How to glue old parquet to concrete. What to glue the parquet on? Advantages of parquet floors

One of the pleasant and visible stages of the repair of residential premises is the installation of parquet floors - a well-chosen adhesive for parquet will allow you to independently perform this work with proper quality, quickly and accurately.

Advantages of parquet floors

The wall decoration and ceiling work are completed, and the installation of plumbing communications is a thing of the past - it's time to start arranging the floors. Natural parquet has been and remains the most popular flooring in residential areas due to the following qualities:

Laying parquet floors - the importance of pre-treatment

A prerequisite for a durable and beautiful parquet floor is a flat base. The best method for this is rightly considered to be through cementitious self-levelling compounds. In small rooms, it is permissible to perform a screed with a cement-sand mortar “along the lighthouses”, for rooms with dimensions of 4 meters along a short wall and more, a professional screed is needed.

After the cement base has hardened, check its horizontalness. Regardless of what is written in the accompanying documentation for the parquet, the height difference of the finished screed should not exceed 2 millimeters per running meter of the floor in any direction.

For such a check, a quality level of sufficient length and high accuracy will be required. If the height difference is more than 2 millimeters, the base must be redone (a little more “raise” with an additional layer of fill or trim the protruding sections and fill them again). No two-component adhesive for parquet, polyurethane and others can compensate for the flaws of the base.

It is equally important to determine the moisture content of already hardened cement - laying parquet elements must be carried out on a completely dry floor. Of course, you can perform such measurements with hygrometers, but these devices cannot be called common, and it will be too expensive for the budget to purchase them for episodic work with parquet. You will have to get by with a "folk remedy" for determining the moisture content of the floor, especially since it is quite accurate.

On several sections of the screed at different ends of the room (especially near windows, radiators and pipeline communications), pieces of ordinary dense and transparent cellophane are glued, preferably at least 1x1 meter. If after a day the inside of the cellophane does not fog up, you can proceed with the styling activities. If there is condensed moisture inside the film, the floor base needs additional drying. If necessary, you can use convectors for air circulation. In any case, the cement screed before the “parquet laying” stage must be even (2 mm per meter!) And dry.

Of course, parquet cannot be laid on concrete, cement or stone. Moisture-resistant plywood must be fixed to the floor, leaving gaps of 10-15 mm from the walls and securing with self-tapping screws (at least 10 per square meter). Plywood with moisture-resistant qualities prevents dampness from the inside of parquet tiles and additionally levels the floor. The heads of the self-tapping screws must be completely recessed into the plywood, after which it must be treated with a primer. The primer layer increases the adhesion (sticking) of adhesive compositions, binds dust and sand residues and closes cracks with irregularities in the plywood itself.

Parquet glue - the main varieties

The labor-intensive preparation is over, and it's time to choose which parquet adhesive we need. Is it possible to get by with a budget water-dispersed composition, or will a significantly expensive reactive adhesive be required? The main varieties are named, it remains to describe their features in the case of "parquet installation":

  • Water-dispersion adhesives. The cheapest, easiest to use and (by the way!) are environmentally friendly. Unfortunately, the presence of moisture is very dangerous for the durability of parquet, especially if it is made of maple, ash, beech and any kind of fruit trees. The lower the concentration of water in dispersion adhesives, the higher their versatility.

For example, Kiilto Standard(Finland) contains 36% H 2 O, it is better to use it for gluing oak parquet, solid board or plywood. Known composition BONA B-720(Sweden) with 22% water is suitable for any parquet with a plank thickness of 10 millimeters or more. For thin tiles made of ash, beech, pear, maple, an even lower concentration of moisture in the adhesive is required . All water-dispersion adhesives take a very long time to dry - from five days to a week or even longer, so the planning of working with them is very important..

  • Adhesives on solvents or one-component. Suitable for any bases and any parquet boards, the drying time is also measured in days. One-component polyurethane adhesive for parquet is convenient in terms of the ability to touch up the parquet pattern after laying. The composition remains fluid (in the open state of the container and after application) for up to 20 minutes, that is, it is possible to correct entire rows of tiles.

Unfortunately, all one-component formulations are flammable, and many have a very pungent odor and toxicity. They should work in well-ventilated areas and in no case should smoke during work and should not use fire at all in the room being repaired. The laid floor can be sanded after 3 days, complete drying is achieved on the fifth day. The most popular one-component adhesives for parquet STAUF WFR-4, MK-97 and UZIN MK-73.

  • A two-component adhesive composition for working with a parquet board is a fairly thick emulsion, to which an exact portion of the powder is added and thoroughly mixed before application. They combine all the advantages of water-dispersion and soluble adhesives - they dry quickly, fit any type and size of parquet, are environmentally safe and non-toxic. To the question: “How to glue the parquet securely and beautifully?”, The most natural answer would be a recommendation for a two-component adhesive.

The only drawbacks of two-component adhesives (they are also called reactive due to the high solidification rate) is the high price and difficulty when working at low temperatures. If, for some reason, parquet has to be laid in frost, it is reasonable to give preference to a one-component adhesive. Of the brands of reactive compounds, the most popular BONA H-790, STAUF ZK-PU, UZIN MK 92S.

Properly selected adhesive for parquet on a concrete screed, as well as compliance with the installation algorithm, will allow you to get a strong, stable and durable coating. There are several ways to install a parquet floor on a concrete base: with and without a plywood backing. What are their differences and in what cases can you do without a plywood layer? More on that below.

As in any other business, laying parquet on a concrete screed has its own rules and subtleties.

The first and basic rule is that the laying of parquet on a concrete screed is carried out only with a sufficient level of preparation of the latter. This means that you can start installation no earlier than a month after pouring the concrete floor.

The second and no less important rule is that vapor and waterproofing layers should be placed between the concrete base and the parquet board. An additional plus is the installation of a layer of insulation.

The third rule - in the process of installing a parquet floor, it is allowed to use bituminous mastic, which plays the role of a primer and waterproofing at the same time. The parquet board is attached to a layer of adhesive selected to compensate for the difference in linear expansion of the material, the base and the screed.

It is better to take your time and do everything right than to regret the result in the future.

What adhesive mixtures are used?

The adhesive for parquet on a concrete screed on the market differs in composition and characteristics. There are the following varieties:

  1. Dispersion.
  2. Solvent based.
  3. Reactive curing.

Dispersion compositions are distinguished by affordable price and high hardening speed. This type of adhesive is not suitable for laying parquet boards or strip parquet with exotic wood. But for the classic options - beech and oak - quite.

The mixture dries for no more than five days, and this period is considered the maximum. After the glue has dried under the material, after a few days it is already possible to proceed to the finishing stage of finishing.

It is impossible to process the surface of the parquet floor immediately after installing it on the adhesive

Solvent-based mixtures allow quick changes to actions within 25 minutes after fixing the board. The glue also dries for no more than 3-5 days, after which it is already possible to grind the floor.

Reactive curing adhesive - the most modern option, is expensive and is based on a one-component or two-component polyurethane adhesive. The mixture is suitable for the installation of both parquet boards and parquet, regardless of the type of wood. You can proceed to the final surface treatment after two days.

How to fix the board on the screed with glue

In order for the laying of a parquet board on glue to meet expectations not only in terms of the aesthetics of the finished coating, but also in terms of practicality, durability and functionality, you must follow the installation rules.

In addition, before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material for flooring, assuming a small margin in advance. The minimum is considered to be a margin of 3% of the parquet board, and this is when using a simple laying option - deck. Prior to the start of installation, the material is delivered to the site at least 2 days in advance, without unpacking, giving the tree time to adapt to the new conditions.

Depending on the configuration of the floor, the stock of parquet can reach 15%

The adhesive mixture is selected depending on the requirements for drying speed and fastening quality, taking into account the cost and manufacturer.

So, laying on a screed with your own hands will require the use of the following tools:

  • hacksaws;
  • hammer;
  • roulettes;
  • perforator;
  • spatula (with a serrated surface);
  • restrictive wedges;
  • tamping bar.

You will also need materials:

  • parquet board;
  • plywood (subject to the installation of a plywood substrate);
  • adhesive sealant;
  • nails;
  • parquet glue.

It is advisable to study the entire installation process in advance and select the necessary tools.

The installation process is carried out in the following order (consider the option of laying on plywood):

  1. A layer of glue is applied to the concrete screed (it must be dry, clean and even) with a spatula, after which plywood sheets are laid, additionally fixing them with screws at 32 points, moving from the center.
  2. Installation of sheets is carried out staggered, filling voids with sealant and not forgetting about the gap at the walls of 5 mm.
  3. The first row of parquet boards is glued using restrictive wedges. The optimal gap size is 10 mm from the wall.
  4. The adhesive mixture is repeatedly applied to the plywood base and the ends of the parquet board, gluing them together and additionally fixing them with nails.
  5. To achieve maximum adhesion, the boards are pressed to the floor with maximum force, excess glue is carefully removed with a dry rag.
  6. Each subsequent row is shifted relative to the previous one by half the board.
  7. Using the level, control the evenness of the laid surface.

After the installation is completed, the floor is left for the period recommended by the manufacturer of the adhesive used in the process. Only after the coating is thoroughly strengthened, they proceed to grinding it, treating it with oil or varnish and other manipulations at the finishing stage of the floor installation.

Laying parquet deck method

Mounting method without plywood - features

It is not always necessary to glue the parquet on the screed using a layer of plywood. Boards can be fixed directly to the concrete base. Naturally, it must be fully prepared for such work:

  • perfectly flat;
  • clean;
  • dry;
  • without elevation changes.

The dies are fixed with the same glue, but this time the stage of priming the base becomes mandatory. The planks are laid out (the first two rows are enough) in the order in which they will be mounted, after which the base is treated with glue using a notched trowel prepared in advance. The first board is fixed with a gap of 6-12 mm from the wall. Next, using a tamping bar, fix the next one, pressing it firmly to the floor.

As soon as the first row of parquet boards is laid, the last block is cut, starting the next row. During the laying process, they constantly use the level to control the evenness of the surface, make sure that no gaps form between the dies or rows. After completion of the work, the seams are treated with acrylic sealant and the floor is left for a period of two to five days (depending on the adhesive used) before the start of grinding work.

Installation of a parquet board, in contrast to the installation of piece parquet, takes less time

Laying parquet - method without plywood

Strip parquet, just like a board, can be attached directly to a prepared concrete base without a plywood backing. In this case, it will save time, money and effort, since you will need half as much glue and fasteners.

Why was the technology of laying parquet and boards on plywood sheets developed at all? Its roots go back to Soviet times, when in most typical apartments the base of the floor was built on wooden logs and wooden ceilings with bituminous backfill and hardboard on top.

Since then, decades have passed and the base has changed to a sand-cement screed with a layer of fixed plywood. With the advent of really strong and reliable adhesive mixtures, it became possible to install parquet directly on the screed without plywood.

Considering that the material is small in size and has an ideal geometry, the laying of piece parquet is carried out without any special difficulties and defects in the form of cracks and gaps. After finishing, the floor from the piece parquet comes out even and reliable. Fasten the boards to the base with glue. Nails and plywood can be used to reinforce the connection, but this is not required. The principle of laying parquet is similar to the principle of mounting a parquet board with glue.

At the final stage, after the glue has dried, the surface of the parquet is sanded manually or with a special machine (you can rent it), the cracks are puttied, and sanded again. The finished surface is primed and covered with a layer of varnish or oil, depending on the choice of the owner. Lacquer coating will protect the floor from moisture, mechanical damage, add aesthetics to it and extend its service life.

Block parquet is laid on glue in the same way as parquet board

The situation is somewhat different with a massive board. In terms of geometry and parameters, it is not as ideal as strip parquet slabs, therefore laying on a screed without plywood is possible only with additional tightening and fixing with nails, which means using a plywood substrate.

One way or another, regardless of the chosen method of fastening a parquet board or piece parquet, you need to remember that natural wood requires compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the room. Neglect of these requirements will lead to a violation of its performance, and even the strongest glue in combination with nails will not save the situation.

In order to glue the parquet, special astringent mastics are used, which belong to the subspecies of fast-hardening. The mastic is applied on a dry base under the parquet. It can be applied both warm and cold.

If the base of your parquet is made of chipboard or wooden plywood sheets, then you do not need to lay a primer layer.

Please note that it is very important to apply the primer to the absorbent substrate.

Step 1 of 3 step instructions on how to glue the parquet. We apply glue.

Each parquet has a special groove. There are shelves in the inner groove. Many builders are already aware of what the parquet consists of, but this is not clear to the layman, respectively, we paint everything in such detail. Glue is applied to the top of these shelves. To do this, the container into which the glue is poured usually has a special nozzle - a device to make it easier to apply the glue. Glue must not be applied to the bottom of the groove.

Step 2. While gluing the parquet, we wipe off the excess.

You must fill with glue no more than 4/5 of the entire surface of the parquet plank. In order to determine what area you have already filled with glue, you can raise the bar and look.

It is important not to overdo it here. If you poured too much glue, more than 4/5 of the surface, then the boards may weakly connect to each other, which in the future will lead to parquet defects.

The very first boards are glued to each other along the end planes. They need to be placed as close together as possible along their long edges.

Step 3 We knock out the boards and wait. This is the final step in our instructions on how to glue parquet.

Then you need to knock out the boards so that their connection along the tongue becomes stronger, after which the boards need to be pressed against each other. For these purposes, you can use a wooden block. Here, too, it is very important not to overdo it, because the seams along which the parquet elements are connected to each other are rather fragile.

It is very important to ensure that the glue does not get on the outside of the parquet in any case. If you see that when pressing on the parquet, the glue comes out of the parquet joints, then you should immediately eliminate the glue with a wet sponge or rag.

After you have laid the first row of parquet, you need to wait for some time so that the glue that you applied to the parquet in the first row dries a little and hardens. Usually half an hour is enough. In the same way, it is necessary to wait a while and let the glue dry in the place where the water pipes pass under the floor or next to the floor. When you lay the final row of parquet, you will also need to wait for time.

Which glue is best for you?

Before gluing the parquet, you need to choose the right glue for it.

First, we determine the type of parquet. If you have solid oak parquet and its thickness does not exceed 15 mm, then dispersion-type adhesive is suitable for you. The composition of such glue should not contain solvents. If you are working with a cork backing, then this glue is also suitable.

If you dilute this dispersion adhesive with water in a ratio of 50 to 50, then it can be used as a primer for laying cement screed.

If your “patient” is a parquet board, consisting of several layers and varnished, then glue based on artificial resin is suitable for you.

Also, this adhesive is suitable for working with piece parquet, which is based on oak, maple wood, as well as ash or beech wood.

The thickness of such a board should not exceed 22mm.

The same type of glue allows you to glue many different exotic types of parquet.

This type of adhesive can also be used to cover a cement screed on top with a plywood sheet.

If you have a treated parquet or untreated parquet, then you should use a special parquet adhesive based on MS polymer. Or a silane type of glue. The same type of glue is used if you need to glue exotic wood parquet or mount a warm floor.

Adhesives for all types of parquet and solid boards

The most versatile type of adhesive is a 2-component polyurethane adhesive. With it, you can glue almost any parquet board of any size. It is also suitable for gluing massive boards. In its composition you will not find any water or solvents.

There are also epoxy-polyurethane adhesives. Their masters are also used for almost all types of parquet. The exception is the various exotic wood species from which the parquet is made.

Many mistakenly believe that landing a parquet board on glue is a difficult task that is only available to specialists. It turns out that there is nothing particularly difficult in this work. It is only important to choose the right composition and follow the instructions. Consider how to choose the right adhesive for parquet on plywood. This installation technology is considered one of the most reliable and least labor-intensive.

What tools will be needed?

When working, you will need the following tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Grinding machine.

Preparatory work

Until all finishing work is completed, parquet cannot be glued. If you ignore this rule, then the flooring will deteriorate very quickly. And one more thing: after the laying of the parquet is completed, it is impossible to paint the walls.

Important! Pay attention to the microclimate in the room, since the parquet board is quite sensitive to changes in temperature and air humidity.

As a basis for a parquet board, well-polished plywood is used.

Important! Before starting to mount the parquet, it is important that it rests indoors for some time.

Parquet laying technology

Now about how to glue parquet:

  1. Plywood is coated with an adhesive, and a parquet board is mounted directly on the glue. It is most convenient to use a special spatula.
  2. For good fixation, parquet dies are additionally shot using a pneumatic tool.
  3. Immediately after laying the parquet, you need to wait for the composition to harden properly.
  4. Only after complete polymerization of the adhesive, you can start grinding the surface.

Important! The time for complete curing of the adhesive is about one week.

Grinding is necessary in order to clean the floor from dirt that was formed during the installation process. The floor needs to be perfectly level. It is most convenient to use a drum-type grinder. Working with it is quite simple, even without special experience. Using this device, you can successfully get rid of all defects and uneven floors.

To get rid of microcracks formed during the connection, the entire surface of the floor is puttied. The use of special solutions allows you to choose the shade of putty exactly under the parquet board.

Important! Adding parquet dust to the putty allows you to achieve complete tint matching.

The next stage after puttying is the final sanding of the parquet board, followed by varnishing. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The windows in the room must be closed.
  • Do not use air conditioners or humidifiers.

This is due to the fact that you need to get a smooth, uniform surface, without dust deposits. Otherwise, the floor will turn out matte and not very attractive in appearance.

How to choose the right parquet adhesive?

What is the best glue for parquet on plywood? - There are several options here:

  • According to experts, the best option is water-dispersion compositions, with a percentage of water not more than 25.
  • For parquet made of expensive exotic wood species, it is recommended to use a two-component water-dispersion composition with an even lower specific gravity of water (maximum - 11%).
  • When using varnished parquet, a two-component composition based on polyurethane will be the best option.

How to glue parquet? Overview of different types of glue

This information will help you choose the right composition for different materials.

Water-dispersion composition for gluing parquet boards

An example of such a composition is Sader Tarbicol KP5 - vinyl adhesive on the water. As it cools, it releases moisture. So:

  • Not suitable for cherry, beech and exotic boards.
  • Maple and ash boards can be mounted if their thickness is more than 1.5 cm.

Glue on organic solvents

This group of compounds is produced on the basis of rubber or synthetic resins:

  • The glue can be used for puff board, as well as oak, ash, beech or maple wood.
  • The maximum thickness of the surfaces to be glued is 22 mm.
  • The polymerization time of the composition is from 4 to 5 days.
  • Glue perfectly transfers humidity and low temperatures.

Two-component formulations - polyurethane or epoxy-polyurethane

The main advantage of these compositions is versatility and unpretentiousness. They are equally well suited for gluing solid and parquet boards. The peculiarity of these compounds is that they contain neither water nor, oddly enough, solvents. The polymerization time is from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. You can grind the floor already on the third day.

Important! The only negative is the lack of elasticity of the connection.

Single component polyurethane based adhesive

It has a limited scope (for moisture-resistant types of wood), since polymerization occurs from the absorption of moisture contained in the air. The composition does not contain solvents, very easy to use.

Its disadvantage is that gluing parquet in a dry room may not be effective due to insufficient atmospheric moisture. Parquet sanding is done after 4 days.

Silane composition on MS polymers

Of the entire review given, this glue gives the most elastic connections:

  • Equally well suited for treated and untreated parquet boards.
  • Creates additional sound insulation, combined with a warm floor.
  • It is possible to use boards made of wood of exotic trees for gluing.
  • Hardening occurs quickly, you can grind the board on the 3rd day.

hybrid glue

The universal structure applied to all types of boards. Does not contain water and solvents. Solidification occurs from contact with the atmosphere, the time of complete polymerization is 2 hours.

The best adhesive for parquet must have certain characteristics so as not to spoil the coating. This way of fastening piece parquet/solid board ensures reliability and long-term operation of the finishing layer.

But for this it is necessary to determine which type of mixture is better (two-component polyurethane, synthetic rubber, etc.) for work under certain conditions (gluing to screed, plywood). The complexity of installation is also taken into account if the work is planned to be done by hand.

What are the requirements for the composition?

When deciding which glue to buy for parquet, you should pay attention to a number of features:

  • The absence of such a phenomenon as shrinkage after the adhesive mixture has completely dried, otherwise it is likely that the finishing layer, after laying it with your own hands on a cement screed, will creak;
  • Elasticity - without this property, parquet adhesive will not provide sufficient mobility of piece parquet / solid board during thermal expansion;
  • Long service life, this is especially important, given that the average service life of this type of coating after laying is about 100 years;
  • Parquet adhesive should not contain excess water, which will lead to deformation of the finishing layer due to wood swelling;
  • No unpleasant odor after installation.

An unsuitable adhesive for parquet can affect the quality of the finish coat, which will significantly reduce its life.

An overview of the types of adhesives, the nuances of their application

There are several groups of compositions: one-component and two-component, synthetic (with solvents), dispersion adhesive (water-based). Each of the options has its own characteristics, which affects the application. Therefore, before deciding which of these compositions is better, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of finish and base.

This is the safest option, because it is environmentally friendly. Does not emit odor. Dispersion adhesive is produced on the basis of water with the addition of resins, which explains its harmlessness. But such a structure severely limits the scope of its application.

Dispersion adhesive is only an excellent choice when using oak or ash parquet boards.

In particular, for laying strip parquet, it is recommended to use dispersion adhesive only if the finishing coating is based on wood from moisture-resistant species, such as oak and larch.

Synthetic composition with solvents

It is used for laying boards from any species, which means that the scope of the glue is very wide. Main components: synthetic resins or rubber. Adhesive for parquet boards in this design is characterized by ease of use, due to such properties as fluidity and non-instant hardening (composition seizes after 15 minutes).

A high adhesion of parquet boards will be provided by solvent-based glue, popular formulations.

If we compare dispersion adhesive and a synthetic (rubber) analogue, then the second option will emit a pungent odor that disappears after hardening.

This is a polyurethane material that stands out from a number of analogues due to its reliable fastening. This property is due to the fact that a hardener is added to the mixture. As a result, the polyurethane two-component composition can be called the most durable, when applied to the screed during installation, it dries much faster than other types of parquet adhesive.

Importantly, the two-component composition is dangerous to human health. It is necessary to work in special means of protection.

But working with this type of material with your own hands is more difficult, since it is very toxic and requires the use of protective equipment. Two-component polyurethane composition suitable for laying strip parquet and solid boards of any species.

It is a high performance polymer based material. From does not contain harmful substances, as well as water. One-component adhesive hardens under the influence of moisture, which is contained in the air in different quantities. This material is universal, it is used for piece parquet / solid board of various species. But the single-component composition is expensive.

The one-component composition, when it comes into contact with varnished parquet, is easily removed without leaving stains, it is elastic, it can be used directly on the screed.

The use of adhesive mixtures for coatings of different types

The fact that parquet glue, depending on the type of components used, is used to fix the coating of certain varieties, has already been mentioned above. But you should understand in more detail which variety is better to use in specific situations.

Laying industrial parquet

This industrial type coating was created specifically for objects with high traffic and heavy loads. Considering that this material is quite new, there are no clear recommendations on the use of the adhesive mixture. But practice shows that a two-component polyurethane composition is best suited for this task.

Fastening a solid board with a width of more than 12 cm to the screed

In such a situation, it is important that the mixture is elastic and as strong as possible. These requirements are met by the polyurethane composition. It is possible to use solid board adhesive when laying directly on the screed, but depending on the operating conditions, the use of a Multimol underlay is sometimes recommended.

Fastening coatings to the screed, except for boards with a width of more than 12 cm

In this case, two options are offered: you can use a two-component polyurethane composition and fix the coating directly on the screed, and the parquet adhesive will be consumed less intensively; the coating is laid on the Multimol substrate, but the adhesive mixture is consumed twice as much. Under such conditions, it is recommended to choose the second option.

Laying, except for solid boards, from a width of 12 cm on a fragile screed

The adhesive for parquet must be characterized by excellent adhesion due to the low strength of the base, therefore it is recommended to use a one-component type of mixture. Increased elasticity will eliminate the risk of deformation of the coating due to rupture along the adhesive.

Fastening a massive board with a width of more than 12 cm to plywood sheets

Under such conditions, it is important to provide vertical peel strength. One-component type solid board adhesive should be used.

Laying boards less than 12 cm wide to plywood sheets

An elastic and sufficiently strong adhesive can reduce the tension between the substrate and the finishing material. For such a task, both one-component and two-component compositions are suitable.

The adhesive must be elastic and strong to reduce the tension between the plywood and the board that occurs during periods of humidity.

Installation of parquet board / glued to plywood

Large-format finishing material does not tolerate moisture, which means that dispersion compositions will not work. The best solution for do-it-yourself laying will be an elastic and durable adhesive.

Laying maple and fruitwood strip parquet on plywood

The named material is characterized by instability when operating conditions change. This means that dispersion compounds for fixing piece parquet should be avoided.

If the parquet is made of fruit wood, the adhesive must not contain water in the composition.

Fastening the coating with a varnish layer on the underside

In this case, there is a high probability of delamination of the structure under the influence of pull-off loads along the lacquer layer. To determine the quality of the adhesive composition, which has suitable properties (strength to the effects of peel loads), it is recommended to do a test with your own hands. For such conditions, a one-component adhesive is usually suitable.

If a layer of lacquer has been applied on the back side of the parquet board, then any type of adhesive should be checked for vertical tearing before installation.

Fastening plywood sheets in different ways

If you plan to lay the substrate with your own hands on the screed without special fasteners, you need to use a highly elastic composition. When the question is being decided how to glue plywood to concrete, they also consider a combined mounting option: self-tapping screws and glue. The requirements for the mixture in this case are lower, which means that an aqueous analogue can be used.

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