a discrepancy can lead to the entry “crc data error when installing the game” at any stage of installation, when a person has already prepared himself for a pleasant pastime.

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The solution to this problem is quite simple, although it will require the user to waste his time:

  1. Enable torrent client.
  2. Remove problematic files from distribution (select with the mouse and click on the “del” button).
  3. Erase already downloaded information from the PC hard drive.
  4. Search online and find a better giveaway. Recommends paying attention to reviews from other people who may have identified this problem earlier, which will save time.

Fixing the second type of this problem

If a crc data error appears on an external hard drive or on its stationary counterpart, then a little more effort will be required.

The initial step in how to fix a crc data error related to a drive is to perform a small verification procedure:

  1. Select the disk you want to record to.
  2. Right-click on it to be able to go to the properties menu.
  3. Go to “Service”, where you select the first line that gives you the right to start checking the disk.
  4. Wait for the result.

After this step, it is recommended to perform defragmentation. This process starts in the same place, just one line down. Typically, such a procedure requires a significant wait, so you will have to be patient or devote yourself to something else.

If the two steps described above could not positively solve the problem, then you will have to use special programs. How to treat crc hdd data error? Typically, HDD Regenerator, Victoria or similar applications are used for this. After installation, you should go to the software settings, where you can set the parameters so that the application starts checking immediately before the operating system loads.

Only if none of the proposed options helped to cope with the situation, you should seek help from specialists who may advise changing the hard drive.

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