"Black Pearl" frigate, galleon or hodgepodge (14 photos). Ship "Black Pearl": how to make it yourself Do-it-yourself black pearl model


about the construction of a model of the Black Pearl
based on the saga "Pirates of the Caribbean"

The cost of a complete set of drawings is 2000 rubles.
The cost of part of a set of drawings (hull only or rigging only) is 1000 rubles.
For questions regarding purchase, please contact the author by email.

I would like to introduce you to my 2nd job in shipbuilding. This model was going to be given as a housewarming gift to my good friend. It was necessary to meet a fairly tight deadline. The main goal of the work is to create the appearance of an almost complete copy of a real ship for an uninitiated viewer. I think that I coped with this task adequately.

Due to this condition, I deliberately reduced the detail, but only where it would not be visible to the “uninitiated”. With the hull assembled in detail, maximum simplifications affected the rigging. In some places there are no blocks, in others the wiring of gear is simplified. There are no buoys at anchor, no bell, the tying of the guns is simplified, there are no coils of ropes on the bollards, etc. etc.

Elements from the magazine series “collect the Black Pearl” were used as a frame. Everything else is Mozhga rulers and Cosmofen glue. Sails - synthetic fabric plus cotton. Rigging - nylon threads plus ropes ordered from the Shipyard on the table. Cannon barrels, deadeyes and blocks are also from the Shipyard.
The blog is divided into 2 parts:

How it all started:

My husband loves to collect various models. And once again he decided to order himself something interesting. Having looked through a bunch of sites, he never found what he needed, but almost immediately my eyes fell on the ship from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” I was very excited then, and I wanted to try to collect it. Although I’m a girl, I’ve never had such a hobby before, but I just don’t know what came over me. Probably, the love for the film still did its job. And we decided to order it.

Ordered on this site: Click here >>>

About 2 weeks have passed since the date of order, and now my parcel has finally arrived.

The first thing I noticed was the box. It's big enough. Its size is 61.5 by 47.5 cm.

This is what she looks like:

Model scale 1:72

When I opened it, I was pleasantly surprised that all the parts were neatly packed in separate bags.

The model itself is intended for painting, it is not colored. Please pay attention to this when ordering! And then many people get upset that it also needs to be painted.

The kit contains threads, but no paints or glue. Perhaps this is for the better, because usually, in such sets, the paints are sold already dried. But I still had an ambivalent feeling, because the set is not cheap, they could have used paints.

I used acrylic paints from the Nevskaya Palitra company (for those interested). They have excellent coverage, they are matte. Just what you need for a ship!

All parts of the ship are made of hard plastic. Made very high quality and carefully, down to the smallest parts. There is even a wood texture on the deck and stern. According to the seller, the details were created thanks to the most accurate 3D modeling and innovative technologies. In total, the set contains 895 parts, and the difficulty level is: 5, the highest.

The kit also included instructions for assembling the ship:

The instructions are not bad, in principle, everything is clear, but I still had some minor difficulties.

First note!:

In the first photo there is a drawing of a rope (water - wuling) and I still don’t understand how to tie it to the mast. This is not shown in the instructions. Fortunately, in our age we have the Internet, then we’ll have to look.

Second note!:

In the second photo, which shows how to attach the guns, it is written: assembly option 1 and assembly option 2. And as I understand it, you can use 2 assembly options, or one or the other. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t have enough parts to mount the guns. I thought for a long time what I did wrong. In the end, it turned out that it was necessary to glue cannons to one stern according to option No. 1, and to the second according to option No. 2. And it should turn out that on one side of the ship the windows with cannons should be open, and on the other closed. Moreover, in all the photos the ship is drawn with open windows on both sides. And there is no word about this in the instructions. I think this is a small flaw by those who compiled this instruction.

Assembly photo:

I did not first assemble the entire ship and then paint it. It was convenient for me to do this in stages, especially since in this way it is easier to work out hard-to-reach places.

Third note!:

In the first photo you can see the doors under the stairs of the real Black Pearl from the film.

The second photo shows the door of the "Black Pearl" model. As you can see, they are different. Maybe this won’t matter to someone, but the model is presented as an exact copy of the ship. Why then is there such a difference? Apparently the ship's developers decided not to bother and stuck on an ordinary door.

I haven't assembled the whole ship yet. I will update my review with new comments as I go along.

(if they arise) and photos.

But I can already say that:

Overall, I liked the set. The detail is very good! There are, of course, shortcomings in the instructions and that the door is different, but there are no complaints about the quality of the model itself. The quality is top notch!

One of the most difficult stages in building a ship model is rightly considered to be the struggle with the latrine and the aft gallery. A lot of parts mating in three planes at once, constant adjustments. By the way, there was a moment when I threw slats, shouted obscenities, it seemed that this stage would never end. But in order.

Latrine. Apple. Amazing tree. It seems hard, but it seems to be processed better than a pear. Initially almost white, under oil it turns bright yellow. We cut out the railings in pairs, on both sides at once.

We select it on a router and make shagreen with an awl.

Separate problems with a curl.

Then there are the frames. L-shaped parallelepipeds. I spent half a day with the first one, and about twenty minutes with the last one. The main thing is to come up with a manufacturing technology. First, I glued the guides onto the cyacrine according to the template, then the frames themselves, there was no other way.

Gallery. The front part is made of linden, the “bottom shelf” is made of pear.

The fun begins at the stern, where the "shelf" repeats the deck's destruction.

The gallery walls have already been installed. The future roof is being tried on.

Next up are the windows. We make a parallelogram from plastic. First we make horizontal grooves. We glue the bars.

Then we turn the part over and make it vertical.

We grind it on a grinder and try it on. By the way, the roof has already been removed.

Then we insert vertical bars into the windows and finally form the frame. By the way, the plastic was thick (5 mm), it turned out that all the internal edges were clearly visible, I had to reduce the thickness to 2 mm and then polish the internal surfaces.

The windows are in place. There is shagreen on the roof.

Bad Hollywood designers created a bunch of railings for ChZh. There is no higher side and gunwale. But no. Drill with a 2 mm drill.

During breaks we make a ladder. The steps are made from one piece. The bottom “block” is simply milled.

Meanwhile, the gallery takes on a residential appearance. “Field-cut” slats are made with a figured cutter made from a needle file.

There will be threaded plugs on the sides instead of windows. They are waiting in the wings.

We return to the railing. The holes are drilled using a drill and drill stand to maintain verticality.

We square the holes with a micro-chisel (2 mm) made from the same file, and glue the bars.

There are a lot of bars.

We mill the railings themselves on the sides. First detail. The grooves were cut with a hacksaw and finished with a square file. Then the part is bent on an iron.

On the spot.

After mascara.

Let's continue.

We make cut-beams in one installation on a router. All that's left is sanding.

The railings are standing. The ladders have been completed. Parts of the velkhouts under the channel have been removed.

And delicious roaster grills. Take a piece of apple tree. We pass with a millimeter cutter in millimeter increments across the grain. Then with less depth along. A caveat is that you have to serve it in dozens, otherwise the cubes will break off. You look out the window and turn it slowly and slowly. For a long time.

Insert cross boards.

And we remove the excess.

We make a groove from the bottom using a scoring cutter. That's it, all that remains is to remove it and go over it lightly with sandpaper.

Now the ChZh is covered with a final layer of oil and tinted. It's drying up. To be continued.

For twelve years now, millions of viewers around the world have been watching with pleasure the extraordinary adventures of the captain of the pirate ship Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow.
The “fathers” of Jack and his sailboat can rightfully be considered Hollywood screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, who were impressed by the attraction at Disneyland - the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park, as well as the director of the first film in the franchise (2003) - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Sea. pearls" (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl), Mount Verbinski.

The Caribbean pirates and their ship, immediately beloved by the audience, became participants in many computer games and literary projects.
In 2011, as part of the so-called “inter-author cycle,” the novel “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom” by American science fiction writer Anne Carol Crispin was published, which describes 14 years preceding the events of the first film about "The Black Pearl" and Jack Sparrow.
Well-known companies specializing in the production of assembly kits (Artesania Latina, STAR), meeting the wishes of modellers, developed and released for sale a model of the “Black Pearl” in wood and plastic. Following them, the well-known supplier of partworks, the Chinese DeAGOSTINI, released its “black pearl."
Modellers who prefer to build sailboat models “from scratch” did not stand aside, i.e. as their own project. Some of them use drawings from the mentioned whales and partworks. But there are also those who are trying to “restore the true appearance” of the “Black Pearl”.
And here we have to deal with a lot of paradoxical deviations from historical and constructive authenticity in the guise of the legendary sailing ship.
Let's try to understand the paradoxes of The Black Pearl.
According to the plot of the film and the novel by Crispin (which many already consider to be practically a “prequel” to the story of Elliot and Rossio), the Black Pearl was originally called the Wicked Wench and belonged to the East India Company as a merchant ship. It was a three-masted galleon with a golden yellow hull and snow-white sails (the name "Wicked Wench" appears in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland).
It is not known for certain when exactly the ship was built, but Lord Cutler Beckett, director of the West African Representative Office of the East India Company, received it at a very respectable age. The “Slutty Wench” was docked in Calabar (Africa, Gulf of Guinea) at that very moment when the brig Fair Wind arrived at the port under the command of Jack Sparrow.
Fair Wind also belonged to the East India Company. The ship's captain, Nathaniel Brainbridge, was killed by Esmeralda, the terror of the Caribbean and the pirate lord of the time. But Jack Sparrow, the first mate of the Fair Wind, saved the ship from falling into the hands of pirates. Cutler Beckett, having received Sparrow's report on how he saved the ship and most of its cargo from pirates, was so impressed that he offered him the captaincy of the Slutty Wench.
Captain Jack Sparrow, commanding the "Slutty Wench", carried out many contracts for the East India Company on behalf of Lord Beckett, but refused to transport slaves. The enraged Beckett, having kept Jack for a couple of months in prison, branded him as a pirate, but returned him to the "Slutty Wench" "However, Beckett later engaged Jack Sparrow's ship and sank it.
Jack made an agreement with Davy Jones that brought him and the ship back to life.
Having recruited a new crew in Tortuga and renamed the Wicked Wench Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow became the most feared pirate of the seven seas.

Three years later, during a voyage to the Island of Death - Isla de (la) Muerte, senior mate Hector Barbossa rebelled and overthrew the captain, leaving him on an unnamed island in the middle of the sea. Due to the robbery of a treasury on Isla de Muerte, the crew of the Black Pearl was cursed, which affected the ship itself: the ship's black sails became tattered, and an eerie fog began to surround the ship...

Today, there are certain difficulties with showing a real sailing ship in a movie. And, even more so, a combat sailing ship from the Middle Ages. On the fingers of one hand you can count the real historical ships that have survived to this day - the English HMS Victory, the Swedish Vasa...
In the ports of different countries you can find so-called “replicas” - active sailing ships built according to ancient drawings and models in our time: the English HMSBounty, the Dutch Batavia, the ships of Columbus, the Golden Hind ").
There are also a lot of fakes “like an old sailboat”, most often used as an attraction for tourists.

The Black Pearl is a fictional ship. The construction of a model “based on the Black Pearl” can hardly be called a “recreation of the real appearance”...unless we are talking about a film version of the ship.
But even in this case, a lot of difficulties and problems arise, because the film mostly used computer models, large-scale models of the ship and scenery of individual sections of the ships, built in pavilions and on floating platforms.

Full-scale set of the deck of the Black Pearl

Large scale model used during filming

Absence of topmasts and their rigging on the survey ship

The real ships that participated in the filming of general plans on location were modern replicas: the galleon "Sunset", which depicted both the "Pearl" and "Queen Anne's Revenge", as well as the famous HMS Bounty, to Unfortunately, he died off the coast of America during Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

"Black Pearl"

"Queen Anne's Revenge"


Director Gore Verbinski describes Black Pearl as being "recently refurbished" for Pirates 2 and 3. But this is actually much more than repairs. Hollywood decorators created an original ship that can hardly be called such. It was a hull set on top of a barge that was towed out to sea for filming.

But the filmmakers wanted to have a real sailboat.
Eight months before principal photography began, production designer Rick Heinrichs was tasked with creating a new Black Pearl. To speed up construction, Heinrichs built the Black Pearl from an existing 109-foot tourist ship, the galleon Sunset; which was found in a parking lot in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. "The result was that above the waterline it was a beautiful pirate ship. Below and inside it was the Sunset... with engines, fuel and water tanks, galley and berths." "Because of the importance of the Black Pearl, we created our own mini-art department that worked only on the design of the ship," says Heinrichs. "We had contacts with some of the best writers who had worked on other ship films in the past. We also used computer graphics.
The Black Pearl was computer modeled, which allowed us to provide communication between the shipbuilders and the computer scientists to link the visual appearance of the ship with its actual implementation, without compromising its seaworthiness. It was sometimes difficult to achieve a unified vision - to make the ship both beautiful and floatable, and accessible for filming with their specific requirements."
As for the changes to the design of the ship (in 2-3 films), Heinrichs says, "We created it on a grand scale. The Black Pearl in the first film was created according to circumstances - from what they got. They built the Ship directly on a barge and were limited With the size of this barge, we had a little more freedom in this. I think Gore got what he wanted but couldn't get in the first film - a much more agile Pearl that can go faster than 1-2 knots. ".
"In this film, the Black Pearl is a much sexier, tougher ship," says lead art director John Dexter, who was responsible for the ship's color scheme. "He couldn't just be black," he says. "The ship has to have life. There are some metal parts on the ship that are rusty. There certainly has to be some sea spray influence there. We started with pure black and ended up with something that was a little more interesting."
"There's a whole glossary of terms that relate to a wooden pirate ship," says Greg Callas, construction coordinator. “We had to make the winch and the wheel, the fife rail, the mizzen mast, the mainmast and foremast, the rigging, all the sails.”
The visualization of the ship and special effects were carried out by Industrial Light and Magic artists under the team of John Knoll.

Attempts to unambiguously classify the "Black Pearl" and attribute it to any specific type of historical sailing ship constantly lead to a dead end. Jack Sparrow's ship resembles an English galleon, and the so-called "Dunkirk frigate", and a pinnace... and in general, God knows what!
According to the characteristics, the ship is approximately 40 meters long, 3 masts and thirty-two 18-pounder guns: 18 on the gun deck and 14 on the upper deck. There are no bow (running) or stern (retired) guns on the Zhemchuzhina.
Drawings of "Black Pearl" as such do not exist in nature, but there are several variants of models.
In principle, the profile of the ship fits well with the image of an English galleon of the first half of the 17th century.

Questions are raised, perhaps, by the shape of the latrine, characteristic of small battleships (in particular, frigates) of the late 17th - early 18th centuries and the uncharacteristic smooth transition from the transom to the stern plate (usually the lower deck intersected the transom at an obtuse angle and was supported knits - it was the base of the stern, which was rectangular in galleons) and the absence of a helm port for the passage of the rudder tiller.
Looks dubious:
- straightened sides (galleons were characterized by obstructions of the upper part of the sides inward to complicate boarding);
- velvets that follow the lines of the decks, which does not meet the design requirements of shipbuilding;
- an aft gallery raised onto the quarterdeck (usually the gallery was placed at the level of the main gun deck, where the captain’s cabin was located, and if necessary, a second gallery was located on the quarterdeck);
- absence of anchor hawse and stem design.

However, it was difficult for Hollywood craftsmen to maintain all the proportions and structural elements of the hull, having as a base a ready-made design of a tourist pleasure ship, built on the hull of a modern boat with transverse screw rudders.

Let's "walk" along the deck of the Black Pearl:

- the main thing that catches your eye is the unusually empty main deck, on which there are no rigging devices (beaters, bollards, dowel strips) or the rigging itself, most of which was carried specifically to the deck around the masts. Particularly striking is the complete absence of rigging at the foot of the main mast - the mainmast.
But we see a capstan (spire) “put on” the main mast... This is complete nonsense!

I understand that such a design allowed the directors to film several very impressive scenes, but such a spire would not have been able to work functionally. And not only because it weakens both itself and the main mast of the ship. A large spire is used for raising anchors, on each of its embankments simultaneously can work from 3 to 6 sailors (i.e. about 36 people). In addition, the spire was used for lifting yards and for loading and unloading operations. This unit, as a rule, stood closer to the mizzen mast in the quarter deck superstructure, exactly between the stairs on the poop. Moreover, the spire should be located on the deck below, i.e. on the orlop deck (main gun deck), because it is with in the bow there are anchor fairleads through which the anchor ropes pass;
- in the bow of the ship - on the beek deck (the section of the deck in front of the bow bulkhead) and the latrine - desolation! There are no head-timbers (latrine frames), no beams connecting their heads, no gratings... there are no doors from the cockpit (tank room) to the latrine. However, what are the doors for if the latrine is not equipped with latrines for sailors - Stultz...
The forecastle itself (bow setting) is too low. The estimated height between the decks of ancient sailing ships was taken to be 160-170 cm (it was believed that the sailor could not be taller). On the Black Sea, the forecastle (forecastle deck) rises above the upper deck;
- front deck at some 70-80 cm. It turns out that the cockpit on the tank of the Black Pearl is not functional - it is either too low (if the front deck does not break off at the tank bulkhead), or too high, since in this case it is located on the orlop- deke. Where the crew of the pearl sleeps on stormy nights, where the ship's galley is located, remains a mystery.

The forcastel, as well as the latrine, do not shine with the richness of the rigging. One dowel strip and dowels on the gunwales are not enough to cover the rigging of the foresail, topsail, topsail, blind and two jibs and their spars.

Finally, ut. Its main disadvantage is the presence of a steering wheel. Steering with a steering wheel appeared only at the beginning of the 18th century, and if we take the time of construction of the “Pearl” as the middle of the 17th, then the control of the ship should be lever-based - using a calderstock).

Obvious shortcomings of the cinematic pearl also include the rectangular platforms of the mars, characteristic of the 18th century.

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