Budget renovation of the interior. How to update the interior of an ordinary apartment at no cost How to revive the interior without repair

Repair is a useful thing, but not the most rewarding. He, like a large ocean octopus, sucks out strength, emotions, money and time. Yes, and sometimes leaves behind not the best result. What to do if there is no desire to start working with cement, a perforator and a team of craftsmen, and the old interior, to put it mildly, is fed up? For such cases, designers have several tricks up their sleeves that help to easily change at least one room, at least the entire apartment - from the kitchen to the bedroom. So, here are the best ones.

Create an open space

“But how to do it without tearing down the walls?” - you ask. Let's hasten to please: it is much easier than it might seem at first glance. To get started, look at your furniture and determine which items look particularly bulky. Try removing some of them or placing them along the walls to see which layout will open up the most space.

If there is furniture in the interior that you can’t do without (like cabinets or display cases), consider repainting it in warm, light colors so that it becomes less noticeable (long live the optical illusion!).

Another trick that creates the illusion of open space is mirrors. Hang them opposite the windows - so the light will be reflected, filling the entire room.

Does your apartment have a dining-living room where you never eat? How about converting it into a cozy home office, office or library with a place to read? This technique will help optimize the space, and at the same time you will get a completely new room without dirt and repairs.

Rearrange furniture

If you can’t move the furniture, try swapping the items around. Often our eyes are blurred due to the fact that things have been in a certain order for many years. Perhaps this is the main reason why the interior, after some time, begins to make us universally sad.
Believe it or not, a simple rearrangement will help change the visual range that has become familiar and look at the space in a new way. Try to shift the focus. Is the sofa up against a wall? Put it in the center. Is the chair jammed in a corner? Move it closer to the entrance.

Reupholster furniture

Reupholstering is a great way to breathe new life into old furniture, and at the same time show your creativity by briefly retraining as a designer. Once you have your furniture reupholstered, you can ask the craftsmen to re-stuff the pillows, repaint the legs, and tidy up any broken parts. Just approach the choice of color, texture and pattern with all seriousness - ideally, they should correspond to the new style that will reign in your interior, and not contradict it.

Get as many plants in your house as possible

Not that this option replaces the repair, but the appearance of flowers in the house will quickly and simply change both the atmosphere and the interior. Green refreshes almost any color scheme, plus plants add oxygen and remove toxins from the air.

You can also choose accessories with images inspired by nature: pillows embroidered with flowers, soap dishes in the form of sea shells and corals, tablecloths with leaves.

Decorate the walls with photographs or reproductions

Bare walls look boring - if you want to make a change in the interior, try decorating them with reproductions of famous paintings or photographs that will give a zest to either the bathroom or the bedroom without taking up precious space. No need to be limited to certain sizes and shapes. Do you want to hang a round panel? You are welcome! Like bright collages? There is nothing easier!

Play with lighting

Lighting can completely change the mood of your home. A poorly lit room looks small, dark and cramped, while a brightly lit room looks open, airy and welcoming.

There are many ways to diversify the interior of your home with the help of lamps. Place a pair of tall floor lamps in the dark corners of the room and watch it come to life. Place lamps on the sides of the table to give your home a cozy feel.

If you want something completely atypical, pay attention to unusual lamps, including chandeliers of bizarre shapes. Of course, the help of an electrician may be required to install them, but at the same time, replacing a ceiling light is much easier than repairing.

Change handles on cabinets and drawers

Nothing makes your kitchen and bathroom look more old-fashioned than worn and dirty handles. Yes, if you do not change them, you are committing a real crime, because this is a great chance to give the furniture a completely new look.

There are many finishes available: bronze, brushed nickel, copper and polished stainless steel. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to decide what is right for your home. Choose a few options, and then see which one looks best directly in the room.

Buy new curtains

For some reason, thinking about changes in the interior, many lose sight of the design of windows. People often cannot decide which curtains they want, and act in three ways: a) leave the windows bare, b) buy the first curtains that come across, c) install simple blinds.

Meanwhile, the windows need to be properly embellished. Even if your apartment offers a magnificent view of the mountains or the ocean, and not the neighboring high-rise building, beautiful Roman curtains will not be superfluous. Perfectly designed windows will only add points to your interior.

You can choose any colors and textures: both light translucent curtains of light shades, and thick curtains of natural colors. If you can't decide, look at the colors that you have in your interior, or choose curtains to match the walls.

Buy fragrances and perfumes for your home

New notes in the air can easily change the impression of the interior of the house. In the same way that the smell of detergent or bleach makes us think things are clean, different scents create a special mood. For example, light, floral scents give a feeling of freshness and fit well in the kitchen or living room, while warm, musky scents are best for the bedroom (especially during the cold season).
Home fragrances such as diffusers or candles are rapidly gaining popularity. Their choice is large and huge, so do not miss the chance to try something new.

Tidy up the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, so when decorating its interior, you need to pay special attention to the issue of storage. Thoughtful furniture in this case will save you from the mess. Consider whether you can fit a closet or hang shelves in the room without sacrificing precious square footage. Get rid of thousands of jars and bottles of cosmetics, and your bathroom will become cleaner, fresher and more spacious.

Paint the dining table

No, if your kitchen has an antique or expensive mahogany table, it's best not to touch it. But if it's old, shabby, and looks like it's been through fire, water, and copper pipes, it's time to pick up a can of paint. Choose light neutral colors - they give a feeling of free space.

Tidy up your kitchen cabinets

Of course, if the budget allows extra expenses, you can update the furniture in the kitchen by buying a new set, but most often you can do without it. Depending on the condition of the wooden parts, you can paint your kitchen cabinets right away or pre-level and glue them. Paint instantly refreshes the look of a home. For example, white cabinets will visually enlarge the room and remain in fashion for a long time.

Another option for decorating old kitchen cabinets is pasting them with self-adhesive film or wallpaper. However, these funds are not so durable.

Oh those women! You always want to change something, decorate, clean, bring it into proper form. At least once a month, each of us is visited by the thought: “What if ...?”. And this “if” often transforms into a hair dye, a new manicure, a haircut, another rearrangement of the sofa from the living room to the bedroom. Sometimes we decide to change the style - to turn from a business shark into a cute girl. Or eat at an expensive sushi bar. This is absolutely normal. But when we have changed, dressed up, changed the image of our husband, we look at our apartment and sigh. Again, something is wrong. Cramped, ugly, cheap, uncomfortable. Familiar? Especially such thoughts and despondency visit before menstruation. And pisses everyone off.

There is not always money to carry out repairs or buy new beautiful furniture. And so you want to change the annoying green curtains or the old chair! And a new mirror in a chic frame would be so welcome. And scarlet bed linen diversifies family life. But all plans are shattered when you open your wallet. You sadly put on an apron, gloves, wipe off the dust, move the flower from the window sill to another window sill and sigh. And I wanted so much change!

Everything is real! Money is absolutely not needed in order to change the boring environment to a “new” home.

What you need for a new interior

Look around the room carefully. What do you not like about it? Is furniture getting in the way? Not enough space for your jars, creams, flowers and threads? Tired of bright curtains that are already ten years old? Does the room feel like it's pressing on you? Come into the kitchen, and there is nowhere to turn around?

Think about how you would like to arrange the furniture. If you want to free up space, move everything towards the walls and corners. When there is no furniture in the center, it is much more convenient to move around the room. Try to arrange the furniture in a square. For example, we move a sofa under the wall with a window (windows), put a chest of drawers on the side. It is desirable that everything is located in a "row". So the room will be visually larger.

Stock up on patience. Find all your old curtains, tulle, duvet covers, fabrics, bows, satin ribbons, photos, napkins, toys, figurines, pillowcases, blankets, bags. Clear out shelves and tables.

On the way home, run to the store and buy decoupage napkins, glue, tape, buttons and hairpins. If there is money left, you can cut off half a meter of fabric.

We place accents

Sometimes a room or kitchen can become completely different if the focus is shifted correctly. For example, in my bedroom there were green curtains that annoyed me terribly. I do not like this color, although almost everyone insists on its beneficial effects. The bedroom seemed huge, bright, saturated. The performance was really high. I bought curtains in soft beige. Since I have three windows, I had to spend money. I also have a chest of drawers with a huge mirror in brown-beige. She took out a light brown blanket, which she threw on the sofa. My bedroom has become a tender room, soft and very comfortable. I felt very calm and easy to be in it.

So think about what in your room does not suit you. Check the windows carefully. Do you have flowers on your windowsills? What tulle or curtains? Do you have blinds? What would you like to feel when you go inside?

Pastel colors - beige, coffee, copper, shades of brown soothe. Green, blue, orange, yellow tone up. If you are going to sleep or relax in this room, it will be quite difficult for you. Dark blue and purple escalate the atmosphere. They should be correctly combined with the interior and not cause aggression. Often, being in rooms with a similar color scheme, irritation and despondency begin. Although everything is very individual here, perhaps these colors will help you feel comfortable. Keep in mind that the craving for blue intensifies when it is important for a woman to make a decision, calm down or relax. After a while, it can get annoying.
Black color and dark - gray categorically do not recommend. Such colors can only dilute the interior, but do not attract attention. A woman should rest and enjoy life, and not strain.

The same applies to pink, scarlet and burgundy. By the way, if the prints on the curtains or blankets are with shades of burgundy or rich red, this will add color to the appearance of the room.

Put on small pillows (if you don’t have them, then buy them) pillowcases. For example, the room is beige. Choose pillowcases in burgundy, raspberry, coffee, golden colors. Or anyone to whom you are internally drawn.
There should be several accents, maximum three.

If for this purpose you have chosen curtains or curtains, then you do not need to dilute the room with saturated color more. Accents can be a flower, a bouquet, bright lace napkins, paintings, watches, toys.

Tidying up the room

Wipe off the dust wherever your hand can reach. Sort through all unnecessary pens, things, rags, cosmetics, figurines. Throw away the excess. If it's a pity - put it in boxes and send it to the mezzanine or attic. What seemed to you the most significant, arrange in a different way. For example, I did a family corner. I nailed a small wooden shelf, on which I put frames with photographs from a wedding or vacation. Since I love stones, my husband and I neatly laid out the tumbling near the frames. Malachite, ziosite, amethyst, garnet beads mean a lot to us. And when I look at my corner, I immediately remember the pleasant moments of life.

Scoop all the pens and pencils into a glass, carefully lay out cosmetics and jewelry. If the room has old furniture that you can’t change or repaint right now, there are two options here too. Take tulle or unnecessary curtains. Sew bows or fabric flowers on them. You can tie the curtains with satin ribbon. Cover unsympathetic places with original curtains. Or buy decoupage napkins. Stick them on the furniture, carefully smearing the glue (be sure to check out this technique, it will help to rehabilitate even old clocks).

And now your room began to resemble the vintage apartments of fashionistas of the 70s.
Remember, I asked you to prepare old blankets, pillowcases or pieces of fabric? Sew yourself a colorful blanket or rug! Cut off the pieces and sew them on in the order you like. You can attach buttons or ribbon bows on top.

Pendants and hairpins

Do you have old unwanted beads? Attach them to curtains. The remaining fabric - make thin ribbons out of it and attach it to the curtain in the shower. It will be very original and fresh.
Old hairpins can come in handy in decor. You can tint them with varnish and fix them in the kitchen on tulle. Or pierce curtains with them.

Cover and modify

If your fridge is old and ugly, buy duct tape and seal it up. Bright colors will give the impression that you have purchased a new technique. Arrange flowers on windowsills. You can cover the surface itself with decoupage napkins, cloth or colored oilcloth. Arrange figurines and / or small toys near the flowers. Decorate everything you see. Let your imagination run wild.

Place household chemicals or shampoos on a dessert stand. Nail carnations in the kitchen by decorating them with fabric, ribbons, or gift bows. On carnations you can hang whatever you need. Aprons, potholders, bags, boards, saucepans. You can paint the glass with paint and glue it to the wall. Put spatulas, ladles, knives in it. These tricks will save you a lot of space.

Take curtain rods or tubes and hang them above the bed. Curtains and curtains, even if they are of different colors, can be hung on cornices and made a canopy. Romance and chic will immediately come into your life.

Tint thin pipes in the kitchen or bathroom with acrylics. Fasten the wiring that has always bothered you with bows. You can make frames for switches out of cardboard or fabric. Or buy inexpensive wooden frames in the store.

Draw pictures or make them yourself from improvised means. Decorate the walls with products made by you. So the room will be filled with comfort.

Changing our reality

If there is a desire to change something in the house, be sure to embody it. This indicates your willingness to let change and new emotions into your life. Or get rid of something that brings you discomfort for a long time.

After you have modified your home, pay attention to yourself. After all, no matter how much you improve the interior, only you are the real decoration of your home. Go ahead, experiment and love yourself!

Thoughts on how to update the interior without repair are knocking on the head of those who have lived in the same house for a long time or those who have moved to a new apartment, but at a particular moment cannot afford major changes. But something needs to be changed in such a situation, otherwise: “Hello, blues and everything like it ...”. Let's see what tricks will help to freshen up the interior quickly, simply and with no or minimal capital investment. So…

Arrange a general cleaning

It is she who is one of the first and, perhaps, even mandatory options for updating the space. This method will be especially effective for those who are not too accustomed to order.

Hint: start cleaning from the bedroom - it is believed that the next day the order in this room will become the motivation for cleaning the rest

We are talking about “deep cleaning”: you need to wash windows, clean carpets and, throw away unnecessary things, throw away what has not been used for a long time or is broken and has not been repaired for more than a year, distribute / sell / throw away clothes that are not needed (small, large , torn, etc.).

Make a rearrangement

If you combine this option with the previous one, the effect will be double. Rearrangement is probably the most famous way to update the interior without repair, and almost everyone has used it at least once. How to make it right?

  • The less visible, the better - in most cases, a wardrobe placed at the door visually takes up less space. Exception: the presence and use of furniture with mirrored doors on the entire wall.
  • In the bedroom, the central element is, you can put it near blank walls and near windows, the main thing is not to occupy all the remaining space with a lot of chairs, ottomans, tables.
  • "Pandemonium" of furniture in the center of the room is not the best option.
  • Roulette Help! Do not be too lazy to first measure whether certain furniture will fit in a new place. “On the eye” is usually placed everything and everywhere, but in reality it turns out wrong and you have to waste your energy.
  • If you constantly cling to something with clothes, hands, feet, rearrange it. Moreover, make it your #1 goal. Even if visually the room does not change much, then you will definitely get moral pleasure from such a rearrangement.
  • If you use headsets, then try to combine them in a new way. Maybe they look more comfortable in the bedroom?

Update your lighting

The way the light falls, what color it is, whether there is a lot of it - this is very important for creating a certain atmosphere in the room. Save a couple of large white candles for a festive or romantic dinner (although they just look bright on the shelf in the “off state” too), but you can work with the rest of the light sources.

A few tips:

  • Look at - are they comfortable, suitable for the interior, or is it time to send them to the bin? If you don't like them, throw them away. If you don’t have money for new ones, do it yourself, now you can find several interesting options for handmade chandeliers that look simple and interesting, and to create them you need a ball, glue and threads.
  • Sometimes you need not to remove, but to add: a sconce, just an interesting reading lamp.
  • Garlands are fun all year round. They can be especially well complemented or a bedroom.
  • Bulky furniture at the windows, like unsuccessful curtains, steal your light. Take a closer look at the situation and think, maybe with more sunlight, more comfort will come to the house.

Hint: wires sticking out from everywhere do not paint the house - either hide them behind, using special elements, or decorate.

Organize or divide space

Order in small things will instantly expand the space:

  • Buy several identical boxes for things and sort them. Ruffled boxes on the shelves will look both neat and cute.
  • Another option is to arrange the items on the shelves if it suits you and cover the shelf with a curtain.
  • A curtain is possible. There is no sound insulation, but if you hide the workplace in the corner of the room, it will seem that the bedroom is much more spacious and comfortable. The solution is simple and quite cost effective.

Take care of the plants

Flowers in the house not only create comfort, they also purify the air. How can you use them to update the interior? There are several options:

  • Transplant the plants into new pots. You can use flowerpots of the same color or, conversely, all the colors of the rainbow, non-standard solutions look good: many options can be found on the Internet.
  • Rearrange the flowers. Maybe it's time to make an original stand or take all the plants to the balcony, or maybe you should put cacti nearby, but still place an orchid or a rose in the center of the table - experiment and the results will please.

Paint one wall

Hint: sometimes it is not necessary to radically change the color, you can simply update the original one. You can also hang a board under a marker or under stickers, chalk to make a grocery list or leave cute messages to each other.

Use utensils to decorate

Several interesting sets of plates and glasses will easily decorate not only the shelves in the kitchen, but also. For a change, you can fill glasses or bottles with something interesting and complement the mini-compositions with beautifully folded cloth napkins.

Change coasters in the kitchen

Use non-standard fruit baskets: you can put salt shakers on them, put bread or jars of spices.

It is not only original, but also practical to use the new magnetic wall plate for knives. Everything will be at hand and will look unusual.

Use additional shelves in the kitchen

Hint: do not get carried away and hang shelves in places where cooking or people move constantly.

Change the countertop

One of the easiest ways to transform a kitchen is to change. Updating the interior, thus, is possible with a very different layout of the room. The method is suitable for both, and if all the furniture is so along the walls.

Make a new shower tray

It is enough just to put a comfortable wooden stand, and it will look different. Moreover, standing on wet wood is much more pleasant than on acrylic or steel. You can choose a simpler grill or search / order an option with a pattern.

Increase the functionality of the rack

If there is a rack in the room and you still have not made it a cozy sofa in addition, then try it. Attach a soft pillow made of foam rubber and dense fabric on top, scatter a couple of pillows and use the new interior element to your health.

Hang a canopy over your bed

This custom solution will add zest to any bedroom. It will also complement a one-room apartment well, as it will allow you to divide the space.

Hint: for summer, take light translucent fabrics or even an ordinary mosquito net, for winter, dense textiles or a combination of two or three layers of medium-density materials are better.

Use blankets and bedspreads

Blankets in the same color scheme or, conversely, multi-colored (depending on the features of the interior) will help make your home more comfortable and interesting. Use the blanket folded and unfolded on chairs, beds.

Hint: a simple change of cover on the sofa and in the bedroom will instantly change the room.

Change the upholstery of the head of the bed

The bed in the bedroom is the main subject, so it will also affect the atmosphere in the room.

You can choose a fabric of the same color, combine several different types, or immediately choose a colorful material. You can make a bed update with your own hands, or by turning to the master for help.

hang a hammock

Such a detail will make the room unusual and give the atmosphere in the bedroom a slight touch of holiday mood. They look especially impressive near large bright windows.

Hint: you need to be careful when using this technique to update the interior - first make sure that you can install the desired mount.

As an alternative to this chip - wicker hanging ball chairs. They look no less impressive and free. But they take up a lot of space, so make sure in advance that such an innovation does not take all the free space in the room.

Apply knitted details

This refers to covers for armchairs and sofas, pillows, soft ottomans. Today you can find ready-made options or come up with and make a suitable product yourself.

Hang a panel or fabric on the wall

Textiles in the interior can be used almost anywhere. The panel will add coziness, and if you place it in a frame and make it double-sided (so that you can turn it over) and multi-colored, then it will be quite easy to change the mood of the room. We are sure that changeable teenagers will especially appreciate this craft.

Textiles can also be played with in different ways, and with the right approach, a simple piece of fabric will transform your home for the better.

Experiment with textures

Play with the surface of the furniture. If everything is perfectly smooth in appearance and glossy, then add haze and roughness. If everything is flat and even, then “throw” a few round and fluffy pillows into the interior - the room will sparkle in a new way.

There are many options: you can add wood or glass elements, include a few plastic accessories, remove a few mirrors, etc.

Use clothes

We take a hanger and a bright summer dress with a tutu or sea striped skirt, place a large compass next to it, a map with several marks, a straw hat with a satin ribbon, and put a suitcase and a guitar on the floor - voila! The room joyfully reminds you that times are changing and let the vacation have already passed, but soon there will be a new one.

You can also play with souvenir samurai swords and a colorful kimono or a bright sari, Buddhas and an hourglass.

You can use different items - in fact, it all depends on what it was originally.

Make textile appliqués

You can create a lot of things with your own hands. And if you have at your disposal a fabric with a different texture and also different accessories (locks, buttons, rivets, etc.), then you can create an unusual picture. With children, doing this kind of creativity can be doubly fun.

Hint: if for some reason you think that the final result came out too outlandish, then soften the transitions with spray paint. Tilt the can at 45 degrees and spray the paint. The most winning color options are usually golden, silver and white, fluorescent paints and neon colors have also been in trend for a long time, but no one will limit.

Change the carpet on the floor

Create extra surface in the bathroom or kitchen

Often we put several pieces of furniture or appliances side by side and do not use the opportunity to create a full-fledged work surface. You can, for example, make a shelf above the washing machines and get additional space that can be used efficiently. Moreover, such shelves most often make the room look neater, simpler.

Give the old new life

Perhaps, before the repair, you had others or even a clock hanging - look for them and take a closer look, maybe now they will help make the house brighter? So you can experiment with any items that were once "hidden": cabinets after a little finishing or large glove boxes, frames, etc.

Don't be afraid to do it yourself

In general, we can say that any new thing will refresh the interior. And if the item is made by you with enthusiasm and in a good mood, then it will also be a kind of inspiration. Therefore, let handmade gizmos constantly complement your home.

Refreshing the interior without cosmetic and major repairs is relatively simple. The main thing is to understand what exactly you want and not be afraid to show your creative side!

When you get bored of an apartment, this is a sure sign that you need to refresh the interior, bringing new notes to it. This can be achieved both with the help of practical details, for example, a table lamp or a rug, or by adding a few simple gizmos to the atmosphere to cheer you up. Note that all this will not require any repairs and will not require special costs, but will quickly and simply help resolve the issue.

You may want to update the interior of the entire apartment or a separate room, for example, the living room. For such cases, we want to give several valid methods.

How to update the interior of the living room

In many cases, it is the living room that plays the most important role in the entire home. There we spend pleasant hours reading books, drinking tea with family and friends, watching interesting films or even having a family meal. How to update the interior of the living room?

Firstly, you can change the boring curtains to more attractive ones for you. Let it be your favorite color or the color you like, pleasant and high-quality material. Changing curtains will allow you to radically change the interior, but still, it requires a certain amount of money and time, so for many people it will be much easier to decorate them. Hang new curtain ties or use original buckles, clips, clips to open the view of the landscape outside the window.

Secondly, the question how to update the interior of the apartment in general or the living room itself will help decide the decoration of the walls. To do this, you can use both special vinyl stickers on the walls, as well as your own family photos in frames, paintings, panels. Today it is very fashionable to use black and white photographs and images, as well as photographs in retro style to match the style of the interior.

Thirdly, the living room needs a comfortable and beautiful environment, and pieces of furniture that are outdated or have lost their attractive appearance only spoil the whole look of the room. Upholstery of upholstered furniture, painting of shelves and cabinets, drapery of furniture with fabric and so on can be a solution. Also, any sofa and the interior as a whole will be perfectly refreshed by a variety of decorative pillows. You just need to stock up on pillowcases and change them from time to time to update the interior of the living room every time.

Fourthly, green plants will help to refresh the interior of the living room. A few flowers in pots, as well as beautiful indoor trees, will do an excellent job of this task.

Several ways to update the interior of the bedroom without repair

The bedroom is a place for healthy sleep, rest, love and relaxation. In it, you want to feel the most comfortable and secure. You can also update the interior of the bedroom a little easily and without repair.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the bed. One has only to change the bed linen to a new one, with a color to suit your mood, as the bedroom will come to life and immediately become more cute for you. The same goes for the cover.

Put table lamps on the bedside tables, and if you already have them, update them by decorating the lampshade with decorative elements or draping it with a light fabric, like organza.

Hang a picture on the wall with a seascape, an image of nature, a forest, your family photo.

It will help to update the interior of the bedroom, as well as the living room, changing the curtains or decorating.

It is also fashionable to lay a beautiful rug by the bed, and you can make it yourself - wicker and knitted rugs are again at the peak of popularity today. Use multi-colored shreds or thick yarn for this.

How to update the interior of the kitchen with simple things

If your dining table is in the kitchen, then you can refresh its interior with a simple change of tablecloth or a new table setting. Buy new cups for each family member, nice plates and matching cutlery. You should not hide far away your festive dishes, every day being content with worn out and lost all their attractive appearance. Remember that the more beautiful you set the table, the more pleasant the process of eating will be, therefore, digestion and mood will improve. You will immediately notice how your joint family meals will delight you more and more.

Put on the table a vase with fresh flowers, an original salt and pepper shaker, beautifully laid out napkins. On the table in the working area of ​​​​the kitchen, you can put new holders for spices and coasters for hot.

Pay attention to kitchen textiles - potholders, apron, towels and cloth napkins should be updated more often, as they wear out very quickly. These little things can have one style. Choose bright colors that will cheer you up.

How to freshen up your child's nursery

In order to update the interior of the children's room, you will need a few bright details.

On the walls of the sticker are decorative stickers of a children's theme - for example, images of African animals, cartoon or fairy-tale characters. In the play area, lay a bright rug on the floor. Also scatter colorful pillows on the floor - children love toy pillows. Change the baby bedding to a new color that your child likes.

A student's room will help to refresh a few details on his desktop. The simplest thing is a do-it-yourself pen holder. Use an ordinary jar for this, which can be decorated with napkins (decoupage technique), or paints. Your student will also like the new table lamp.

As for new furniture, this is already a costly business, but if you still want to please the baby with some new item, but not really disturb the family budget, you can buy a frameless baby bean bag. Today there are many offers of such furniture at affordable prices.

As you can see, updating the interior of any room can be done with simple things, and we have given just a few examples to show that this can be done easily and simply. Your imagination will certainly help in your own way, individually solve this question, how to update the interior of an apartment without repair, and you will see how your home will become attractive again, giving you the pleasure of life. After all, to live comfortably means to live fully!

May 30, 2017 Sergey

Without resorting to the services of designers and without spending tens of thousands of rubles on major repairs, it is enough to read the tips. The effect of their use is grandiose! How to update the interior of the apartment? Simple, fast, cheap!

How to update the interior of an apartment: the practice of lightning changes

In the article:

  1. From the rearrangement of furniture everything changes;
  2. Changing the color palette;
  3. Light design;
  4. wall decor;
  5. junk workers;
  6. How can you cheaply update the interior with textiles.
  7. How to update the interior of the kitchen:
  • tabletop;
  • facades;
  • window design;
  • Upholstered and cabinet furniture;
  • Lighting;
  • Dish decor.

Rearranging furniture changes everything

The option is good because you do not need to buy anything, dismantle, paint over. It is enough to arrange the furniture in a different way.

Introducing asymmetry is a good way to refresh the familiar environment: move the bed to the wall, turn the sofa 90 degrees, swap the armchair and chest of drawers.

When the interior seems unnerving, arrange paired objects in a mirror image - this will balance the composition.

Place upholstered furniture not next to the walls, but diagonally or across the living room.

If the area of ​​​​the apartment is proud of the squares, select two places for relaxation: for communicating with guests and for secluded tea drinking and reading.

Rearranging cabinets or cabinets will also change the space and volume of the room.

Before implementing ideas, it is best to practice on a paper plan using scaled furniture dimensions.

Changing the color palette

Another color scheme is a method for resolving the issue of how to update the interior of a room. It will not be possible to remake the color scheme beyond recognition (it will be a full-fledged repair), but introducing fresh shades into the design is doable.

Let's add the setting:

  • paint one of the walls or part of it with a contrasting shade;
  • support the chosen color with one or two decor items in the same range;
  • we will change the upholstery on the sofa and armchairs or we will sew the covers ourselves;
  • change curtains;
  • we buy furniture with bright accents - a blue wardrobe, a red coffee table, a purple floor vase. Let the accent be single, otherwise extra variegation will appear in the design.

An easy way to update the interior in an apartment is to paint old wallpaper with a new color. If you remove the paper covering on parts of the walls and paint the surface light green, blue or pink, you get an interesting combination of textures.

Light design

Lighting design is a full-fledged participant in the design. Along with color and volume. We change the lamps according to the design, spectrum and nature of the glow (directional, diffused).

If the decoration of the room is of high quality, bright lighting is appropriate. But where there are shortcomings, it is better to install a subdued light. Spot lighting (for example, a picture one) will help to beautifully highlight individual pieces of furniture.

Lamps placed under the furniture will visually lift it above the floor and make it easier.

Inexpensive LED strips look harmoniously under shelves, cabinets, mirrors, cornices built into niches.

Light design is a good solution to the problem of how to update the interior of a room without a major overhaul.

wall decor

Decorating the walls will help refresh the design of the apartment.

Decorate plain surfaces with special interior stickers. Images of birds, cats, tree branches, butterflies, lampposts are suitable for any style of interior: glue along the stairs, around the doorway, over the back of the sofa, head of the bed.

If you do not want to use ready-made stickers, paint the wall yourself using a stencil. An abstract ornament or a recognizable silhouette will make the wall expressive.

For those who are interested in how to inexpensively update the interior, a method related to loft style techniques is suitable. Rough surfaces are in fashion, which means that you will have to free the walls from coatings and get to brick or concrete. The textures that have opened to the eye are left without decor or painted with colored acrylic paints.

We use moldings - from wood, ceramics, metal, to transform walls, ceilings and furniture. A popular molding material is polyurethane. It is easy to work with, easy to process and can be dyed in any tone.

With the help of moldings, it will be possible to breathe new life into the design of the fireplace portal, window, arched doorways. The compositions created on the walls and ceiling will emphasize the zoning and even mask small defects in the finish.

Fresh paintings, posters, photos will tell you how to update the old interior. Large reproductions look best when hung alone. Small ones should be collected in a composition: the main thing is that the paintings are made in the same style and in the same frames.

An attractive frame can be made with your own hands from bamboo stems, sea shells, river pebbles. In the design of the bedroom, paintings can be replaced with a fragment of beautiful wallpaper or fabric - to finish the section of the wall indicated by moldings.


You can get a new interior without repair by including one antique item in the decor: a chest of drawers on lion's paws, a rocking chair, a mirror in a carved gilded frame.

A full restoration is not needed: it is enough to update individual elements with paint. For wood, use white - it will rejuvenate the texture and make the furniture fashionable. On an antique wardrobe, replace the handles with modern ones.

Install shelves around the apartment and place art albums, photographs, antique volumes in luxurious bindings on them. Stacked books turn into a coffee table support.

How to update the interior of the kitchen

The kitchen takes a lot of time. By paying attention to individual details, we make the familiar and already rather boring kitchen design interesting again.


By installing a new countertop, the situation is transformed. And you don't need to change anything else. With a palette, the work surface can contrast favorably with kitchen fronts or maintain them in a similar shade. If you want to leave the old countertop, veneer it with ceramic mosaics.


Replacing the interior in the kitchen at no cost will allow updating the front cabinets:

  • we change deaf facades to glazed ones, putting dishes on display;
  • decorate the doors with vinyl stickers;
  • we remove part of the facades to get open shelves that are popular today;
  • paint the doors in a different color;
  • we install new, original ones instead of old handles.

window design

New curtains are also a way to change the kitchen interior. But it’s not easy to hang another instead of one fabric, but to choose a different type of window decor: Roman blinds, blinds, roller blinds (roller blinds).

You can make the room private by painting the glass with stained glass paints. A serious step is to install a mirrored or tinted double-glazed window on a window next to the work area.

If you put pots with parsley, dill and onions planted in them on the windowsill, it will smell nice in the kitchen, and seasonings will be at hand.

Upholstered and cabinet furniture

Reupholstering chairs and sofas will bring new color accents to the design of the kitchen. Try to choose a material with a pattern or shade close to the curtains, then the design style will be preserved. Since the kitchen furniture is of a simple form, we change the drapery ourselves, making a pattern according to the old upholstery.

Wooden stools and chairs are easy to repaint. But if you don’t want to get dirty with paint, sew or knit decorative pillows and covers. We decorate the dining table using the decoupage technique, such an application looks good in the Provence style.


If the question arose of how to update the interior without spending money in the kitchen, change the lighting. Instead of one chandelier, install local lighting for each zone (sink, cutting table, dining group, bar counter).

It is convenient to highlight the cooking place with the help of LEDs built into the lower part of the wall cabinets.

The dining table area will be highlighted by low-hanging lamps. For the kitchen island (if it is longer than 1.5 meters), let down their own overhead lighting. Hoods and nozzles for water taps are also equipped with lighting.

Dish decor

Do not hide plates and cups in blank cabinets, it is better to turn them into a decorative collection. Hang painted dishes on the wall, place porcelain tea sets on shelves and behind transparent facades. Even a couple of simple colored saucers will freshen up the atmosphere.

Don't forget the refrigerator. It is not necessary to turn its door into a chaotic collection of magnets. Better decorate a clean white or chrome surface with appropriately themed vinyl decals. For example, the image of a cat that is eager to eat.

How can you cheaply update the interior with textiles

A quick and budget option to change the design of a room is textile design.

wall panel

From patches (chintz, organza, satin, jacquard), make a patchwork panel and hang it on the wall. Such remains can be found in any apartment.

Partition curtain

To update the design in the apartment at no cost, organize the space differently. Zone the room with a thick curtain. In studio apartments, the living room is separated from the bedroom and workplace in this way. In housing for one person, the curtain plays the role of an interior door (where more people live, better soundproofing is needed). A curtain covers a niche, racks with clothes and shoes.

A mixture of textures

A bold step would be decoration with different textured fabrics: in the classics, combine satin stitch embroidery and the characteristic capitonné stitch, in the loft - rough stitching and underlined scuffs, in shabby chic - delicate lace and openwork knitting.

A simple example: spread pillows on the sofa: one with sequins, another with appliqué, the third with a pillowcase made of silk or faux fluffy fur.

Knitted details

Knitted details will not only decorate the updated interior, but also make the apartment more comfortable. Include an openwork tablecloth, a coarse knit blanket, and pillows in the decor of the room. The theme will also be knitted cases for mugs, glass jars and vases. Let the color scheme of accessories be limited to a few shades, the main emphasis is on loop patterns.

Favorite plaid

A plaid as a decor will help to revive the apartment interior without additional costs. Throw it over the back of an armchair in the living room, on the bed or chair next to the dressing table. If the blanket is thin, it will fit as a tablecloth.

Updated bedroom

Changing the look of a bedroom is easy with the help of bed headboard decor. Finish the back with foam rubber and fabric or leather, attaching the materials with a furniture stapler - an illusion of new furniture will appear. If the headboard is wrought iron or slatted, then prepare a removable panel with beautiful and soft upholstery and fix it over the existing one. The same technique is suitable for finishing the wall behind the bed. Simple drapery will also change the overall impression of the interior.


If the design of the bed does not provide for pillars, the canopy is fixed using special racks. In summer, use light, thin, translucent fabrics for decoration, in winter - denser ones, they will reliably protect against drafts.


This element is involved in creating the interior, regardless of whether the lamp is on or not. By changing the lampshade, you will change not only the appearance of the lamp, but also the strength, saturation of lighting, the combination of shadows and light.

When solving the problem of how to update the interior without repair, choose the most suitable option for yourself. Whether you're rearranging the chairs and sofa, repainting the wallpaper, replacing curtains and light fixtures, knitting wool pillowcases, you can always find a way to get a fresh design on a minimal budget.

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