What is 3 years. Crisis of three years in a child

Most modern parents pay a lot of attention to the early development of children, realizing that up to three years the child learns easily during the game, and after that it becomes much more difficult for him to learn new information without a good initial base. And many adults face the question: what should a child know at 3 years old? The answer to it, as well as everything about the developmental features of children at this age, you will learn from this article.

Caution: crisis of three years

It is considered one of the first of a child, it proceeds differently for everyone, but it still takes place. It is connected with the fact that at this age the process of becoming a baby's self-awareness begins - the old picture of reality becomes obsolete, and a new one comes in its place. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, stress and know how to help a child during this period, it is important to understand the following age characteristics of 3-year-old children:

  • There is a need to separate from adults, and reality, previously limited mainly by objects and the family circle, becomes the world of adults.
  • The child begins to oppose himself to adults, ceases to obey and protests against the norms of behavior instilled earlier.
  • It is during this period that the baby learns the difference between "I want" and "should", and deliberate actions begin to prevail over impulsive ones.
  • At this age, self-esteem is actively developing, which is greatly influenced by the attitude of adults.

New opportunities

But in addition to the complexities of behavior, useful features of a 3-year-old child appear that increase the ability to learn:

  • Communicative readiness: the child begins to interact with other people, guided by rules and norms.
  • Cognitive readiness: is formed by which children are able to think about objects and make comparative analysis, even when they cannot see them.
  • Emotional development: the child begins to manage emotions, including coping with aggression.
  • The ability to count and read appears.

Interacting with the surrounding reality, the child learns the world and develops, the task of adults is to help him. When teaching, it is important to take into account and use something a child can do with the help of adults, and what he has learned to do on his own should become a passed stage in time.

Assessment of speech development

Up to five years, speech develops very intensively, so it is important to control whether the child is lagging behind, and if necessary, help him. To assess the development of speech, there is the following list of what a child should know at 3 years old:

  • The vocabulary is about a thousand words.
  • When designating objects, people and animals, full words are practically used, and not sounds or abbreviated versions.
  • Distinguishes and correctly uses prefixed verbs (ran, ran, ran out).
  • He knows how to name objects using generalizing words ("fruit" instead of "pear" and "apple").
  • Masters the names of the details of objects (can say that the pan has a bottom and handles).
  • Matches words and understands what synonyms are.
  • Invents his own words from those already known to him.
  • Draws attention to the incorrect pronunciation of other children, while the sounds themselves can also be pronounced incorrectly.
  • Can speak in a way that any adult can understand.

How to develop connected speech

The next 3 years include: increasing vocabulary, practicing the correct pronunciation of sounds and building sentences. The main goal of all classes is to improve coherent meaningful speech. To do this, you can engage in special magazines with colorful pictures and exercises.

Unfortunately, you can’t count on a child’s perseverance for a long time, but you can remember the main tasks for children of 3 years old and perform them using concepts from real life:

  • At home, you can name objects and pick up on the example of toys, shoes, dishes and any other things.
  • On a walk, you can tell the child adjectives and ask them to find objects that correspond to them, for example, "high" (the baby points to the house) or "red" (maybe a car). The advantage of this exercise is that the baby can find much more suitable things in the real world than in the pictures.
  • On the street and at home, you can ask the child questions about the objects that he sees, for example, where they are, what color, why others are needed.

Learn poetry

At three years old, a child should be able to memorize and repeat 3-4 words that an adult said. Thanks to this ability, you can begin to learn poetry. They train memory, attention, develop speech, enrich vocabulary, expand ideas about the world, and also help the child grow purposeful and be able to complete the work begun.

A rhyme for children 3 years old should not be too long: two quatrains are enough. Before starting to learn a poem, an adult should expressly tell it and discuss the content with the child. If desired, you can draw pictures to the text. Each quatrain learns according to the same pattern: an adult slowly pronounces the first line and asks the child to repeat after him until he remembers it. Then the second line is learned and connected to the first, then the third is added to the first two. Then the last one is remembered, and the first quatrain is ready. When the two parts are memorized, they are combined and the verse is read in its entirety.

Easy rhyme for children 3 years old about the onset of winter:

In the morning I went to the window
Surprised: "Well, well!
I went to sleep in autumn
The world changed overnight!

Wearing white coats
Both trees and houses.
This means, in fact
Winter came to us at night!"

The earliest mathematical concepts

The first acquaintance with mathematics begins much earlier than it seems, and the further relationship of the child with this complex science depends on how successful it is. The following list of what a 3-year-old child should know in the field of mathematics will help to assess the completeness of the ideas:

  • Be able to compare objects by width, length, thickness and height.
  • Use the concepts of "many" and "one" in speech, correctly coordinate them with nouns.
  • Learn to count up to three on your fingers.
  • Know and name the basic geometric shapes: square, circle, triangle and compare objects by shape.
  • Know and use in speech the concepts: small, big, less and more.
  • Be able to compare the number of items.
  • Be able to find a pair of an object according to a given attribute.

Checking knowledge about the world around

Some parents underestimate the capabilities of their three-year-old children and do not give the required amount of load, and intensive classes begin during the period of preparation for school and face the child’s reluctance to study, because cognitive activity has already faded away. To prevent such problems, it is important to find out in time what a child of 3 years old should know about the world around him, and, if necessary, fill in the gaps.

A child at this age should:

  • Know what domestic and wild animals look like and are called.
  • Understand who birds, insects and fish are, and be able to name three or four representatives of each class.
  • Know three or four names of trees and flowers.
  • Be able to distinguish between fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and berries, as well as know their basic names.
  • Have an idea about such natural phenomena as wind, rain, rainbow, snow.
  • Know and be able to name parts of the day.
  • Have an understanding of the materials from which the surrounding things are made.

We evaluate the development of thinking and motor skills

A three year old child should be able to do the following:

  • collect an image from 2-4 parts;
  • see and explain the discrepancy in the picture;
  • determine an extra item and justify your choice;
  • explain how objects are similar and how they differ;
  • cut paper with scissors;
  • separate pieces from plasticine and make sausages and balls out of them;
  • draw dots, circles and various types of lines;
  • do finger exercises.

How to develop fine motor skills

Modeling for children of 3 years old is considered the most useful for the development of motor skills, but the child begins to show interest in it much earlier, for example, when he enthusiastically smears porridge on the table. You can sculpt from plasticine or puff pastry. Classes also help to develop speech and consolidate existing ideas about the world. You can sculpt if you wish, at least every day, but twice a week is enough. In order to make classes more fun and not too difficult for the child, you can make blanks from paper bases and select suitable stories or poems.

The purpose of the first experience with plasticine: to teach the child to tear off pieces from it and sculpt them on paper, you can draw trees and decorate them with colorful leaves. In the second lesson, you need to learn how to roll balls, you can decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's toys. During the third lesson, the child practices rolling sausages, it will be possible to make a rainbow out of them or For the age of three, these simple tricks are quite enough.

Of course, all children are individual and have different levels of ability. But it depends on the parents how these abilities will be used. It is important to closely monitor the progress of the child, assess his level of development and constantly give new and more complex, but no less interesting tasks for children of 3 years old in a playful way.

How does a child develop at 3 years old? Parents observe many external changes in a three-year-old baby. But transformations in mental, emotional, intellectual, speech development are also noticeable. How can you help your child get through a crisis?

A three year old is a jack of all trades. He knows how to dress and undress independently, drink and eat, wash his hands with soap and dry them with a towel. He skillfully builds a tower of cubes, puts together a mosaic, digs sand with a shovel, can draw circles, lines and a primitive man, recognizes geometric shapes, colors, names of animals, vehicles, and also does many other useful and important things in life. In addition, a three-year-old knows how to skillfully act up and even throw tantrums. Why is this happening?

General physical development of a child of 3 years

What motor skills does a three-year-old baby master? How does his body develop?

  • Gross and fine motor skills. At 3 years old, the child confidently runs, jumps, stands on one leg, changes direction, easily overcomes obstacles, rides a tricycle, catches a ball, goes up and down stairs without support. Hands also become dexterous: the baby is able to unbutton buttons on his own, take off Velcro shoes, confidently wields a spoon, drinks carefully from a cup, holds a pencil with his index finger and thumb, skillfully unfolds sweets.
  • Brain and nervous system. The number of nerve cells and connections between them increases, but the nervous system is still immature. Improves brain activity. The brain also increases in size. In a three-year-old baby, the right and left hemispheres, as well as the connections between them, begin to develop symmetrically. The right hemisphere is responsible for spatial-visual perceptions, motor activity, emotions, feelings, imagination, creative thinking. The left is associated with logic, analytical, rational thinking, speech, the ability to master writing and reading. Some researchers believe that a girl's left hemisphere develops faster at 3 years old, so she can start talking earlier. And a boy at this age may have a more developed right hemisphere - he is better oriented in space, moves faster.
  • body proportions. What changes in the body can be observed? The head no longer seems too big, because other parts of the body are enlarged. The neck lengthens, the shoulders become wider, the stomach still protrudes forward, the shoulder blades are convex. The legs and arms of the baby are noticeably stretched, his figure becomes more proportional. An important feature of this age is the formation of natural curves of the spine.
  • Growth. The growth rates of a child at 3 years old largely depend on heredity, nutritional quality, environmental conditions, gender. The average height of boys of this age: from 92 to 100 cm. The average height of girls of this age: from 90 to 98 cm.
  • The weight. Adipose tissue in three-year-old babies becomes smaller, it is replaced by muscle tissue, and boys have more of it. Weight gain is stable, but it is no longer as intense as in the first and second years of life. The average weight of boys of this age: from 14 to 16 kg. The average weight of girls of this age is from 13.5 to 15.5 kg.
  • Dream. The general norm of sleep is 12 hours. It’s good if 10 hours are allotted for night sleep, and 2 for daytime sleep. It happens that at 3 years old children stop sleeping during the day, then you need to increase the nightly rate. Lack of sleep at this age negatively affects the overall development of the baby, primarily on the nervous system.

In the development of a three-year-old child, the environment, education and upbringing play a greater role than heredity. Therefore, the primary pedagogical task of parents is to create favorable conditions for the formation of a full and healthy personality. Three years is a crisis age, with whims and negativism. This is a difficult period in the life of the baby and his parents. It is important to realize that in most cases the behavior of the baby depends on the attitudes and emotional state of adults.

Psycho-emotional and intellectual development

How to develop a child at 3 years old? Is it enough for him to have the skills and abilities that he receives in everyday life during communication and games? Or do you need some additional classes on early development methods?

Schools of early development: a brief overview of methods

  • Zaitsev's method. The main goal is to teach early reading, purity of speech, and literacy in the native language. The system was developed by the teacher N.A. Zaitsev. In his opinion, the syllable is the building block of a language. The most famous methodological manual is "Zaitsev's cubes". On their sides are written syllables, from which children learn to put words together. The technique can be used from 2 years. Also N.A. Zaitsev developed a methodology for teaching Russian, Ukrainian, English grammar and mathematics.
  • Glen Doman Method. The system of early learning to read was developed by an American physiologist. The technique is to teach the baby to perceive words not by syllables, but in integrity. It is enough for a child to look at the written word several times in order to remember it and then recognize it in the text. This technique can be applied from the first year of life. You need to write the words in large letters on separate cards and show them to the child. You can also sign the names of objects that surround the baby in everyday life, then change the cards.
  • Waldorf pedagogy. Developed at the beginning of the twentieth century by the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner. What are the features of this education system? Attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, aesthetic, artistic taste, independent skills. And no early reading, mathematics, foreign languages! The task of the system is to give and prolong real childhood. In Waldorf schools there are no newfangled educational toys, teaching aids. Here it is customary to make toys with your own hands from improvised materials, fabric, clay, wood. The external simplicity of the system helps the child to rely not on the charms of civilization, but on his own abilities, natural possibilities. It is also customary to take care of animals here, in gardens and schools there is always a living corner.
  • Montessori method. Maria Montessori, an Italian educator and physician, founded a world-famous pedagogical system. What are the features of this author's technique? The main task is to support the child's initiative, give him the opportunity to complete tasks on his own, go from simple to complex, gradually master new skills. Adults in this situation are just observers who are ready to support, but help only at the request of the baby. Montessori schools are actively social adaptation. Here it is accepted that children of different ages are gathered in one group, and the younger ones learn from the elders, and not from adults. Children are not forced to play and learn. The school has many game methods that children choose according to their desire and abilities.
  • The Nikitin method. The author's method of the spouses Elena and Boris Nikitin, raising their children according to a special program, which differed from the pedagogical principles adopted in the Soviet Union. Nikitins paid great attention to the physical and intellectual development of children. Teachers believed that two extremes in education should be avoided: excessive guardianship and unlimited freedom. Until now, educational games developed by the Nikitins are used. The attitude towards this technique is ambiguous. Some psychologists believe that the Nikitins had a too harsh approach to children who grew up in Spartan conditions. Their children then found it difficult to adapt to society, since they were brought up in a closed environment.

Advantages of early development

  • The baby has the opportunity to communicate with peers and "foreign" adults.
  • Children learn information much faster in a learning and play environment in a group, and not in a home atmosphere.
  • Good physical preparation and the opportunity to play new outdoor games.
  • A variety of educational games and toys, books, teaching aids.
  • A change of scenery.
  • Development of creative potential: singing, dancing, drawing, modeling.
  • Formation of independence skills.

What to pay attention to?

  • It is desirable to develop the baby according to one method and not to overload him with information too much.
  • It is important to choose not the methodology itself, but the teacher who presents it.
  • The prestige and popularity of the technique does not mean that it is suitable for a particular child.
  • In a group, it is easy to catch SARS, influenza or a flying viral infection, the child can often get sick (although this is an inevitable stage).
  • It is better to choose a school that is close to home.

Outdoor games

The development of a 3-year-old child cannot be imagined without motor activity. Outdoor games at this age should be understandable, with some kind of unpretentious plot, reincarnation in animals, birds, fairy-tale characters. Outdoor games give not only good physical training, but also teach the child to think logically, analyze situations, and fantasize. Team spirit at this age, children are not yet aware, but are already able to interact with their peers. To organize outdoor games, you can use sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, hoops, skittles, ropes, poles, etc. Active games can be played indoors and outdoors.

Educational games and toys

What to do with a child at 3 years old and at the same time develop his memory, attention, imagination, logic, creativity? For this, there are educational games and toys. These include puzzles, mosaics, coloring books, cubes, constructors, lotto, insert frames, nesting dolls, composite pictures. At this age, the child is able to distinguish and name colors, geometric shapes, recognize various features of objects, and classify them. What toys are interesting for kids of this age? All types of transport, soft toys, dolls, dishes, musical toys, equipment for water and sand. I also like dynamic toys in which individual parts can be rotated, removed, rearranged. You can not do at this age without paints, pencils, plasticine, mass for modeling.

Role-playing games

The main goal of role-playing games is to introduce the baby to social roles and adaptation outside the family, to simulate various life situations, to develop communication skills, to introduce professions. At this age, children do not know how to play role-playing games on their own, while adults help them. What are your favorite games? "Daughters-mothers", "Shop", "Treatment at the doctor", "Family", "Walk", "Birthday invitation", "Zoo", "Building a house", "Garden-garden", "Trip by transport " and many others. Often such games arise spontaneously.

Speech development

Communication with peers

Children of this age show a keen interest in peers. Children can play joint mobile, role-playing games. But they still don’t know how to organize the game on their own. Some children may be watching other children, but they themselves will stand aside. At this age, the baby is already able to single out someone from the group, show sympathy, sympathy. But he also often shows aggression, especially if the game goes against his rules or someone took the toy. It is good for children of this age to be in a group. These are the first steps towards social adaptation. If the child is afraid to communicate with peers, do not forcibly pull him to the children. You can take the position of observers and comment on the actions of other children to the child.

Crisis 3 years

The psychological crisis of 3 years passes under the loud motto: “I want! I'm on my own!" In a poetic version, it sounds something like this: “Oh, give me, give me freedom!”.

  • Protest, negativism and the desire to be independent. The kid demands freedom, but does not know what to do with it. The only way to declare yourself as a person is to protest. The picture of the world is expanding, emotions and feelings are overwhelming, but the child is not yet able to control, realize and integrate his states. Psychologists pay attention: it is important to live through the crisis without suppressing freedom, but at the same time clearly setting parental personal boundaries. Otherwise, as the common people say, the child will sit on his head.
  • Mirroring the emotions of adults. Children are connected to the feelings of an adult and the general emotional atmosphere in the family. The reasons for the inadequate behavior of the baby often lie in intra-family relationships. The strongest emotional connection at this age is between the child and the mother. If a woman is depressed, depressed, unable to express any emotions, then the child will try to piss her off in order to “revive”, shake, show at least negativity. Of course, the child provokes the mother unconsciously.
  • Aggression. Aggression is a natural biological reaction of our psyche. It cannot be suppressed and denied; it is also not recommended to respond with aggression to aggression. At this age, it is still difficult for a baby to be aware of his own emotions, but it is necessary to accustom him to this process. Many parents ask: is it worth giving change if someone offends and pushes on the playground? Psychologists recommend teaching the baby to give "verbal change": that is, to voice their indignation, to talk about the rejection of aggression. But in most cases, the tactics of behavior depend on the parental opinion, which does not always coincide with the point of view of the psychologist. This is especially true for the upbringing of the boy: “beat back, are you a man or not?”.
  • Tantrums. At the age of three, tantrums are normal, you need to be mentally prepared for them. During the crisis period, tantrums can happen 2 times a week. But they should not be repeated too often and become a habit. What to do if the baby throws tantrums every day several times for a long time? First, we need to reconsider the methods of education. They must be agreed with grandparents so that there are no disagreements. Secondly, consult with a neurologist and a psychologist.
  • The manifestation of temperament. At the age of three, the type of the nervous system is already clearly visible. Tantrums do not happen except in calm and calm phlegmatic children. Cholerics start up in half a turn. Sanguine people are quick-witted, it is easier to negotiate with them. Melancholic suffer silently and for a long time, quietly shed tears and accumulate resentment. It is important to find an approach to each type of temperament. Not all methods are equally good.
  • Overexcitability of the nervous system. In a crisis period, it is important to adhere to the daily routine: good sleep, rational nutrition, mandatory walks in the fresh air. Active, outdoor games should be in the morning. Before going to bed, you can read books, listen to calm music, sing lullabies to your child. It is necessary to take all measures to calm the nervous system, and not to overload it. It is also worth asking questions: what cartoons does the baby watch, what adults and children surround him, what games does he play?

What to do with whims and tantrums

It is important what state the mother is in when the baby has a tantrum. It is necessary to stop the child's inadequate actions with firmness, but also with love and understanding of the child's condition. His nervous system does not yet have "safeties", the structure of nerve cells is inert and does not yet slow down hysteria.

  • Demands and prohibitions. It is important from early childhood to form prohibitions that relate to health, life safety. Also, the baby should already be aware of the value of some items, elementary ethical standards of behavior. But exactingness should correspond to age, and there should not be too many prohibitions. To forbid all the time means taking away from the baby his curiosity, initiative, desire for knowledge. It is also important that the bans are consistent.
  • Restraining the anger and resistance of the baby. This strategy does not consist of directly saying, “Shut up! Shut up!" etc. Direct suppression of anger can lead to self-injury and guilt. Restraint of the negative emotions of the child lies in the ability to switch the baby to positive emotions, a constructive dialogue. At the same time, it is important to remain balanced and calm, not to raise your tone, not to shout, that is, not to mirror it.

According to medical statistics, farsightedness in children is detected in 90% of cases, since all babies come into the world with eye hyperopia. This is considered the norm and up to a certain age, parents should not worry much, but one should not forget about a timely visit to the optometrist, at least once a year.

Hypermetropia in newborns refers to farsightedness, with which absolutely all children are born. This is an abnormal refraction of the eye, in which the focus of the visual system is outside the retina. In children, this is due to the small length of the eyeball. Hypermetropia usually persists between the ages of 1 and 3 years and is approximately 3 diopters. With the growth of the child, its value gradually decreases towards normal refraction and by school age it has a value of about 1 diopter. This happens because the eyeball grows and the focus is set on the retina.

Therefore, farsightedness in children from 1 year to 3 years and a little older is quite normal. But it is necessary to be examined by an ophthalmologist during this period. It will help control the development of vision and prevent complications, because at a younger age, hypermetropia can be more than 3 diopters.

In general, there are three types of optical system:

  1. Emmetropia is a normal condition bordering on farsightedness and myopia and does not require correction. Indicated as zero.
  2. Farsightedness is a pathology of vision, indicated by a plus sign and corrected by positive lenses.
  3. Myopia is a visual impairment indicated by a minus sign and corrected by negative lenses.

Each small village lens is measured in diopters, which characterize its refractive power. That's why we say this: "I have farsightedness plus two." Or: "I have minus six myopia."

Causes of complications and how to identify them

But it happens that children's farsightedness still manifests itself, the reason may be a lag in the growth of the eyeball. Children with this disorder have to strain their eye muscles to see objects. At first, their eyes seem to adjust, compensating for poor vision. But then it can turn into the development of various diseases, for example, a spasm of the eye muscles.

Also, the causes of children's hypermetropia are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • intraocular pressure;
  • deformation of the eyeball;
  • other disorders of the visual system.

Since children themselves cannot determine whether their eyesight is poor or good, and it is difficult for babies under 1 year old to make a diagnosis, you should pay attention to symptoms or complaints such as:

  • unwillingness to read;
  • sharp pain in the eyes;
  • frequent headaches;
  • fatigue;
  • visual discomfort;
  • irritability;
  • severe sleep disturbance.

With the frequent repetition of such complaints, without delay, take the child to the doctor. Farsightedness in a neglected state is fraught with such consequences as frequent inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), an increase in the village of a small risk of developing glaucoma due to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid.

The progression of hypermetropia in children from 1 to 3 years of age can lead to a disease such as amblyopia, also called lazy eye syndrome, which occurs only at an early age. It leads to the fact that the brain cells responsible for vision, taking a distorted picture, reduce the stimulation of the normal development of neurons.

Such changes lead to decreased vision and developmental disorders. It is impossible to correct the pathology with glasses or lenses. As a bonus to amblyopia, strabismus may appear, developing in about 40% of cases.

Based on the degree of pathology, children's farsightedness is divided into three types:

  1. Weak degree - up to 2 D.
  2. Average hyperopia - 3-5 D.
  3. High - over 5 D.

It is possible to identify the degree only after a special medical examination by an ophthalmologist.

age margin

All children under 3 years of age have a margin of farsightedness. But sometimes it may not meet the standard. In itself, this is not terrible, but over time, complications and vision problems may appear. For example, if the eyeball grows ahead of the age norm, this means that the child has an insufficient supply. In this case, there is a very high risk of developing myopia. With an excessive reserve, characterized by a retardation of the growth of the eyeball, the occurrence of possible complications is described above.

Correction of the visual system at an early age

All these complications and diseases can be prevented if the problem is detected early. Today, an ophthalmologist can establish a reserve of farsightedness even up to 1 year. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe glasses and prescribe special exercises. And with strabismus - a complete treatment of the visual system.

Parents should understand that glasses are needed for treatment, and not for inconvenience!

Plus points with an excessive supply normalize the functioning of the visual cells of the brain, preventing the development of amblyopia and strabismus, and with an insufficient supply, triggering mechanisms to slow down the growth of the eyeball.

In addition, hardware treatment with various methods of stimulating vision is also used. Such a course is prescribed only after the necessary examinations and is carried out 3-5 times during the year.

Look at the video computer graphics of the disease of the eye

At preschool age, from 1 to 3 years of age and older, it is recommended to use positive lenses even for the correction of a small degree of hypermetropia (about 1 D). But in this case, children should wear glasses only during visual work - reading, watching TV, at school, doing homework, at the computer. School-age children, from the age of 7, are usually prescribed contact lenses or glasses with converging lenses.

Once again, we recall that the sooner pathologies are detected, the greater the chances of recovery. Moreover, modern treatment technologies make it possible to completely cure children's hypermetropia with a high percentage of success.

Before entering the kindergarten, we went through a psychoneurologist. He asked various questions, some of which he did not receive answers from my child. For example: who am I to her, who is she to me; name the season in the illustration (did not receive an answer), name the colors of objects (answered in full); count objects (easily coped with the task); could not perform actions on addition and sum within 5. Nevertheless, the child is active, easily makes contact. The doctor diagnosed F83. Explain in more detail the norms for the development of a child by 3.5 years. Is my daughter really mentally retarded? (Anna)


Hello Anna! Thanks for the question. It’s understandable that you are worried… and even indignant somewhere… I must say that “fees” and “documentary preparation” (collection of documents, commissions, etc.) for kindergarten cause a lot of feelings for most parents, which is reflected in children. And I am grateful to you for the question, because it touches on an important topic: How to most painlessly undergo an examination by a specialist, both for the child and for the parent, especially if the further stage of the baby’s life depends on the results of the examination (type of preschool institution, for example). Therefore, I want to appeal to those parents whose children are waiting for PMPK, examinations, collection of documents and give a few recommendations that may help to help go through all this the least acute.

It is very important for parents themselves to tune in in a special way (calmly - positively) to all kinds of examination procedures, PMPK, so that this does not affect the emotional state of the child during the examination itself, and hence the results of this examination. And this happens.

It is also recommended to repeatedly play with the child situations of conversation with the doctor, situations that they will ask him something, ask questions, they will look at pictures with him, offer to “play”. And before a direct meeting of the child with a specialist, it is important to consider a few points:

  1. 1 - 1.5 hours before the meeting, feed the child (you can use something tasty and loved) so that during the examination, the feeling of hunger that arises does not distract from the tasks
  2. Be sure to say “plan of the day for today”, that your “doctor called for a visit” to play, that in the game he will ask questions that you will definitely answer, etc. It is important that the child goes in a good mood, with a sense of success. (I often hear this position of moms or dads: “Why should he say all this, he’s still small, he still doesn’t speak well ..?” I would like to emphasize: If your child still does not speak enough, has not learned enough to express his desires, needs and thoughts due to age, this does not mean that he does not hear you and does not feel you!)
  3. You can take your favorite toy to a meeting with a specialist (you can “introduce the bear to other children, to the doctor, etc.”, “go on a trip with the bear, take it to the hospital, and then with the bear - visit your grandmother or in a cafe - for a cake”…) The presence of favorite toys in a new environment for a child helps him to perceive this “environment” psychologically easier, softer and calmer.
  4. Parental calm (“If mom smiles, then everything is fine and there is nothing to be afraid of”)

Before answering your main question (about explaining the developmental norms of a child at 3.5 years old), I would like to start by explaining the very wording of F83.

F83 "Mixed specific disorders of psychological development" This is a residual group of disorders in which there are difficulties in the development of the child at the level of several mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perception ..), and it is difficult to distinguish exactly where these difficulties are greater, therefore such a vague diagnosis. Therefore, to begin with, I would recommend visiting a psychiatrist (preferably a child psychiatrist), a neurologist in order to strengthen the accuracy of the diagnosis or the very fact of the diagnosis, and also to get a more complete and objective picture of the child's development. Would recommend to pass or take place research of a brain (EEG). If, nevertheless, certain developmental difficulties are observed by specialists, then it makes sense to think about the treatment that the doctor will prescribe and at the same time turn to a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist so that they systematically professionally work with your girl, show you what you can do at home for the development of the child. And, of course, it’s important for you to talk a lot with your child, read poems and fairy tales, look at pictures-objects, pictures-actions that are interconnected in meaning, ask as many questions as possible, you yourself should think aloud, explain, pronounce, etc. (Experts recommend: S.V. Batyaeva, E.V. Savostyanova "Album on the Development of Speech for the Littlest Ones", "I Explore the World", an encyclopedia in pictures for kids, etc.) After all, we know that the brain is formed and develops right up to 21-23 years, that it is formed in different ways, in its individual rhythm, that mental functions in their development can sink at different age stages, that at each age stage its own mental function prevails and matures (So, at an early age - this is perception, in preschool - memory, in school, adolescence - this is thinking). And since the psyche develops systematically, even if the child has difficulties somewhere, it is possible, by engaging in the development of other mental spheres, so that those where there are difficulties are pulled up. Therefore, on the one hand, I would like to reassure you and say that each child develops in his own way, and this is normal, you should not panic if the specialist noted certain problems. You just need to deal with the child, and over time, the child will catch up with a lot, and sometimes even surpass his peers in something. On the other hand, you should not ignore the information of a specialist, just take note, go through the examination again.

And now about what a child of 3.5 years old should be able to do. Briefly, the age can be characterized as follows:

  1. Visual-active thinking prevails. The intellectual development of a child depends on how rich the developing environment around him is, whether it allows him to explore the world around him in a varied and meaningful way by manipulating various objects.
  2. Speech is in the process of formation. Specialists distinguish (speech therapists, defectologists) the following standard indicators at this age: Indicators of speech development \ Time of appearance is normal
    • Uses words-names of parts of objects in active speech 3 years 6 months.
    • Uses diminutive suffixes From the age of 3
    • Uses prefixed verbs in speech 3 years 1 month.
    • Word creation appears From the age of 3
    • Distinguishes words that differ in one phoneme (such as beetle - onion) By 4 years
    • Pronounces the sounds Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch, L, P By 4 years
    • Notices incorrect pronunciation in own speech By 4 years
    • Can retell a familiar story close to the text By age 4
    • Encourages adults to play fairy tales with him, distributes roles, portrays the voice of various heroes of a fairy tale
    • The child should be able to name animals: wild, domestic. Must know the name of their cubs: horse-foal.
    • Should be able to describe the picture in 2-3 sentences: who is in the picture, what kind of ears he has, what he is holding in his paws, etc.
    • The child should be able to name various actions: the wolf is running, the fish is swimming, the squirrel is sitting, etc.
  3. attention, thinking, memory are involuntary. This means that the baby cannot control them at will, he cannot concentrate or remember - he pays attention to what is in his field of vision, remembers what attracted attention. (!) Training is effective only against the background of the child's psycho-emotional and comfortable state.
  4. Concentrate attention, i.e. complete the task without being distracted for about 5 minutes; find 3-4 differences between objects; keep 3-4 objects in sight; find 2 objects similar to each other; perform tasks according to the proposed model.
  5. Be able to memorize 3-4 pictures, know a few quatrains by heart, repeat a short fairy tale read with the help of an adult; remember what he did in the morning, afternoon, evening; tell from memory about the content of the picture on leading questions.
  6. Be able to quickly and correctly assemble the pyramid; put together a picture of 4 parts; collect simple insert games; find simple connections between objects and phenomena.
  7. Depict the simplest objects and phenomena of reality using straight, rounded, oblique, long, short, intersecting lines; repeat simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  8. State your first and last name; name the people of his inner circle; know and name 6 primary colors; distinguish seasons; name the essential details and parts of objects.

Here are a few things you can test your child on.

Development of attention

  • Find the same objects in the picture, determine their color.
  • Draw on a piece of paper, for example, 2 houses and 2 bears and draw a path from each bear to the house. It is desirable that these paths intersect. Invite the child to trace the path of each bear to his house with his eyes and show who lives where. If the baby finds it difficult to do this visually, then invite him to run his finger along the path.
  • Offer to color the figurines according to the model.
  • Draw the contours of 3-4 objects so that they are superimposed on each other). Invite the child to find what objects are hidden there.
  • Offer to find several differences in the picture (a gray-red cat, one has a ball, the other has a cube, etc.). If the child is at a loss, then ask him leading questions. Memory Development
  • We consider a picture with 3-4 objects. The child must name the objects. We close the book and ask you to remember what is drawn there.
  • We consider a picture where, for example, a cat holds a ball, a squirrel holds an apple, and a mouse holds a box with a bow. In another picture, animals and objects are separate. You have to remember who held what.
  • Recall the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Who did the bun meet first? Recall from the picture of animals.
  • We are looking at 2 pictures. The first is a bunny under an umbrella, it's raining, mushrooms are growing. In another picture - the sun, berries, no mushrooms, the umbrella is complicated. What has changed in the picture?

Development of thinking

  • 2 pictures. One with animals, the other with food. You have to find who likes what.
  • We examine the picture, we need to choose a pair for the subject: a vase and a flower, a hat and a scarf, a shovel and a bucket, etc.
  • Find a patch to the rug. A red rug, and it has a red circle in the middle, which is also drawn separately. A green rug with a green triangle in the middle, and so on. The kid should tell what patch to put where, what color rugs. Development of fine motor skills
  • The kid should be able to draw vertical, horizontal and oblique lines of the right size. To do this, you can offer to finish the fence, the rays of the sun, rain, etc. You should also be able to draw round objects.
  • The kid should be able to accurately paint pictures.
  • The child should be able to perform simple movements of finger gymnastics.
  • And in general, work more with the baby with your hands (sculpt, draw with both fingers and pencils, collect simple large puzzles, etc.), because. thinking develops visually-effectively, tk. speech development is directly related to the development of fine motor skills)

I hope I have answered your question. Do not worry, Anna, remember that at this age, psycho-emotional comfort is especially important for babies, and your girl needs a calm and smiling mother.

Parents are sometimes discouraged when their child is diagnosed with mental retardation (MPD). Most often, this violation is well corrected with the right approach of parents and teachers. But for this it is necessary to identify early in the child this deviation from the norm. The tests in the article will help to do this, and a unique table will help determine the type of ZPR in a child. Also in this material are tips for parents of babies with a delay in psychological development.

What does the diagnosis of mental retardation mean - to whom and when is a delay in psychological development given?

Mental retardation (MPD) is a violation of the normal development of the psyche, which is characterized by a lag in the development of certain mental functions (thinking, memory, attention).

The diagnosis of STD is usually made in children under 8 years of age. In newborns, mental retardation cannot be detected, since it is normal. When a child grows up, parents do not always pay attention to the limitation of his mental abilities or attribute it to a young age. But some children may be given in infancy. He points to some disturbances in the functioning of the brain, which at an older age may manifest itself in the form of ZPR.

When visiting a kindergarten, a child’s mental retardation is not always possible to diagnose, since there the child does not require any intense mental activity. But when entering school, a child with a mental retardation will clearly stand out from the rest of the children, because he:

  • hard to sit in the classroom;
  • hard to obey the teacher;
  • focus on mental activity;
  • not easy to learn, as he seeks to play and have fun.

Physically, children with mental retardation are healthy, the main difficulty for them is social adaptation. Children with mental retardation may be dominated by a developmental delay either in the emotional sphere or intellect.

  • With a delay in the development of the emotional sphere mental abilities of children are relatively normal. The emotional development of such children does not correspond to their age and corresponds to the psyche of a younger child. These children can tirelessly play, they are not independent and any mental activity is very tiring for them. Thus, while attending school, it is difficult for them to concentrate on their studies, obey the teacher and obey discipline in the classroom.
  • If the child has hslow development of the intellectual sphere , then, on the contrary, he will calmly and patiently sit in the classroom, listen to the teacher and obey the elders. Such children are very timid, shy and take any difficulties to heart. They come to a psychologist's consultation not because of disciplinary violations, but because of learning difficulties.

Tests for the detection of mental retardation - 6 ways to determine the delay in mental development in a child

If parents have doubts about the mental development of their child, then there are some tests that will help identify mental developmental disorders.

You should not interpret the results of these tests yourself, since only a specialist should do this.

Test No. 1 (up to 1 year)

The physical and psychological development of the child should correspond to his age. He should start holding his head no later than 1.5 months, roll over from his back to his stomach - at 3-5 months, sit and stand up - at 8-10 months. It is also worth paying attention to. A child at 6-8 months old should babble, and by 1 year old, pronounce the word "mother".

The KID-R scale for assessing the development of a child aged 2 to 16 months - and

Test #2 (9-12 months)

At this age, the child begins to form simple mental skills. For example, you can hide a toy under a box in front of a child and ask with surprise “Where is the toy?”, The kid in response should remove the box and enthusiastically show that he found the toy. The child must understand that the toy cannot disappear without a trace.

Test No. 3 (1-1.5 years)

At this age, the baby shows interest in the world around him. He is interested in learning something new, trying new toys by touch, showing joy at the sight of his mother. If such activity is not observed for the baby, this should arouse suspicion.

RCDI-2000 Developmental Scale for Child Development aged 14 months to 3.5 years - download the PDF form and instructions for parents to fill out

Test #4 (2-3 years old)

There is a children's game where you need to insert the figures into their corresponding holes. At the age of two or three years, the baby should do this without problems.

Test #5 (3-5 years old)

At this age, the child's horizons begin to form. He calls a spade a spade. The child can explain what a machine is or what kind of robot the doctor does. At this age, you should not demand a lot of information from the baby, but nevertheless, a narrow vocabulary and limited horizons should arouse suspicion.

Test No. 6 (5-7 years old)

At this age, the baby freely counts up to 10 and performs computational operations within these numbers. He freely names the names of geometric shapes and understands where there is one object, and where there are many. Also, the child must clearly know and name the primary colors. It is very important to pay attention to his creative activity: children at this age should draw, sculpt or design something.

Factors causing ZPR

There can be several reasons for mental retardation in children. Sometimes these are social factors, and in other situations, the cause of ZPR is congenital pathologies of the brain, which are determined using various examinations (for example,).

  • To the social factors of mental retardation include inappropriate conditions for raising a child. Such children often do not have parental or maternal love and care. Their families may be anti-social, dysfunctional, or these children are brought up in orphanages. This leaves a heavy mark on the psyche of the baby and often affects his mental health in the future.
  • To the physiological causes of ZPR include heredity, congenital diseases, severe pregnancy of the mother, or diseases transferred in early childhood that affected the normal development of the brain. In this case, due to brain damage, the mental health of the baby suffers.

Four types of mental retardation in children

Table 1. Types of mental retardation in children

ZPR type Causes How is it manifested?
ZPR of constitutional origin Heredity. Simultaneous immaturity of physique and psyche.
ZPR of somatogenic origin Previously transferred dangerous diseases that affect the development of the brain. The intellect in most cases does not suffer, but the functions of the emotional-volitional sphere are significantly behind in development.
ZPR of psychogenic origin Inappropriate conditions of education (orphans, children from incomplete families, etc.). Decreased intellectual motivation, lack of independence.
Cerebro-organic origin Gross violations of maturation of the brain due to pathologies of pregnancy or after serious illnesses in the first year of life. The most severe form of mental retardation, there are obvious delays in the development of the emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres.

In most situations, parents perceive the diagnosis of mental retardation very painfully, often not understanding its meaning. It is important to realize that mental retardation does not mean that the child is mentally ill. ZPR means that the child develops normally, only slightly behind his peers.

With the right approach to this diagnosis, by the age of 10, all manifestations of mental retardation can be eliminated.

  • Study this disease scientifically. Read medical articles, consult a psychiatrist or psychologist. Parents will find useful articles: O.A. Vinogradova "Development of verbal communication of preschool children with mental retardation", N.Yu. Boryakova "Clinical and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation", D.V. Zaitsev, Development of communication skills in children with intellectual disabilities in the family.
  • Contact the experts. Children with mental retardation need a consultation with a neurologist, a psychoneurologist, as well as the help of a teacher-defectologist, a teacher-psychologist, a speech therapist.
  • It will be useful to use didactic games in teaching. You need to select such games based on the age and mental abilities of the child, they should not be heavy and incomprehensible to the baby.
  • Children of senior preschool or primary school age must attend FEMP classes(formation of elementary mathematical representations). This will help them prepare for the assimilation of mathematics and the exact sciences, improve logical thinking and memory.
  • Highlight a specific time (20-30 min) to complete the lessons and every day at this time sit down with the child for lessons. Initially help him, and then gradually accustom to independence.
  • Find like-minded people. For example, on thematic forums, you can find parents with the same problem and keep in touch with them, exchanging your experience and advice.

It is important for parents to understand that a child with mental retardation is not considered mentally retarded, since he perfectly understands the essence of the events taking place, and consciously performs the assigned tasks. With the right approach, in most cases, the intellectual and social functions of the child eventually return to normal.

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