Biotin vitamins. Beneficial properties of biotin for thick hair, strong nails and beautiful skin

Greetings, my dear readers. Agree that it is difficult to overestimate the benefits that vitamins bring to the human body. They participate in all processes occurring within us. Therefore, the lack of one of these vitamins affects the functioning of other elements. Today I want to introduce you to a special component. This is biotin - also known as vitamin B7 or H. This is the many-sided “guest” we have today :)

It turns out that this element was opened twice. This first happened in 1901. It was then called “biotin” (this comes from “bios”, which literally translates as “life”).

But in 1916, biologist Betheman noticed one amazing feature. When he fed experimental rats fresh egg whites, the animals began to develop serious health problems. Their hair began to fall out, muscular dystrophy and other misfortunes were observed. But as soon as the scientist introduced boiled yolk into the animals’ diet, the condition of the animals immediately improved.

Then scientists took a closer look at the boiled yolk and isolated vitamin H from it. It got its name from the German word “haut,” which means “skin.” However, some time later, pundits realized that biotin and vitamin H are one and the same.

Biotin - what is it?

Vitamin H is a water-soluble element that is part of the B vitamin group. Now it is also called vitamin B7. It acts as a coenzyme in the body and is essential for the metabolism of fatty acids and glucose. We eat foods that are sources of fats and... And this vitamin helps convert them and use them to fuel your body with energy.

  • responsible for blood clotting;
  • monitors blood glucose levels;
  • maintains healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • participates in the synthesis of red blood cells;
  • improves the body's defense system;
  • has antitumor effects;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • takes part in the synthesis of substances that conduct nerve impulses;
  • very important for hair, nails and skin.

This vitamin is usually added to shampoo for hair growth. By the way, in the article “” I described in detail the effect of this vitamin on our hair. Very positive feedback after taking this item.

Any excess or unused amount of B7 present in the body is excreted in the urine. Because of this, the body does not accumulate biotin reserves. So you should take the vitamin daily to support your body (1).

Deficiency Symptoms

In countries where people eat well and consume enough calories, biotin deficiency is rare. Recommended daily requirements are relatively low.

When a deficiency occurs, the following symptoms occur:

  • dermatitis, eczema and other skin problems;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • lack of energy, chronic fatigue, mood changes;
  • digestive problems;
  • muscle pain, cramps, tingling in the limbs;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • anemia;
  • increased blood glucose levels;
  • low pressure;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • brittle hair (or hair loss), dandruff;
  • premature graying of hair.

Many common foods provide the body with biotin. By the way, researchers believe that intestinal bacteria have the ability to independently create this vitamin ( 2 ).

What products contain

Biotin is found in foods such as meat, eggs, avocados, cauliflower, berries, fish, legumes and mushrooms. I presented the data in the table at a consumption rate of 50 mcg per day.

However, vitamin B7 is destroyed under unfavorable conditions. Therefore, you need to know how to properly preserve biotin in food. For example, this element is preserved in greater concentration when frozen industrially. There the product is subjected to sharp cooling, and not like in our refrigerator. In canned products, its content is minimal.

Also, prolonged soaking of foods in water has an adverse effect on vitamin H. Therefore, reduce this time to a minimum. Biotin is also destroyed when food is stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Well, it’s like all vitamins.

The lion's share of it is destroyed when foods are fried. Therefore, I advise you to replace this type of heat treatment with boiling. It is better to cook vegetables in their skins, and the pan should be covered with a lid. But baking does not have much effect on the amount of this element.

Instructions for use of biotin

In our country, the following standards for vitamin H intake have been established for children, adolescents and adults.

However, in each specific case, only a doctor can decide on additional biotin administration. They need additional vitamin H ( 3 ):

  • after a “strict” diet;
  • during the period of antibacterial therapy;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • women taking contraceptives for a long time;
  • those working in hazardous industries come into contact with harmful chemical elements;
  • those who live in cold climates;
  • those who work hard or are actively involved in sports;
  • with alcohol addiction.

Vitamin B7 is available in tablets and ampoules, and you can buy it at the pharmacy. The dosage varies, and therefore the price may also vary. It is better to take the drug as prescribed by a doctor. He will describe how to take vitamin B7 and for how long to drink it.

You can, of course, take biotin yourself, as it is included in many vitamin and mineral supplements, especially for hair growth. I've been taking these for a month now. Moreover, there are 300 mcg of this vitamin.

This element is water-soluble, so it does not accumulate in the body. Excess is excreted daily from the body with fluid. Therefore, an overdose of vitamin B7 is extremely unlikely.

Signs that there is an excess of biotin in the body include rapid hair growth (in areas where they are not particularly needed). There may be a deterioration in the condition of the skin, rashes on the skin. You may also experience shortness of breath, increased sweating, or frequent urination. But for this you need to exceed the dosage hundreds of times over a long period of time.

Health Benefits of Biotin

This vitamin is very beneficial for people. I am sure that the facts given below will convince you of this.

Interaction of biotin with other drugs

Some medications and foods can enhance or, conversely, weaken the effects of biotin. Under no circumstances should you take anticonvulsants and B7 at the same time - this will reduce the activity of the latter.

But zinc, on the contrary, enhances the effect of taking biotin. In turn, B7 increases bioavailability.

But raw egg white contains a special substance - avidin. It turns out that this is the anti-vitamin biotin. Avidin prevents element B7 from being absorbed into the blood. It is best to take biotin and eat raw protein at different times.

So your “box” of knowledge has been replenished with information about another vital element. Now you can show off your knowledge in front of your friends. Or just send them a link to the article - they’ll read it themselves :) Yes, and don’t forget. And I tell you: bye.

The chemical formula of biotin is: C 10 H 16 N 2 O 3 S.


The first mention of the vitamin appeared in 1901, when scientists discovered it as a biologically active substance isolated from yeast. Then the same biologically active substance was isolated from egg yolk.

Biotin is synthesized in significant quantities by intestinal microflora. The intensity of this process depends on the type of carbohydrates in the diet.

Biotin Sources

Traditional food sources of biotin are liver, kidneys, legumes (soybeans, peas), eggs, yeast.

Biotin is widely distributed in nature and is found in both plant and animal products (see table).

Vegetables, fruits, berries, grain products Biotin content Vegetables, fruits, berries, grains Biotin content
Peanut 40 Spinach 7
Green beans 7 Oranges 2
Soybeans 60 Melon 3
Dry green peas 35 Strawberries 4
Dry yellow peas 18 Peaches 1.7
Champignon mushrooms 16 Apples 9
White cabbage 24 Corn 6
Cauliflower 17 Wheat 10
Potato 0,5-1 Wheat flour 9-25
Fresh onion 3.5 Bread made from wheat flour 2-5
Dry onion 28 Wheat flour, grade I 1-2
Carrot 2.5 Premium wheat flour 1
Salad 3 Rice 12
Beet 2 Rice bran 46
Tomatoes 4 Barley 6
Biotin content Dairy, meat and fish products Biotin content
Women's milk 0.1 Pork 2-75
Cow's milk 5 Pork liver 250
Condensed milk 15 Veal 15-2
Milk powder 40 Veal liver 100
Low-fat cheese 4 Salmon 5-10
Whole chicken egg 9 Canned salmon 10-20
Chicken egg, yolk 30 Sardines 24
Mutton 2-2.7 Herring 4
Beef 5 Halibut 8
Beef liver 200 Tuna 4
Beef heart 8-50

Daily requirement for biotin

Table. Norms of physiological need for vitamin H depending on age in Russia [MR]

Upper Tolerable Biotin Intake for Adults is 150 mcg per day (“Unified sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)” of the EurAsEC Customs Union).

Symptoms of biotin deficiency

The initial manifestations of biotin deficiency are expressed in flaking of the skin without itching. Then it is possible to develop scaly dermatitis of the neck, arms, legs, turning into pityriasis-like peeling of the skin with the addition of symptoms of depression, increased fatigue, drowsiness, muscle pain, loss of appetite, and increased cholesterol levels in the blood serum.

In young children, biotin deficiency manifests itself as skin disorders in the form of dermatitis with peeling on the neck, hands, forearms, legs, followed by gray pigmentation. Tongue lesions, anorexia, nausea, muscle pain, and anemia also occur. When using biotin there is an improvement.



Raw egg whites contain a substance called avidin, an antivitamin of biotin. This substance binds biotin and prevents its absorption into the blood. Heating denatures (irreversibly destroys the structure) the avidin in egg whites, so cooked eggs do not interfere with the absorption of biotin.

These vitamin-mineral complexes contain this vitamin:

* dietary supplement. NOT A MEDICINE

Polyphenols and flavonoids .

Additional components: dry extract of grape leaves, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, talc, calcium stearate, MCC, crosscarmellose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, maltodextrin, polyethylene glycol and tartrazine lacquer dye.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of tablets of 30 pieces per package.

pharmachologic effect

The complex replenishes vitamin H deficiency .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Biotin - what is it?

Vitamin H (Biotin) is an essential component that takes part in the production of higher fatty acids and is necessary for metabolic processes - during the interaction of carbohydrates with insulin , maintaining a stable level of sugar in the composition. In addition, vitamin B7 helps eliminate brittleness and splitting of hair and nails, improve their growth and development, and reduce symptoms .

Biotin vitamins also control the metabolism of fats in hair and skin. Biotin is actively used for hair when you need to stop hair loss. This substance is also involved in the absorption of protein, the decomposition of fatty acids and the subsequent burning of fat. A beneficial effect of the substance on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, synthesis was noted.

With a lack of this, the body develops seborrheic dermatitis , hair loss, anemia , nausea, depression, loss of appetite, muscle pain, increases and so on.

Indications for use

Vitamins with Biotin are prescribed for:

  • lack of vitamin H caused by poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, long-term treatment with anticonvulsants and;
  • the need to normalize blood sugar levels;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands on the scalp, causing brittleness and hair loss.

The drug is also prescribed as an adjuvant therapy for muscle weakness, , loss of appetite, , and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contraindications for use

The vitamin complex is not prescribed for:

  • intolerance its components;
  • , .

Side effects

When this drug is taken in acceptable dosages, side effects do not develop.

Instructions for use Biotin Complex (Method and dosage)

Therapeutic and preventive measures require taking a double dosage of the drug. Before using the vitamin complex, you must visit a specialist to clarify the dose.

Biotin – which foods contain it?

Vitamin H is found in small amounts in many foods. However, the most vitamin is found in: kidneys, liver, yeast, legumes, nuts and cauliflower. Slightly less in tomatoes, eggs, spinach and mushrooms.

With a healthy intestine, a sufficient amount of biotin is synthesized in the body. Therefore, it is important to consume foods that can normalize the intestinal microflora, such as lactic acid products and sauerkraut.


Taking high doses of this vitamin does not cause an overdose, since the excess substance is excreted in the urine.


The simultaneous use of the complex with anticonvulsants reduces the level of the active component in the blood, since its elimination from the body is accelerated.

Combination with drugs valproic acid is capable of inhibiting the activity of drugs that interfere with the absorption of Biotin and reduce its bioavailability.

Competitive interaction noted with vitamin B5 And pantothenic acid , reducing the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, it is recommended to take all these remedies at different times.

Zinc potentiates the effect of the vitamin, enhancing its effect on the growth of skin appendages.

Terms of sale

The vitamin complex is available without a prescription.

Storage conditions

Store the tablets in a cool, dry place out of the reach of children.

Best before date


Level 4 ATX code matches:

The main analogues are represented by the following drugs: Glyukosil, Laminarin, Hepaton, Neurostabil, Woman's Formula, Discovery Strength, Discovery Excellent And Discovery Charm .


Drinking alcohol can reduce the absorption of biotin.

Reviews of Biotin Complex

Such remedies are popular with many patients. At the same time, people who took Biotin vitamins for hair, reviews of which are found on various forums, report its high effectiveness. It turns out to be especially useful for women who want to improve the condition of their nails and hair. They say that vitamins with Biotin for hair not only stop unwanted processes, but also strengthen hair and normalize the growth process.

Those who have not heard of this vitamin immediately show interest in it, asking on the forms what is Biotin and where is it contained?

Despite the safety and high effectiveness of this complex, it is not recommended to take it on your own. When you need to compensate for the deficiency of this component, but there is no way to accurately determine its deficiency, experts recommend including something that contains this vitamin in your diet.

Biotin Complex price, where to buy

Modern pharmacies offer vitamins of different groups, including vitamins for hair, nails, and so on.

The price of Biotin in a pharmacy for 30 tablets is 2300-2600 rubles. In Moscow you can buy Biotin at a price of 2300 rubles, in St. Petersburg the price is about the same.

You can buy Biotin Forte, 40 tablets, at a cost of 2,650 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

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In 1901, E. Wildiers identified the substance necessary for growth and proposed calling it “bios” (from the Greek word for “life”). This substance was first isolated in crystalline form in 1935 by F. Kogl and proposed to call it “biotin.”

Biotin (vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R) is a water-soluble vitamin. It is of great importance for skin metabolic processes (calorizer). It is assumed that biotin, being one of the most powerful catalyst vitamins, has a regulatory effect on the nervous system.

Physicochemical properties of vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 is a water-soluble element of group B. It is part of enzymes that regulate protein and fat metabolism and is highly active. Participates in the synthesis of glucokinase. It is a coenzyme of various enzymes, including transcarboxylases. With the participation of biotin, activation and transfer reactions of CO 2 occur.

The richest in biotin are nuts, cereals, and. Biotin in a living body is concentrated in the liver and kidneys.

Daily requirement for vitamin B7

The daily requirement of an average adult for biotin is 30-100 mcg.

Detailed data is shown in the table:

Biotin promotes cell growth, the production of fatty acids, participates in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and the utilization of others. This vitamin is essential for healthy skin and hair. Biotin promotes healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue and bone marrow. In addition, it helps relieve muscle pain.

Vitamin H also has insulin-like activity. Research has discovered nine enzymatic systems in the body that require biotin to function. Just like, biotin produces beneficial intestinal microflora, but the question of the amount of vitamin we get from this source remains debatable.

Considering the beneficial properties of the vitamin, we can identify groups of people who most need its replenishment:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Babies;
  • Patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • Patients with epilepsy;
  • People suffering from mycoses;
  • Patients with dysbiosis caused by taking antibiotics.

Harmful properties of vitamin B7

No negative consequences have been identified when taking vitamin B7, only in case of individual intolerance (calorizator). In this case, an allergic reaction may develop, manifested in the form of a rash and hives.

Vitamin B7 absorption

Biotin is synthesized by symbiotic bacteria in the intestines and is also well absorbed from food.

Raw contains a substance called avidin- antivitamin biotin. This substance binds biotin and prevents its absorption into the blood. When heated, denaturation (irreversible structural damage) of avidin occurs, and therefore the prepared ones do not interfere with the absorption of biotin.

Impairs the ability to absorb biotin, and therefore chronic abuse can lead to biotin deficiency.

Oil fats that have been cooked or exposed to air for long periods of time will slow down the absorption of biotin.

Antibiotics, containing drugs and saccharin also affect the absorption of biotin.

Biotin deficiency manifests itself in lowered blood pressure, decreased muscle and vascular tone, inhibition of development and growth, as well as the development of certain mental illnesses. A lack of vitamin B7 can cause metabolic disorders.

With a lack of biotin, the following are observed:

  • skin lesions;
  • pale smooth tongue;
  • drowsiness;
  • depression;
  • muscle soreness and weakness;
  • hypotension;
  • high cholesterol and blood sugar;
  • anemia;
  • loss of appetite and nausea;
  • deterioration of hair condition, growth slows down.

Excess vitamin B7 in the body

An overdose of vitamin B7 is very rare, since its excess is eliminated from the body naturally (calorizer). In rare cases, when taken in large quantities, biotin may increase the frequency of urination and lead to increased sweating. Its excess has a beneficial effect on the growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

Interaction of vitamin B7 (Biotin, vitamin H, coenzyme R) with other substances

Vitamin B7 integrates well with vitamins and, and when taken in moderate doses.

The use of saccharin (), antibiotics and some medications leads to disruption of the intestines, and as a result to poor absorption of biotin.

Biotin absorption slows down when consuming fats that have been cooked or exposed to air for a long time.

Preservatives of the E221-E228 group contain sulfur compounds that contribute to the destruction of biotin.

See more about vitamin B7 in the video “Organic Chemistry. Vitamin B7-H"

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, also known as coenzyme P, is a water-soluble substance that takes an active part in many processes occurring in our body, as well as in the synthesis of the most important biologically active components. It is produced in a certain amount by our intestinal microflora, but when it is destroyed, biotin deficiency can occur, which is fraught with certain health problems.

Functions of Biotin

So, why does our body need biotin? If we consider in detail the role it plays, we can identify several processes that are affected in one way or another by this substance:

  • normalizes the process of cell growth and division;
  • participates in the metabolism of proteins and fats;
  • stimulates the synthesis of ascorbic acid and glucose;
  • improves carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • helps in eliminating dermatological problems;
  • prevents baldness;
  • takes an active part in the formation of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Thus, the benefits of biotin become obvious. With its help, the immune system is strengthened and the body's defenses are maintained. In addition, with a sufficient intake of this substance, there is a significant improvement in the basic functions of the nervous system, while with its deficiency, a person may experience rapid fatigue, severe irritability for no reason, a noticeable deterioration in the quality of sleep, including insomnia, as well as nervousness and anxiety.

On a note! Biotin is considered one of the most important participants in carbohydrate metabolism, and therefore can be especially useful for diabetes. According to research, with sufficient consumption of its main sources, the process of processing glucose starts!

Benefits for hair

But biotin has earned the greatest popularity as an excellent hair product. This substance is a direct supplier of sulfur, on which the elasticity and appearance of each hair and the health of the scalp depend. Thanks to its properties, biotin regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which means it helps prevent flaking, itching and irritation. Plus, it provides prevention of dandruff, seborrhea and is involved in the formation of hair follicles.

The main functions that biotin performs to ensure healthy hair are as follows.

  1. As you know, normal hair growth requires oxygen, which is transported by red blood cells. However, red blood cells can perform their main function only with the support of a vitamin such as biotin.
  2. In addition, glucose is also involved in the functioning of hair follicles, which, in turn, provides them with the necessary amount of energy. Biotin, stimulating insulin metabolism, helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, then into energy and supplies it to each hair follicle.
  3. One of the constituent parts of hair is keratin - this is a special protein that makes it elastic and provides it with protection against adverse environmental influences. Biotin regulates the production of keratin in optimal quantities.

Often, vitamins containing biotin are prescribed for various diseases of the scalp, as well as to improve the condition of the hair: excessive dryness, increased greasiness, hair loss, and even the early appearance of gray hair.

Vitamin B7 deficiency: symptoms and causes

If biotin is not supplied to the body in the required quantity, this can lead to problems such as:

  • deterioration of glucose metabolism;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • anemia;
  • general weakness;
  • appetite disorders;
  • drowsiness due to inability to fall asleep quickly;
  • apathy;
  • nausea;
  • hair loss;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands.

This situation can occur for several reasons. Biotin deficiency occurs due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages, which simply interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances, even if they enter the body. Often this also happens when the intestinal microflora is destroyed, for example, after long-term therapy with antibiotics. Such drugs can destroy any bacteria, and useful ones are no exception.

main sources

In order to prevent biotin deficiency and avoid health problems, you should know which foods contain it. The main sources include:

  • nuts;
  • boiled egg yolk;
  • legumes;
  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • rice bran;
  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • yeast;
  • milk;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • Champignon;
  • White mushrooms;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • bananas.

However, at the same time, it is advisable to know not only where biotin is found, but also what can interfere with its normal absorption. Thus, the concentration of this substance can be reduced by today’s popular preservatives E221-228, which are present in many food products. Additionally, the ability of egg whites to prevent the normal absorption of biotin into the body's bloodstream should be taken into account.

Important! If you have a healthy gut and eat normally, then you should not be deficient in biotin!

In addition to food, there are other sources of biotin today. These are so-called biologically active additives. Their convenience lies in the fact that they can be dosed correctly without any special calculations.

Important! However, remember that taking any dietary supplements must be agreed with a specialist!


Quite often, consumers are interested in how to take biotin for a particular purpose. Taking into account the latest medical research, we can say the following:

  • if taking biotin is associated with any specific problems that require treatment, for example, excessive hair loss or seborrhea, then in such situations the attending physician usually prescribes about 10-15 mg of vitamin B7 - this is the daily norm;
  • with constant physical activity in order to build muscle mass, in order to compensate for the negative effects of excess protein per day, it is enough to take 0.6-1 mg of biotin;
  • When taking biotin for the purpose of prevention or with minor hair loss, the optimal rate is 5 mg per day.

The last dosage is safe and cannot lead to an excess of vitamin B7 in the body.

Recommendation! When purchasing biotin products, be sure to pay attention to the dosage of this vitamin in one unit of the drug (capsule, tablet). This is due to the fact that not always one dose will contain the required portion of this substance!

On the market today you can also find many shampoos with biotin, which are aimed at preventing hair loss. However, you should not expect a special effect when using only a surface product, since vitamin B7 is not absorbed by the body when applied to the hair. It is advisable to combine the use of such shampoos with a special diet aimed at replenishing biotin deficiency. This is the only way you can help your body recover and replenish the loss of nutrients.

Important! Remember that healthy hair can only be obtained if it is sufficiently nourished from the inside, that is, with the overall health of the body!

Safe use

An overdose of biotin, which is accompanied by side effects, is a very rare occurrence, since its excess is eliminated from our body naturally (with urine). In some cases, with uncontrolled use of this vitamin, the following may occur:

  • increased sweating;
  • skin rash;
  • exacerbation of existing infectious diseases;
  • impaired insulin production;
  • increased glucose levels;
  • increased frequency of the urge to urinate.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop using biotin preparations and consult a doctor.

As for contraindications to the use of biotin products, these include children under 12 years of age, as well as their use without the prescription of a specialist during pregnancy and lactation.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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