What to wear on New Year's Eve. Celebrating the Year of the Red Fire Rooster – what to wear? Aquarius should wear a dress or suit for the New Year

Unbeknownst to us, very soon we will be preparing for the New Year 2017. Starting from the very first day of winter until January 31, the spirit of the approaching holiday begins to soar more and more clearly in the air. And lovely ladies are increasingly thinking about the age-old question - what outfit to choose to celebrate the best, most desired holiday for many children and adults.

According to the eastern calendar, 2017 will be . This sign, replacing the bright Fire Monkey, promises to be even more extraordinary and memorable. You need to make friends with the restive owner of the coming year immediately, on New Year's Eve. Despite the fact that it is officially Fire

The Rooster comes into its own only on January 28; he will definitely stop by for the New Year’s light, which means that this guest must be met according to all the rules. In order for the entire next year to pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster and under his protection, you need to know some of the nuances of celebrating the New Year 2017: how to set the festive table, how to decorate the house, what dishes should be served for the New Year and, what especially excites the minds of all women - what to wear for New Year 2017?

Now we will discuss in more detail the issue of New Year's outfit.

Outfit for the New Year 2017 - what should it be?

First of all, it is worth noting that you need to celebrate the New Year in style, the dress and jewelry should be perfectly selected. It's just wonderful if you wear jewelry on New Year's Eve. And the dress will be made of natural expensive fabrics - organza, silk, satin, velvet, brocade, leather, etc. Such luxury will only attract wealth and good luck into your life.

As for the style of dresses, it is safe to say that all outfits should embody grace and beauty.

Cocktail dresses, evening dresses, with slits, floor-length dresses, romantic, high-waisted, off-the-shoulder dresses, etc. - they all should attract attention, so you just need to decorate your New Year's outfit with all kinds of accessories (lace collars, or collars made of beads, belts, embroidery, brooches, great if it is a brooch with a cockerel, feather decorations, etc. would not be out of place). It should be remembered that the Fire Rooster loves chic and extravagance.

The ideal color scheme for a dress for the New Year

The coming 2017 Year of the Fiery Red Rooster leaves fashionistas practically no choice - the dress simply must be red or have a shade of one of its derivatives. All outfits, all accessories and makeup, in particular, should radiate fire, passion, rage, wildness, danger, luxury and even sexuality with their color.

The following colors can evoke the strongest fiery emotions:

  • red;
  • scarlet;
  • burgundy;
  • orange;
  • coral (precisely a dark shade of coral);
  • rich bright yellow;
  • orange;
  • brown and brown-gold;
  • gold;
  • black.

In general, you can focus on the color of the playing flame when choosing a dress. It is best to try to combine all the colors of the outfit specifically in fiery harmony, then the New Year's dress will amaze everyone around, imitating the dancing of a raging fire.


When choosing a red dress for the New Year, you should take into account that at least two or three more ladies may show up in the same color. Even if the cut and style of the dresses are different, the same color will make your dresses look similar. If you adamantly decide to appear in a red outfit, remember that the red color itself is quite bright and noticeable, therefore, flashy accessories will look unnecessary.


The coral color is very beautiful and rich; in an outfit of this color you will feel truly irresistible, extraordinary and elegant. However, there are pitfalls here too. Despite its magnificence, coral color is a very complex and insidious color; when choosing this color scheme, you need to carefully select the shade to match your skin color.


No wonder the saying goes: “A cockerel, a cockerel is a golden comb.” In a golden dress you will feel like the queen of New Year's Eve. And please the owner of 2017. Fashion trends say: gold color is the bomb of the coming year!

Brown and golden brown

A brown outfit goes perfectly with gold sparkly jewelry. And if you add a little golden gloss to the dress, then everyone’s attention will be guaranteed to your person.

Bright yellow

If you chose a yellow dress for New Year's Eve 2017, then keep in mind that yellow should be rich and catchy. The Cockerel will not tolerate a dull faded light yellow color at his holiday.


An orange dress would be an excellent choice. After all, orange is the color of luxury, the color of positivity and joy. By wearing this outfit to celebrate the New Year, you will find yourself in the thick of the fun.


The scarlet color symbolizes dawn, the beginning of something new and bright. The symbol of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will definitely like the scarlet outfit and it will reward you with interest throughout the year.


If you want to look elegant and sophisticated on, then a burgundy outfit is what you need. Add to it a few catchy accessories (gold belt, brooch or massive pendant) and you will be irresistible.


As Mademoiselle Chanel used to say: “Every woman should have a little black dress in her wardrobe.” If you choose an outfit like this, you definitely won’t miss it. By adding long tiered beads to a formal dress, you will be both elegant and elegant at the same time.

What to wear for a man on New Year's Eve 2017

Having chosen a festive dress for yourself, you should also take care of your man. For the stronger sex, a classic dark or golden suit is suitable. Don’t mind the symbol of the coming year and the dark burgundy color of your man’s outfit. A shirt or T-shirt must be ironed; the Rooster will not tolerate a sloppy attitude towards his holiday. It is also imperative that a grown beard should be carefully trimmed or completely shaved off. The haircut should be stylish.

The owner of the coming year will be the Red or Fire Rooster, an obstinate, ambitious and very restless bird. What will he bring us? How to appease the patron of 2017? What should I dress up in to please him and thereby beg for as much success and prosperity as possible in the coming year?

Yes, yes, this is where 90% of articles devoted to New Year’s themes begin. Reading all this I just want to say: “whoop!” Well, what does the eastern horoscope have to do with style and fashion? How can you “appease” the Rooster on New Year’s Eve, who will only come into his own at the end of January? That's it, no way. Because, as you already understand, what to wear for the new 2017 year of the rooster , we will say the least, concentrating on the most stylish and sought-after looks that will make you the real queen of this magical holiday. So, let's go.

A little about fashion trends in clothing

Of course, the main and almost the only trend this year is red and fiery tones, feathers and lots and lots of glitter, which the Rooster will love so much. Now let's get serious. This year’s trends are bound to please, because for the holiday you can afford really bright and memorable things. There are three main directions:

In principle, this is where the conversation on the topic “what to wear for the New Year 2017” can be completed: the main trends have been announced, the directions for searching have been set, and possible errors have been highlighted. But we can’t stop so easily, because it’s time to discuss the look for the New Year. Let's start, perhaps, with the eve of the holiday - a corporate party.

Choosing an outfit for a corporate party

The good thing about corporate parties is that at them we can throw off the strict office image and relax to the fullest in the company of people who have become practically a second family. This is probably why the desire to “not fall in the face” before going to a party is so great, and we are ready to devote almost all our free time to choosing the right outfit. Here, first of all, you need to start from the place where the celebration will take place, so let's look at each of the possible situations separately.

Country boarding house. Many companies prefer active leisure to boring gatherings at a richly decorated table. What could be better than getting out as a group to a ski resort, having a blast skiing, and then ending the day with a delicious barbecue or even a disco, because the vast majority of country boarding houses organize entertainment programs for the New Year holidays. How to look chic in such a situation?

If going to a restaurant is not planned, and outdoor recreation is your entire program, then the main thing here is to be comfortable and warm. So a warm thermal suit and boots will be just right for such an outing. And it doesn’t matter at all what colors to wear for the New Year 2017, or what styles.

If winter does not indulge in severe frosts, then you can choose a lighter outfit: your favorite jeans, a warm jacket, a hat, gloves and a scarf (it is advisable that all this is not from the same set, but coordinated in color and texture), and of course ugg boots. Now is the time and place to take them for a walk! When choosing an outfit for gatherings in a warm room, you also don’t need to worry too much: a chunky knit sweater combined with jeans, and if it’s long, you can also pair it with leggings.

Night club. This is a very popular place for communal celebrations. Here you will have to think through the outfit much more carefully. And it doesn’t have to be a dress; fortunately, designers offer us a huge selection. The first, and perhaps the most popular option is a jumpsuit.

Today's models have gone so far from their working ancestor that they have become one of the most successful party wear. What to look for when choosing the right model for yourself? First of all, this is the length and waist level. The length should always match the shoes you plan to wear with it. There are only two options here - either a completely closed leg, when only the toe of the shoe is visible, or a completely open leg, when the trouser leg ends at the level of the beginning of the shoe. It is very important that there is no gap between them, since even such a small thing can visually “cut off” your height. The second point that should not be missed under any circumstances is the waist level. It must necessarily coincide with the natural curve.

When thinking about what to wear to a corporate party for the New Year, we must not forget about such an option as a trouser suit. No, no, not the boring one you wear in the office every day. A pantsuit for a party should be much more interesting and brighter. Playful stripes can add originality to the model, and the jacket, for example, can be replaced with an elongated vest. An option for a jacket, thickly trimmed with beads or sequins, which will shine, reflecting the shine of the spotlights, is also suitable here.

And of course, the favorite of the New Year's wardrobe is the dress. In the case of a corporate event, you need to take into account the most important point - you should not look vulgar. Length, level of transparency and openness, this is what you pay attention to first of all, because your reputation in the team may depend on this.

New Year's Eve look

Here the selection criteria differ little from the previous ones, because the outfit should be appropriate in the environment in which you plan to celebrate. Home gatherings have recently become the absolute leader. But this does not mean at all that you should be in a stretched T-shirt or, even worse, in a robe. You can also look elegant at home, here are a few options that will confirm this:

  • Pants + blouse or top. It’s best if these are wide-cut silk trousers, which are comfortable to wear around the festive table and have fun in the New Year’s round dance;
  • Overalls. Even a simple cut, diluted with festive accessories, will turn into a bright and festive look;
  • Dress. There are two interesting options here: a light floor-length dress with a straight cut that will cover your legs and eliminate the need to wear tights, or a nightie dress that has returned to fashion (or sleep dress, as stylists and beauty bloggers like to call it). The latter option is very unusual, since it can be combined with turtlenecks (thick or lace), thick tights, or worn just like that, adding a slight touch of sexuality to the image. Particularly chic is a velvet dress that reaches mid-calf. Pay special attention to it if you are planning to go on a visit.

This does not mean at all that you need to limit yourself to the proposed options, because your plans may even include a pajama party or a costume ball.

If you are going to a restaurant or club, then this is the right place to try on the following images:

  • Sequin dress. Try to choose matte options that will give an expensive shimmer of liquid metal. Such outfits are now at the peak of fashion. But when choosing such an extravagant outfit, you need to think carefully about what a man should wear for the New Year 2017, because together with your loved one you should look harmonious. Of course, you won’t achieve this effect if your other half is wearing regular jeans and a T-shirt;
  • Top and skirt. There is certainly room for imagination here: bare shoulders, boho-style sleeves, loose fit. It is better to choose a straight or pleated skirt that is below the knee. And remember: no knitwear or something similar to an alcoholic T-shirt - this has not been fashionable for a long time, and it pretty much spoils the figure;
  • Lace. They can be either on a dress or on a top or skirt. Make sure that the outfit does not look vulgar, otherwise the evening can be significantly spoiled by the advances of slightly (and not very) tipsy gentlemen. Under the lace there should always be a lining or modest, even somewhat puritanical underwear (but not sportswear, of course); on top of the lace blouse or top can be complemented by a vest, which will hide all the most controversial places;
  • Pantsuit. Having tested it at a corporate party, it is quite possible to go out again directly for the holiday.
  • Floor length dress. An excellent option for a restaurant. Moreover, it is practically the only possible one, because a more elegant and feminine outfit simply cannot be found. Velvet models or velvet + lace will look simply gorgeous;
  • Cocktail Dress. Everything from the simple cut of a black dress to incredibly shiny and bright sequins is appropriate here. The main thing is not to forget about the balance of accessories: choose bright, voluminous and noticeable ones for a simple cut, and spectacular dresses are combined only with extremely modest accessories.

And the last thing: a holiday in a country house. Long knitted and floor-length knitted dresses would be more appropriate here than ever. If they are also stitched with shiny thread, then the best option is not even worth looking for. The advantage is that you don’t need to think about choosing accessories, because even Christmas tree beads will look organic here.

Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to the options we offer, because our task is to provide food for thought, and the final choice is always yours!

Quite imperceptibly, the long-awaited, favorite holiday of both children and adults, New Year 2017, is creeping up on us, this time its eastern symbol will be a fiery red rooster.

Although it’s still the last month of autumn outside, the smell of the holiday is already in the air: shops are starting to decorate their windows, and people are starting to decorate their homes; beautiful decorated Christmas trees are being displayed in the squares. And women gradually begin to ask themselves the main question at the end of the year - what to wear on the main holiday?

To please the symbol of the coming year, the cocky rooster, which promises to be very unusual, extraordinary and eventful, it is recommended to make friends with him right on New Year's Eve.

In order to meet the guest of the coming year according to all the required rules and be under his reliable protection and patronage, it is important to know and observe some nuances.

It is important not only to properly set the table and serve foods that are pleasing to the cockerel, but also to dress correctly in order to meet the symbol of the year fully armed.

In today’s article we will discuss and decide in great detail and in great detail what to wear for the New Year 2017.

What should women wear for the New Year 2017?

It is important to remember the beautiful appearance of the symbol of the coming year, so ladies should look no less chic on New Year's Eve. Don't forget about jewelry, it's best if it's jewelry, and also do your hair, be sure to take care of your manicure.

Materials and fabrics

It is best to choose a dress from quite expensive, luxurious-looking fabrics, such as velvet, flowing organza, delicate silk, elite dense brocade and even genuine leather. An outfit made of such materials, worn by you on New Year's Eve 2017, will be able to attract luck and wealth into your subsequent life.

Styles and forms

Whatever your dress, it must first fit you perfectly and emphasize all the advantages of your figure.

Whether you choose a cute, above-the-knee length or a beautiful evening dress, with seductive slits on the sides, or prefer a romantic floor-length model - any outfit should definitely attract attention and become the center of the evening.

Whenever possible, decorate your look with a variety of intricate accessories, such as delicate lace or beaded collars, shiny belts, beautiful jewelry and embroidery. It will be great if you find decorations with feathers or with the image of a rooster; the symbol of the year will certainly like it.

It is important to be as extravagant and chic as possible, because, as we all know, it is worth celebrating the New Year in luxury and wealth, and then spend it.

Color palette

It is advisable to choose bright, fiery outfits and surround yourself, decorate your home for the New Year 2017, including with the flowers that its symbol, the rooster, offers us.

The selected shades should directly radiate flame, raging passion, chic and luxury, and of course sexuality. It’s best if you manage to combine several colors of the scarlet spectrum, imitating the play of fire.

The fiery rooster speaks for itself and the main colors of New Year's Eve 2017 will be:


If you want to choose a scarlet dress for New Year's Eve, think carefully about the style and how it will sit on you. It’s just that such a dress will definitely attract the attention of others, and if you are not 100% confident in your figure, refuse this catchy color.

A scarlet dress does not need fancy jewelry; a simple gold one with a pendant and a thin bracelet are perfect.

Since this color symbolizes dawn, the beginning of something new, inspiration and passion, in a scarlet dress you need to be more modest so that there is a certain harmony between you and the outfit.


Not all girls will suit a dress of such a complex color. If you have very pale skin, this option is not for you. Like a red dress, this option must fit you perfectly, otherwise you risk becoming an object not of admiration, but of ridicule.


The most important color not only of the upcoming celebration, but of the entire 2017. In a gold dress you will feel like a queen. The main rule is that a gold-colored dress should not be fluffy. An hourglass and mermaid silhouette would be ideal.


Although it seems at first that brown is not a ceremonial color at all, this is far from the case. Firstly, it will ideally harmonize with luxurious shiny gold-colored jewelry, which will greatly enliven such an outfit.

Secondly, well-chosen fabrics, such as guipure or organza, will make a brown dress truly expensive and luxurious.


Don't think that the color yellow is more likely to be approved by a chicken than a rooster. If you are a blonde, then for you a dress of a delicate yellow color with a golden tint is simply ideal for New Year's Eve 2017.

Delicate flowy fabrics such as lyck or viscose are perfect for the perfect yellow party dress.


If you love brightness and want to surprise the cockerel by becoming a real firebird, then your ideal choice will be a dress in a bright, one might say fiery orange color. It symbolizes joy, good mood, activity and positivity.


The color of elegance and restraint. If your goal is to look sophisticated and sophisticated in the New Year 2017, then a burgundy dress, below the knees or to the floor, will be your best choice.

With such a dress you can wear brighter and larger jewelry than with a bright red outfit, so everything is in your hands.


What can I say, a black dress will never go out of style. Feel free to wear this outfit if you don’t want to buy something bright for the New Year’s celebration, but don’t forget to complement it with beautiful jewelry. The main thing, remember, black can also shine.

What should a man wear for New Year 2017?

Dear ladies, after you and I have chosen an outfit for ourselves, it’s time to dress up our dear men. They do not have to wear all of the above colors, but just need to wear a bright accessory, such as a tie or shirt, and in general the suit can be discreet, black or brown.

It also looks very cool on men and will suit the symbol of the coming year in ocher or mustard color.

Remember that it is important for a man to be neatly shaved and trimmed, and his clothes must be perfectly clean and ironed, as the rooster will not tolerate sloppiness.

What to wear for the New Year 2017 according to zodiac signs

Women Aries is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2017 in bright, but not revealing outfits. Avoid bare shoulders and deep necklines. This is due to the changes awaiting you on the personal front. When it comes to the color palette, everything described above will work great for you.

What to choose as an outfit for Taurus? Have a blast on New Year's Eve, wear whatever you want, even a daring mini, even a dress with a train, because you, usually so reserved, just need to give free rein to your feelings. But don’t overdo it with makeup.

The most exciting evening awaits you New Year's Eve 2017, Gemini. For them, the outfit and image as a whole are very important, since on December 31, 2016, the Moon will be in their sign. Feel the holiday to the fullest, be the star and center of the evening, have fun from the bottom of your heart. If you put a red accessory on your head, then the coming year will bring you the protection of its symbol - the rooster.

Festive dress for Cancer may be the most elaborate. We advise you to wear exactly what your heart wants and what your soul is about. Any, even the most theatrical outfits will be suitable for crayfish on New Year's Eve 2017.

Outfits for Lviv 2017. Having excellent, refined taste by nature, Leos have most likely already started looking for an outfit for New Year's Eve, looking at the latest fashion trends from shows. There is no doubt that you will make the right choice, and you will wear your outfit more than once, and not just for a celebration.

Virgos, stick to moderation in your New Year's outfits.. If you prefer calm colors, such as burgundy, brown or black, or simple natural make-up to flashy and provocative outfits, then a dacha will certainly be waiting for you in the coming year.

New Year's outfit for Libra or at least one detail of the image should be a rich red color. In this way, you will not only delight the symbol of the coming year, but also launch a wave of success for the future.

Scorpios, excel at New Year's Eve 2017 with its own special unique twist, for example a red bow or a bright brooch with the image of a rooster. Take care in advance of a detail that will set you apart from the rest of the crowd.

What should Sagittarius wear to celebrate the New Year? If your figure allows you and you are not afraid of attention, feel free to wear revealing outfits, daring minis and deep necklines, it definitely won’t hurt you!

New Year's Eve for Capricorns - This is an opportunity to show your creativity. You, who love to work hard, deserve to have a blast on New Year's Eve. Give preference to bright and interesting dresses and large, shiny jewelry.

Aquarius is recommended to celebrate the New Year in long outfits that not only look very elegant, but also keep your energy from venting, which needs to be saved for next year, since a lot of changes await you.

Pisces on New Year's Eve 2017 They can show off their new clothes, and this is important. It is advisable to purchase an outfit right on New Year’s Eve and not spare money on it, because a new look will not only bring you a great mood, but will also give you new strength and self-confidence.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 17 minutes


According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Fire Rooster is approaching, which is strict and serious in nature, but fair. How to celebrate and what to prepare for the New Year 2017 in order to make New Year's Eve memorable, enlist the support of the symbol and ensure the fulfillment of desires?

According to the Chinese sages, the Red Rooster, with the help of a cleansing flame, will drive away all the bad and fill the world with the new and unknown. With the onset of the 2017 Rooster, which will happen on January 28, changes will affect everyone. The nature of change depends on people. The symbol of the year is known for its sympathy for purposeful and hardworking people with remarkable willpower. The New Year 2017 will be exciting and emotional, and all endeavors will bear fruit if you work hard and persevere.

The red color present in the color of the Fire Rooster symbolizes financial success. This is a shade of career growth and the color of luck. The Rooster also likes gold. Therefore, by giving preference to golden colors, you will receive the support of the symbol of the New Year 2017 in all your endeavors.

The rooster is a family bird. He values ​​loved ones and protects peace. It is recommended to celebrate the New Year 2017 with your family. Thanks to a cheerful, noisy company, the holiday will be incredibly active. It’s better to postpone your New Year’s holiday abroad.

As for gifts, the thrifty symbol of the year is inclined to small gifts, because attention is more important. To appease the Fire Rooster, when creating a New Year's interior, be guided by the color scheme of the bird.

The place where the New Year is celebrated does not matter, but it is better to avoid dubious establishments, otherwise an evening spoiled by even a small conflict will leave unpleasant memories. Place your bet on the company and don't forget about the festive mood.

Scenario for the New Year 2017 of the Red Rooster for home and family

New Year is a long-awaited holiday. This is a great occasion to get together with your family and have fun. To make the holiday a success, create a festive atmosphere for your loved ones. Fantasy and a pre-thought-out scenario for the New Year 2017 will help with this.

Prepare masks and costumes in advance. I advise you to make the holiday themed: a fairytale ball, a pirate party. There are no restrictions. Songs, dances, congratulations and competitions with gifts will help create a festive atmosphere. I offer a New Year's Eve scenario for a meeting with family or friends.

  • Introduction.
  • Let the head of the family open the holiday. I recommend starting with a congratulation, complemented by a joke or a thematic poem.. Farewell to last year
  • The best time to say toasts. Turn everything into a game. Let each participant in the event remember the good moments of the past year. The one who remembers the most events will win and receive a prize. Warm-up
  • .. Start with riddles. Give a gift for the correct answer. There are a lot of inexpensive things on sale: postcards, refrigerator magnets, keychains with the symbol of 2017.
  • New Year's Eve Glasses of champagne, holiday greetings and toasts. While the chimes are striking, make a wish.
  • Presentation of New Year's gifts. Make the process intriguing. Tell your guests that the gifts have been stolen by an evil sorcerer who left a note with clues. Let the family participate in an interactive game and search.
  • Competitions. Previously, people celebrated the New Year in front of the TV. Now it's irrelevant and boring. Competitions, for example, “Draw a Dream,” will help diversify the atmosphere. Give participants paper and pencils and blindfold them. When one of the participants completes the picture, the others must guess the dream. The person who guesses correctly will receive a prize, and the author will be confident that the dream will come true.

Family walk.

The most awaited stage of the celebration. Go outside with a cheerful group, breathe in the frosty air, admire the stars, light sparklers, explode firecrackers or set off fireworks.

It is not difficult to guess that the main color of the coming 2017 is red. It is not recommended to limit yourself to a classic shade. If you wish, you can wear a festive outfit in scarlet, burgundy or pink.

According to astrologers, the owner of the approaching year will like fiery shades. Yellow and orange outfits are also trendy. If you are not delighted with such colors, opt for blue and purple colors.

Try to make the image bright, original and elegant. Even if you decide to wear trousers and a jumper, the main thing is that the clothes emphasize masculinity. A woman's outfit should combine tenderness and femininity. The image of a daring young lady will not do.

What to wear for different zodiac signs

According to astrologers, if you choose the right outfit for the New Year 2017 and take into account your zodiac sign, fate will be favorable throughout the year. What to choose?

  1. Aries Yellow outfits will do. It is better for girls to refuse a deep neckline, otherwise it will turn into a love tragedy and a broken heart in the coming year.
  2. Taurus The road is open to experiments with colors and their combinations. This zodiac is not friendly with a bright personality and flashy antics. Among the jewelry, the best option is large hoop earrings.
  3. Twins the most eccentric. The highlight of the image is thoughtfulness, complemented by the correct placement of accents. To attract good luck, decorate your hair with a red satin ribbon or hairpin.
  4. For Cancer the best solution is a costume outfit, complemented by a mask with rhinestones. This attire will provide the effect of an unforgettable masquerade and will give you an excellent mood.
  5. Lions- self-confident and pedantic individuals who consider preparing for the holiday, taking into account the zodiac, nonsense. The patron of 2017 will appreciate any outfit they choose. The main thing is that the accessories are discreet.
  6. Virgos Bright clothes and soft makeup are suitable. Laconic jewelry will highlight natural beauty.
  7. Libra It is recommended to rely on natural contrasts. They are allowed to shine all New Year's Eve in the outfit they have been dreaming about lately.
  8. In a New Year's look Scorpios there must be some zest. Young ladies who want to stand out from the crowd could use some spice. Fantasy will help attract attention.
  9. Sagittarius It is prescribed to celebrate the New Year 2017 in a relaxed atmosphere. A short skirt or dress with an attractive neckline will help you create the image of a femme fatale.
  10. Capricorns The Rooster recommends listening to your inner voice. The key to success is a beautiful manicure, well-groomed hands and discreet accessories.
  11. Aquarius Long dresses, floor-length skirts and suits with trousers are suitable. Asymmetry, complemented by a small heel and bright jewelry, will help to add zest to the image.
  12. For Pisces Any style is appropriate. The main thing is to put on new clothes. It is better to go to the store in mid-December. This will attract money and luck into the house.

If you are trying to win over the symbol of the approaching year, do not be modest and do not save money. Regardless of what you wear to celebrate the New Year 2017, the image should be based on massive jewelry and bright colors. The Fire Rooster will not like quiet people.

What to cook for New Year 2017 – step-by-step culinary recipes

The holiday is approaching, and housewives are increasingly immersed in an ocean of troubles. They will have to clean up the house, decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts for household members and resolve the issue with the New Year's menu. Each of these tasks is important and requires attention.

On New Year's Day it is customary to set the table richly and generously. Every housewife strives to meet the culinary expectations of her guests. She watches themed TV shows and visits culinary sites in search of recipes. But there are so many dishes that making a choice is problematic.

To make it easier to prepare for the upcoming holiday, I offer a collection of step-by-step recipes. The dishes will please everyone. They correspond to the character of the Fire Rooster, under whose patronage the next year will pass, because the culinary masterpieces contain a lot of herbs, fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's hard to imagine New Year's Eve without a table bursting with all kinds of dishes, delicacies and drinks. On the eve of the celebration, every housewife thinks about a list of treats that will decorate the New Year's feast.

New Year's salads deserve special attention, because you want to please your guests with something new and unknown, in addition to the classic Olivier and Mimosa. I offer several interesting recipes with which you will surprise everyone.

Salad "Santa Claus"


  • Hard cheese – 150 g.
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can.
  • Tomatoes – 200 g.
  • Canned tuna – 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise, salt.


  1. Open the can of tuna and drain the liquid. Using a fork, mash the fish thoroughly.
  2. Finely chop one boiled egg, and remove the yolks from the remaining eggs. They are useful for salad, and whites are suitable for decoration.
  3. Cut half the tomatoes into small slices. Save the rest for decoration.
  4. Pass the cheese through a grater and mix with other ingredients. Add mayonnaise and salt, mix and place on a plate in the form of a small slide, reminiscent of Santa Claus's hat.
  5. To make the salad realistic, decorate the edges with grated egg white and make a bubo on top. To keep the dish in shape, secure it with a mayonnaise mesh. Decorate the sides of the cap with finely chopped tomato.

Video recipe

Salad "New Year's Cockerel"


  • Chicken fillet – 300 g
  • Marinated mushrooms – 150 g.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream, herbs, salt.


  1. Boil the fillet, cool and cut into cubes. Chop boiled carrots, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers to match the chicken.
  2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a bowl, add salt and season with sour cream. The volume of sour cream is determined by personal taste preferences. The main thing is that the salad does not turn out too liquid.
  3. All that remains is to prepare the salad. First, sprinkle the dish with egg crumbles. Make eyes from peppercorns, make a tail and wings from an onion, and cut a scallop and beak from a carrot. Decorate the dish with herbs.

Salad "Winter"


  • Chicken liver – 200 g.
  • Korean carrots – 200 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 head.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour – 1 spoon.
  • Vegetable oil, dill, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.


  1. Place the chicken liver along with the egg in a blender bowl and grind.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper, salt, flour and mix.
  3. In a preheated frying pan, fry thin pancakes on both sides.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine chopped dill, chopped pickled cucumbers and onion half rings. Add pancakes cut into strips and Korean carrots.
  5. All that remains is to season the dish with mayonnaise, mix and put in the refrigerator for several hours so that the ingredients become friends.

Agree, the salads, the preparation technology of which I shared, are incredibly simple. At the same time, they will become a wonderful and unusual table decoration and will delight guests with new tastes.

If you don’t want to ruin the mood of the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, replace chicken liver with rabbit liver, and use beef tongue instead of fillet. The result will not change.

Delicious snack recipes

Various dishes are appropriate on the New Year's table. In this part of the article we will talk about delicious and unusual snacks. There are many recipes and it’s easy to get lost in this variety. If you have difficulty choosing dishes, I will help by offering several detailed recipes appropriate for the upcoming New Year 2017.

"Pita rolls"


  • Lavash – 1 pack.
  • Processed cheese – 400 g.
  • Lightly salted salmon – 200 g.
  • Greenery.


  1. Place the pita bread on the table, spread with melted cheese, place lightly salted fish chopped into thin slices on top and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  2. Roll the pita bread into a roll. Cut the resulting sausage into even slices, place on a plate and decorate as you wish.

Video recipe

"Baked champignons"


  • Fresh champignons – 9 pcs.
  • Brisket - 9 slices.
  • Hard cheese – 9 slices.
  • Blue cheese - 9 slices.
  • Sour cream sauce – 1 spoon.
  • Greenery.


  1. To prepare the appetizer, first wash and peel the mushrooms. Cut off the stems, chop finely and mix with chopped herbs and sour cream sauce. If there is no sauce, use mayonnaise. The filling is ready.
  2. Fill the champignon caps with the filling and place on a greased baking sheet. Place a slice of cheese and brisket on each cap.
  3. All that remains is to pour olive oil over the appetizer and place it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for fifteen minutes. When the cheese has melted, remove the mushrooms, place on a plate and garnish with herbs.

"Vol-au-vents with caviar"


  • Puff pastry without yeast – 500 g.
  • Cream cheese – 300 g.
  • Red caviar – 1 jar.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.


  1. Roll out the dough into a layer 3 mm thick. Using a measuring stick or glass, cut out circles from the dough. Place half of the pieces on a baking sheet and brush thoroughly with beaten eggs.
  2. Cut out the middle of the remaining circles. Combine the resulting rings with the circles on the baking sheet. Bake the snack in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. Fill the finished vol-au-vents with a mixture of cream cheese and red caviar, garnish with fresh herbs.

Step-by-step recipes for delicious and original snacks for the New Year 2017 are at your disposal, which complement the New Year's salads discussed above. Don’t run away, the formation of the New Year’s table does not end here.

Hot food recipes

Chicken is traditionally used to prepare holiday salads, appetizers and hot dishes due to its taste, ease of preparation and low cost. This year, it is recommended to replace chicken with other types of meat, so as not to offend the symbol of the coming year. Fortunately, it’s not difficult to find a worthy replacement.

Let's look at recipes for hot dishes that will serve as the basis for the New Year's table. Together with salads and appetizers, they will make up a complete picture of the holiday menu, leaving room only for desserts.

"Potatoes with cheese and sour cream"


  • Potatoes – 1 kg.
  • Sour cream – 450 ml.
  • Hard cheese – 200 g.
  • Butter, spices, salt.


  1. Rinse the peeled potatoes with water and cut into thin slices. Pass the cheese through a coarse grater. Grease the mold with butter.
  2. Place a layer of potato slices on the bottom of the pan. Pour sour cream on top of the potatoes, sprinkle with salt and spices, and sprinkle with grated cheese. Alternate layers until you run out of ingredients.
  3. Place the completed form in the oven for 25 minutes. Baking temperature – 200 degrees. Remove the finished potatoes from the oven and place on plates.

Video cooking

"Roast in Pots"


  • Pork tenderloin – 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves.
  • Red onion – 2 heads.
  • Butter – 2 tablespoons.
  • Red wine – 2 glasses.
  • Chicken broth – 300 ml.
  • Sour cream – 3 spoons.
  • Ground pepper, olive oil, sea salt, fresh thyme.


  1. Rub the pork tenderloin thoroughly with a mixture of ground pepper and sea salt. Set the meat aside and begin preparing the remaining ingredients.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic and chop. Pour a little olive oil into each pot, add onions, garlic and pieces of meat. Fill the contents of the pots with wine and add a little butter. Place the pots in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for an hour.
  3. While the meat is baking, prepare the sauce. Bring chicken broth to a boil and adjust flavor using your favorite seasonings. Then add sour cream to the broth and cook until the sauce is reduced in volume by half.
  4. Sprinkle the finished meat with chopped thyme and serve hot along with aromatic sauce.

"Vegetable stew"


  • Potatoes – 6 pieces.
  • Carrot – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Zucchini – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 head.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons.
  • Greens, salt, pepper.


  1. Peel and wash potatoes, garlic, carrots, zucchini, onions and garlic. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins.
  2. Cut the vegetables into small cubes and finely chop the garlic. Place the prepared ingredients in a saucepan, add vegetable oil, pour in half a glass of water and simmer for 40 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
  3. At the end of the stew, add chopped garlic to the pan along with salt and pepper. Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped herbs.

I think these hot dishes will take their rightful place on the holiday table and will delight the household with an incredible and original taste. None of the guests will remain hungry and unsatisfied on New Year's Eve.

The best dessert recipes

The New Year's feast is a good reason to please your loved ones with culinary masterpieces. The housewife does not always have time to prepare a birthday cake, but dessert is the most anticipated treat. To inspire you a little, I have collected several recipes for simple and delicious desserts that will captivate your guests from the first bite.

"Curd blancmange"


  • Milk – 0.5 cups.
  • Gelatin – 15 g.
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g.
  • Cottage cheese – 250 g.
  • Sour cream – 0.5 cups.
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Pineapple rings – 2 pcs.


  • Dissolve gelatin in milk. Leave the resulting mixture for 20 minutes until it swells and becomes fluffy.
  • In a separate container, combine sour cream with cottage cheese, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Stir to form a homogeneous mass.
  • Chop the pineapple rings into small pieces. Add gelatin heated until hot into the curd mass, mix, add pineapple cubes and mix again.
  • Pour the dessert into a bowl and place it in the refrigerator for 5 hours to harden.

"Chocolate mousse"


  • Butter – 200 g.
  • Walnuts – 50 g.
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar – 60 g.
  • Dark chocolate – 450 g.


  1. Grind the walnut kernels. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a steam bath, adding a piece of butter. I recommend adding the chocolate in portions, stirring the mixture. Cook over medium heat, avoiding boiling.
  2. Beat the egg whites thoroughly with a pinch of salt. Combine chocolate with powdered sugar, add half of the whites, and after mixing the other half.
  3. Place the mousse in a nice bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the treat with nut crumbs.

"Fruit salad"


  • Orange – 4 pcs.
  • Prunes – 400 g.
  • Lemon – 2 pcs.
  • Walnut kernels – 100 g.
  • Mandarin – 4 pcs.
  • Apple – 4 pcs.
  • Dark raisins – 200 g.
  • Powdered sugar – 40 g.
  • Dry white wine – 40 ml.
  • Sour cream – 400 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar – 20 g.
  • Cream – 200 ml.


  1. Chop the peeled apples into strips and moisten with lemon juice. Separate citrus fruits into slices and chop. Cut the orange peel into thin strips.
  2. Fill the dried fruits with water and place on the stove. Immediately after the liquid boils, remove the container with dried fruits from the stove, cool, drain the water and chop into strips. Crush the nut kernels with a rolling pin.
  3. Combine the cream with wine, add vanilla sugar and cook for 5 minutes. After removing the mixture from the stove, add sour cream and stir. Place the prepared ingredients in a deep salad bowl, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with slices of orange zest.

It’s worth spending a lot of time on a festive look. You should think about your makeup, hairstyle and, of course, the outfit in which you will celebrate the New Year.

The upcoming 2017 according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which means that New Year's Eve should be noisier and brighter than ever. So what's the best way to celebrate this New Year? The Fire Rooster is a symbol of the sun and dawn, the bird is flaming and bright, so all shades of red will be ideal for the holiday.

Don’t be afraid to try on an outfit in a bright scarlet color or a purple hue; the brighter and more colorful your image, the more favorable the Rooster will be in the coming year! Red, red, burgundy, scarlet, purple, gold, ruby ​​and even mother-of-pearl - feel free to choose your favorite shade and experiment with the look.

But don’t be surprised that most of the guests at the holiday will be wearing red clothes, as everyone will want to attract good luck in the coming year by dressing in the tones of the 2017 patron. If you want to stay in the center of attention and stand out from the crowd, it will be very useful to add interesting accessories with feathers or details in the form of a symbol of the New Year.

A necklace, pendant or belt with feathers will make your New Year's look special! Earrings and bracelets can be made of massive stones; they will perfectly complement your look. It is worth noting that gold jewelry with precious stones are the main favorites of the Red Rooster.

You can also stand out with an interesting “bird” print or a brooch in the shape of a rooster. Remember that small interesting details will definitely attract the attention of others.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that when choosing an evening outfit, you will have to discard all options of “leopard”, “tiger” and other cat prints with animal fur, since the colors of a predatory cat will not be to the liking of the Red Cockerel at all! When choosing fabric, pay attention to unusual shiny textures: silk, satin, organza and, of course, velvet.

Don’t forget that New Year’s Eve is always filled with fun, dancing and various competitions, so when choosing a festive outfit you should take into account that you have to move a lot. Choose light dresses and comfortable suits in which you will feel comfortable taking part in New Year's games and dancing.

Think in advance whether you should wear a long, tight dress, which is suitable only for the main feast, or whether it is better to opt for a short dress or skirt, suitable for an active evening.

No matter how bright and memorable your New Year's outfit is, remember that your main decoration on New Year's Eve will be your smile. Let your positive attitude and festive mood materialize the saying “As you celebrate the New Year, so it will be!”

The New Year holiday is just around the corner. Pre-holiday preparation for the holiday is a bustle, but a pleasant one. This means not only buying gifts, preparing original dishes, but also decorating your home.

Symbol of 2017

New Year 2017 is the symbol of the Fire Rooster. It symbolizes wealth and prosperity. In order for the whole of 2017 to be prosperous, you need to think about all the nuances of decorating your home and celebrate the New Year with dignity. Since the Fire Rooster has a difficult character, and it is very difficult to please him. But if you decorate the house or apartment in bright colors and prepare decorations yourself, then he will be friendly to everyone because he loves unusual things.

What is New Year without a Christmas tree? This year it should be natural. Because the Fire Rooster appreciates everything natural.

On New Year's Eve, you want to show maximum imagination, this applies to decorations in the house, preparing various goodies and, of course, dressing. A woman looks especially beautiful in an elegant dress, but what dress to wear for New Year 2017.

It has become traditional to celebrate the New Year in an outfit related to the symbol of the year. A woman must always be unforgettable, dressed perfectly, with a creative hairstyle and a delicious trail of expensive perfume. The year 2017 promises to be unpredictable, because the symbol of the year - the Rooster - is a powerful and proud nature.

The outfit should be chosen in burgundy, orange, pearlescent, red, and gold tones. You can opt for a pastel-colored dress, the main thing is that there is no melancholy and despondency. There is no need to choose a dress that will ultimately turn its owner into a “stern teacher.” The dress should be such that you can easily dance, move in it and maintain an overall cheerful atmosphere.

New Year's outfits - enchanting fiery color

A New Year's toilet should be airy, light and, of course, comfortable. This should be a dress from the “flying towards the night adventures” area.

New Year's Evening Dresses – 2017 (video):

The Rooster, the symbol of the year, is attracted to everything bright and eccentric; in this spirit, you need to choose a dress in order to resemble the symbol of the year in character.

A flashy scarlet dress will look gorgeous. For such courage, the rooster will be especially grateful and forgiving next year.

Whatever outfit you focus on, you need to remember that fire is like an admission ticket. If the fiery color is not in your outfit, then you can simply dilute it with catchy and bright accessories.

By the way, you can get an enchanting effect by wearing furs. Deep necklines and short minis are also on trend this winter. A dress with various fasteners and decorative zippers will look interesting. If, nevertheless, the choice was made on a simple dress, then it must be emphasized with catchy details and oversized colorful jewelry.

Home decoration for New Year 2017

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to choose the right material and decorations for your home. New Year's decor should include white, green, gold and red.


Candles will serve as an original decoration. They can be placed on the table, fireplace in beautiful candlesticks. Nearby you can put fir branches with cones or red beads.

New Year's wreath

A wreath will help lift the New Year's mood. It symbolizes comfort, and it is known that the Fire Rooster is a homebody and loves comfort and warmth in the house. They can decorate a door, a fireplace, as well as a holiday table. The wreath can be bought in stores. You can also make it yourself from scrap materials: balls, buttons, fabric, spruce branches, rain and other materials.

Angel decoration, fire rooster

You can decorate your home with angels; they will bring tenderness to your home. They can be placed on a table or cut out of paper and glued to the window with glue.

Candies, star-shaped cookies, fruits

You can also decorate your Christmas tree and home with sweets. It's very beautiful and tasty.

Gingerbread house

An elegant baked gingerbread house can be used to decorate the table and shelves of your home. You can also put a candle in the middle of the house. And it will bring a fabulous mood to your home.

Snowflakes, stars

Using your imagination, you and your children can make snowflakes and stars out of paper. Cut out and use threads to hang on a chandelier, Christmas tree or stick to a window.

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