Banking infrastructure and its development in modern conditions. Credit system and banking infrastructure

The set of legislative acts, organizations that support the activities of banks and information technologies on the basis of which banking activities are carried out is considered to be banking infrastructure. This will be discussed in this article, where the actual infrastructure of any bank, its components and functions will be examined in detail, and we will also talk about the main such institution in the country - the Central Bank, which is the main one among any commercial institutions of this type.

Components of the concept of bank infrastructure

Legislative acts regulating banking activities are legal norms defining the functionality of the Central Bank and commercial banks, internal regulations drawn up for a separate credit institution. Organizations supporting the activities of the banking system are represented by authorities at various levels, universities and training centers responsible for the competence of banking specialists. Information technology includes software used to carry out banking operations and communication lines.

The reliability and efficiency of the banking infrastructure ensures stable financial relations between market participants, and also determines the degree of economic growth of the country.

Infrastructure elements

Banking infrastructure in modern conditions is a dynamically developing mechanism consisting of many interrelated and complementary elements. They are listed below. The following elements of the banking infrastructure are divided:

  1. Ensuring production activities.
  2. Popularization of banking services.
  3. Ensuring the security of ongoing banking operations.
  4. Providing scientific support for the bank's activities.

Infrastructure elements in action

The production activities of banks are supported by personnel, technological, information and intermediary infrastructures. Without HR infrastructure, there will be no full-fledged employees capable of performing, analyzing, selling and monitoring banking operations. In Russia today there are many higher and secondary educational institutions that train bank employees. Since banking activity does not stand still, the need for the presence and functioning of training centers for advanced training is more than obvious. Training centers are created on the basis of universities, and large banks themselves have their own professional training centers for their employees, where they regularly conduct training and educational courses.

To carry out banking operations, you need special banking equipment designed for counting money, checking its authenticity, storing valuables, etc., which is produced by special companies. Maintaining an array of banking information requires special attention. Therefore, providing banks with special equipment in the form of computers, scanners, modems, etc., as well as special software, plays an important role.

The information infrastructure is represented by various organizations that help banks quickly respond to changes in legislation and the situation in global markets. Banks closely monitor stock quotes and exchange rates. In this aspect, banks cooperate with credit history bureaus, statistical and rating agencies, and legal information publications.

Popularization of banking services consists of providing the population with information about banking products and increasing customer loyalty. To do this, banks hold press conferences, publish advertisements about new offers and materials about their activities in various media.

The security of banking operations is ensured by security services designed to protect depositors' funds from theft and fraudulent activities of criminals.

During operation, banks develop and implement, based on instructions from the Central Bank, tax authorities and other services, their own regulations and instructions for employees. These are regulations for performing operations, job descriptions, various techniques, etc.

Factors affecting infrastructure

Modern banking infrastructure and the directions of its development directly depend on the factors of the external environment in which the activity takes place. This is important. The need to assess the factors influencing the formation of the banking infrastructure is necessary, since without it it is impossible to assess the reasons influencing the growth of the banking infrastructure. These factors can help determine the necessary measures and areas of activity to optimize processes in the banking infrastructure.

Macro-level factors:

  • economic;
  • technological;
  • socio-cultural;
  • political;
  • natural.

Meso-level factors:

  • the state of the banking sector;
  • legislative framework;
  • state of the business environment.

Infrastructure of Russian banks

The institutions of the banking infrastructure of the Russian Federation are developing dynamically, taking into account the situation in the market and technical progress. Banking processes are automated, the amount of information processed by banks is growing from year to year, so high demands are placed on automation systems. It takes years to develop something new, so the demand for automated banking systems is being met by convergence. The software is being developed and products from different platforms are being merged.

The need for personnel is met by state and non-state special educational institutions, the number of graduates in economics and finance from which does not decrease from year to year. Non-state educational institutions provide advanced training. They offer to acquire additional professional skills through ongoing trainings and seminars, where bank employees can hone their skills in sales or conducting various banking operations. There are few such organizations, so the industry for training highly qualified banking professionals is underdeveloped.

The information infrastructure of the Russian banking system also requires development. In their work, banks request and receive information of various purposes and origins. One is collected specifically for certain purposes, the other is requested to solve several problems. Information to banks is provided by news agencies, consulting firms, media and other organizations. In the information infrastructure of Russia there are practically no organizations specializing in the supply of information only to banks.

The main information that banks use in their work is provided by the Bank of Russia and information agencies. They use specialized information from consulting and marketing agencies to a limited extent.

Bank infrastructure as part of the system

Banking infrastructure is part of the mechanism for the successful functioning and development of banks. Commercial banks connect producers and the public. The influence of banks on the country's economy is determined by the enormous funds of organizations, entrepreneurs and citizens at their disposal. The banking system is responsible for organizing money circulation, lending, financing the national economy and much more.

Effective functioning of the market is possible only with a developed banking system, the needs of which are met by a huge mechanism of banking infrastructure organizations.

Central Bank: the goals of its work

The Central Bank is a government lending institution that regulates the banking system. The main function of its activities is the issue of money and maintaining the stability and reliability of the national currency.

Goals of the work of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

Maintaining the stability of the ruble;

Maintaining the functioning of the banking system;

Maintaining the efficient operation of the payment system.

Central Bank as part of the banking system

The fundamental place the Central Bank occupies in the Russian banking system and its role cannot be overestimated. It directly affects many processes.

Firstly, the activities of banks are affected by the refinancing rate that they pay to the Central Bank for the loan provided to them.

The credit policy of banks depends on the refinancing rate. As it increases, the lending activity of banks decreases, the interest rates they offer on loans to the population and entrepreneurs increase and, accordingly, demand decreases. Following the reduction in refinancing rates, the rates offered by banks to their clients are also reduced, making them more attractive.

Second, the Central Bank conducts open market operations. It participates in the circulation of government securities. This mechanism is also used to regulate the market. When the economy is booming, when lending is growing at a high pace, the Central Bank can offer government bonds for sale at reduced prices. Their purchase somewhat reduces the reserves of both banks, which are subsequently forced to reduce their credit policy, and of individuals and organizations that reduce their bank deposits.

Against the backdrop of an economic recession, the Central Bank buys government bonds, thereby increasing the reserves of market participants.

Functions of the Central Bank

The Bank of Russia performs many functions in organizing the activities and analyzing the banking system:

  • issue of money;
  • issue of securities;
  • development, implementation and control over calculations;
  • elaboration of monetary policy;
  • servicing state and municipal budgets;
  • issuance and revocation of licenses of credit institutions, control over their activities;
  • registration and control of non-state pension funds;
  • organizing the storage of cash reserves of credit institutions;
  • lending and refinancing of organizations;
  • management of gold and foreign exchange reserves;
  • regulation of foreign exchange activities;
  • public debt management;
  • assistance to troubled banks;
  • setting exchange rates;
  • carrying out transactions agreed upon with the IMF;
  • analysis and forecasting of the economic situation.

Concept of the banking system

The banking system is the interaction of various banking institutions in a particular country, under certain conditions, in a specific period of time. The purpose of the banking system is to organize the circulation of funds in the market. Playing a major role in financial and credit policy, it is responsible for banking services for the state’s economic turnover.

The concept of the banking system, structure, and functions will be complete only when all these elements are considered.

Structure of the banking system

The structural banking system of the Russian Federation consists of 2 levels. It has a strict hierarchy. The highest level is occupied by the Central Bank, below are commercial and other banks. The Central Bank controls the activities of banks, manages gold and foreign exchange reserves, organizes the circulation of funds and non-cash transactions, and banks directly offer services to the population. Also, the banking system can be divided into sectors, including institutions specializing in certain areas.

Functions of the banking system

  • credit intermediation;
  • accumulation of savings and their use as investments;
  • emission function;
  • accepting and making payments;
  • consulting clients;
  • release and disposal of money.


Banking infrastructure, being part of the banking system, ensures its productive functioning, which, in turn, plays an important role in financial relations between market participants. In times of crisis, it is the cohesion and joint activities of the elements of the banking system that will help stabilize the economy and determine the paths for its development. Despite all the shortcomings of the Russian banking system and its fragmentation and segmentation, non-standard solutions and bold policies aimed at the effective functioning of interconnected elements allow us to look into the future with confidence.

Elements of the banking system also include banking infrastructure - enterprises, agencies, services that ensure the functioning of banks.
The banking infrastructure includes the following services:
Thus, the banking system is an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a single whole. Moving funds through the banking system has the following advantages:
reduction of credit and financial risks;
reduction of distribution costs due to an established communication system, existing specialization in the provision of banking services, etc.;
more efficient allocation of resources, hence higher returns for investors,
The state and development of the banking system is influenced by:
monetary policy of the state;
economic situation in the country;
legislative framework;
the role and place of the banking system in the country's economy;
interbank competition;
state tax policy.
The role of the banking system in the development of the country's economy is characterized by:
implementation of the state's monetary policy;
immobilization of temporarily free funds;
redistribution of resources from the sphere of accumulation to the sphere of production and consumption;
money issue;
organization and implementation of payments in the country;
storage of financial and material assets.
In accordance with the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, the banking system of the Russian Federation
two-level, includes: the Bank of Russia, credit organizations, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks.
The first level of the country's banking system - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) - develops and implements a unified monetary policy of the state. One of the goals of the Bank of Russia is the development and strengthening of the country's banking system. The Central Bank carries out licensing, control and supervision of banking activities, methodological support for accounting for transactions and settlements in national and foreign currencies. Credit organizations, as well as branches and representative offices of foreign banks, form the second level of the country's banking system, implementing the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia locally.

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Banking infrastructure refers to the elements of the organizational block of the banking system.

Banks, as elements that make up the banking system, are able to develop successfully only by interacting with its other elements and, above all, with the banking infrastructure, which is understood as a set of elements that ensure the life of the bank. In a broader sense, banking infrastructure is a system of interconnected institutions, which in turn is a subsystem of the national banking system, functionally ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of individuals and legal entities and the state for banking services.

The need for research into the infrastructure of various spheres of the economy is of particular relevance in a market economy, characterized by a significant expansion and complication of economic relations. The formation and development of a banking infrastructure adequate to the modern stage remains the least developed area in modern economic research. At the same time, it is quite obvious that without a highly developed banking infrastructure, the socio-economic development of the country and its regions cannot be effective.

Russian economists E.G. made a great contribution to the study of banking infrastructure. Yasin, M. Matovnikov, A.M. Tavasiev, G.N. Beloglazova, O.I. Lavrushin, S.A. Marachev, S.M. Ilyasov and others.

The purpose of the work is to identify the place and influence of the banking infrastructure (its elements) on the state and development of the Russian banking system.

In accordance with this goal, the following tasks are set in the work:

· Define the concept and identify the essence of banking infrastructure

· Review and analyze the institutional structure of the banking infrastructure

· Identify factors influencing the development of banking infrastructure

· Consider the activities of credit history bureaus in the banking infrastructure of Russia

· Identify the importance of the deposit insurance agency, as an institution of banking infrastructure, in the development of the Russian banking system

· Consider the institutional aspects of the activities of collection agencies in Russia

· Consider the activities of a new element of the Russian banking infrastructure, such as credit brokers.

The object of the study is the banking infrastructure of Russia, its formation and development.

The subject of the study is the patterns of development of banking infrastructure (its elements) and its impact on the state and development of the Russian banking system.

The concept and role of banking infrastructure in the development of the banking system

The concept and essence of banking infrastructure

The infrastructure of a system is a set of elements that are different from the elements of a given system and are used by it to improve the efficiency of its activities on a systematic basis. These infrastructure elements have a main function - maintenance, ensuring the operation of the system (the so-called support function). This function refers to the creation of conditions necessary to maintain the normal (socially normal) production process and the reproduction of its factors (means of production, labor, financial, credit and natural resources). In practice, this function can be carefully detailed by area of ​​activity. Although, in relation to other systems, elements may have different (specific) functions. The presence of a service function for a particular subject of activity serves as a criterion for classifying it as an element of infrastructure.

The concept of “infrastructure” covers three levels:

1. The actual material networks in which activities are carried out and without which it is either impossible or economically infeasible (for example, roads, electronic communications).

2. Operations as activities for the operation of a particular infrastructure network.

3. Infrastructure markets as a combination of supply and demand for the use of networks, as well as competition between infrastructure elements (leading to different loads on infrastructure networks).

Among the variety of infrastructure networks, banking infrastructure occupies an important place. In Russia during the transition period, the problem of developing the banking sector was highlighted. However, the problem of developing its infrastructure was not clearly defined. In this regard, huge funds were used with insufficient efficiency.

Ideally, the banking process as an interaction between a subject (bank) and an object (client) can be carried out without the use of infrastructure. However, from the beginning of their formation, credit institutions have used surrounding systems to improve the efficiency of their work. Infrastructure gives the bank advantages under which it can exist. Otherwise, it is more profitable for the client to redistribute his temporarily free funds himself. In development, the use of banking infrastructure creates a certain socially normal level of utility (profitability) of the bank. This is the average value, which alone provides the minimum guarantee of non-loss in the competition. Social and scientific and technical development allows banks to use the latest achievements of their infrastructure and, accordingly, become leaders. Over time, these achievements become frequently used, which leads to the formation of a new socially normal level of utility (profitability) of the bank.

The banking infrastructure, as well as the fund for its creation and development, consists of two parts: internal and external.

Thus, the banking infrastructure includes various types of enterprises, as well as agencies and services that ensure the functioning of banks. The most important task of the state and commercial banks is to provide conditions for access to banking services throughout the country, especially at the regional level, which in most cases do not have sufficient credit potential that meets the needs of the population and business entities for banking services. This task is complicated by the fact that the internal potential of the territories, especially at the level of rural settlements, is not able to provide a sufficient level of profitability for private banks, as well as the recoupment of the costs of opening a branch or at least an additional office.

For the normal activities of banking personnel, the development of internal banking infrastructure is required, the elements of which include:

1) legislative norms defining the status of a credit institution and the list of operations it performs. Without legal norms and documents (the charter of the bank, permission to carry out certain operations, prohibition to engage in certain types of services, etc.), the bank cannot begin its activities;

2) internal rules for conducting transactions, ensuring the implementation of legislative acts and the protection of both their own interests and the interests of depositors and clients of the bank. In the absence of a number of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the technology of carrying out operations, commercial banks independently formulate the rules for conducting them, which complicates the work of credit institutions and can cause errors;

3) construction of accounting, reporting, analytical base, computer data processing, management of bank activities based on modern communication systems. Clear organization of work and high-quality reporting are extremely important for establishing effective work. The formation of an analytical base, which involves compiling tables of certain content, collecting and processing information, and its use in the process of managing the bank’s activities on the basis of modern communication systems improves the reliability of the bank as a risky enterprise;

4) structure of the bank management apparatus. As an economic institution, the bank must have a number of divisions that meet the goals of the bank and its functional purpose, for which sectors, departments and departments with appropriate subordination are created in the bank.

External banking infrastructure includes: information, methodological, scientific and personnel support, as well as means of communication, communication, etc.

In order to assess the client’s creditworthiness, the economic and business market, conduct systematic consultations with enterprises and the population, and manage the client’s entrusted property, banks need reliable information. In market conditions, such operational information primarily concerns the state of the economy, its industries, groups of enterprises and organizations using credit and other banking services. In conditions of increased competition, the presence of crisis phenomena in the economy, the instability of the financial condition of the state and its subjects, information support becomes a natural requirement, without which banks cannot finance various kinds of projects without increasing the risk regarding their capital and the client’s capital. Obtaining information with its subsequent analysis is becoming an important mandatory attribute when providing banking services. Often such information is provided by special agencies, and in a number of countries with developed market relations it can be taken directly from numerous directories, magazines, special publications and by requests to the Central Bank, which maintains a client card file.

The system for collecting and analytical processing of business information should be built on the interaction of various functional divisions of the bank, taking into account the strategic and operational-tactical interests in the bank’s activities. Information and analytical units should not be overly focused on information support for the strategic interests of the bank, since the information prepared in this way may be unsuitable for specialists from functional units solving operational problems.

The starting point for a bank’s activities are various kinds of legal norms and documents (the bank’s charter, permission to carry out certain operations, prohibitions on engaging in certain types of services, etc.). In addition to these legal standards, banks independently form their own methodological base. In the absence of a number of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the procedure for carrying out certain operations, commercial banks independently formulate the rules for conducting them. Of course, this complicates the work of credit institutions, can cause errors, and make it difficult to protect the interests of their clients and achieve their own goals.

Labor organization and high-quality reporting on the results of their activities are extremely important for establishing the efficient operation of banks. An indispensable condition for the reliable operation of a bank as a risky enterprise is also the formation of an analytical base, which involves drawing up analytical tables of a certain content, collecting, processing information, and using it in the process of managing the activities of a credit institution on the basis of modern communication systems.

An important element of the internal banking infrastructure is the structure of the bank management apparatus. A bank as an economic institution must have a mandatory set of a number of divisions that meet the goals of the bank and its functional purpose. In addition to the highest levels of management (Board, Board of Directors, etc.), the bank, as a rule, creates departments, departments, and sectors that ensure regulation of liquidity and profitability of operations, planning of banking activities in general and individual operations. The core of the banking management apparatus includes a division that organizes banking operations and their accounting.

In the course of their activities, banks actively use data on the economics of enterprises, the development of their products, and financial stability. In addition to the balance sheet and other forms of enterprise reporting, banks collect information about the activities of their clients in periodicals, and use the services of special agencies that have confidential information about the enterprise as a whole and its managers. In some countries, banks have the opportunity to contact special firms that analyze the economics of enterprises and obtain the necessary information from them. In a number of cases, a client file is maintained by central banks, allowing commercial banks to quickly evaluate an enterprise that has applied for loans. Central banks of some countries practice sending information to commercial banks about enterprises violating payment discipline and delaying the repayment of bank loans.

Information about the state of the market may concern not only clients of commercial banks, but also themselves. Special rating agencies periodically publish information about the degree of reliability of credit institutions. This information is used not only by banks in their relationships with each other, but also by enterprises and individual citizens who want to correctly choose a more reliable bank.

In market conditions, banks direct a significant part of their resources to the development of scientific support. Almost every commercial bank employs analysts who study the market. Large banks and interbank associations form special scientific structures (analytical centers, research institutes). Market analysis, development of new banking products, improvement of labor organization, and the mechanism for carrying out banking operations allow banks to resist competition, avoid mistakes, and generally increase the reliability and efficiency of their work.

An essential block of banking infrastructure is staffing. Personnel, as they say, decides everything. The efficiency of all banking activities depends on professional specialists. In Russia, there is a network of special higher educational institutions, faculties, colleges that train personnel in the financial and banking profile, a network of primary educational institutions of financial and banking schools is being formed, where the teaching of general scientific disciplines is combined with the study of special subjects - finance, banking, accounting, etc. Personnel retraining and advanced training are concentrated in various special commercial schools, courses, and training centers created at large banks.

In modern conditions, when economic risks in banking activities are increasing, the need to train economic personnel with greater professional knowledge in the field of banking, management of the bank and its branches is becoming more acute. Commercial banks often employ people who do not know modern banking technology. This hinders the development of the banking system, leads to errors in the formation of the loan portfolio, and losses when performing certain transactions.

A special block of banking infrastructure is banking legislation. Just like other blocks, it has a significant impact on both the development of the banking system and its relationships with enterprises, organizations, and the population.

A commercial bank is an element of the banking system.

In addition to banks, the banking system includes special financial institutions that carry out banking operations, but do not have the status of a bank, and other institutions that form the banking infrastructure and ensure the functioning of monetary institutions.

Despite the unity of the essence of banks, there are many types of them.

There are issuing and commercial banks.

Based on the nature of the operations they perform, commercial banks are divided into universal and specialized. Universal banks include those that perform a wide range of different operations and services. By type of ownership, banks are divided into state-owned, joint-stock, cooperative, private and mixed.

Based on the scale of activity, banking consortia, large, medium and small banks are distinguished. The structure of the Russian banking system is dominated by banks with insignificant capital. As of January 1, 2005, a third of Russian banks had an authorized capital of up to 30 million rubles, which is significantly less than international standards.

In some countries, a significant share in the total number of credit institutions is occupied by small credit institutions: credit cooperation, mutual credit societies, savings and loan banks, construction and savings banks, etc. Their advantages are the ability to work with small enterprises and support small and medium-sized businesses , accumulate small savings and mobilize them for local needs.

By service area, banks can be divided into regional (local), interregional, national and international. The latter include Vneshtorgbank, Vnesheconombank, International Moscow Bank, International Investment Bank, etc.

Based on the number of branches, baikis are divided into branchless and multi-branch.

As of January 1, 2008, there were 4,591 credit institutions operating in the country (together with branches of Sberbank of Russia), including 3,455 branches of commercial banks (approximately 3 branches per commercial bank). The largest number of banks are concentrated in Moscow and the Moscow region, in the Urals and the Volga region.

Depending on the sectors of the economy served by banks, they can be divided into diversified and those serving primarily one of the sectors. In international practice, there are industrial and commercial banks.

Banks as elements of the banking system can develop successfully only in interaction with its other elements, primarily with the banking infrastructure. Banking infrastructure is a set of elements that ensures the functioning of banks. Its internal block ensures the stability of the bank, and its external block ensures its interaction with the external environment.

The elements of the indoor unit include: ?

legislative norms defining the status of a credit institution, the list of operations it performs; ?

internal rules for conducting transactions, ensuring the implementation of legislative acts and protecting the interests of depositors, clients of the bank, its own interests, methodological support in general; ?

system of accounting, reporting, financial information, computer data processing, management of bank activities based on modern communication systems; ?

bank management apparatus.

The external block of banking infrastructure includes: ?

information support; ?

scientific support; ?

staffing; ?

banking legislation.


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Banking infrastructure refers to the elements of the organizational block of the banking system.

Banks, as elements that make up the banking system, are able to develop successfully only by interacting with its other elements and, above all, with banking infrastructure, which is understood as a set of elements that ensure the functioning of the bank. In a broader sense banking infrastructure is a system of interconnected institutions, which in turn is a subsystem of the national banking system, functionally ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of individuals and legal entities and the state for banking services.

The banking infrastructure, as well as the fund for its creation and development, consists of two parts: internal and external.

Thus, the banking infrastructure includes various types of enterprises, as well as agencies and services that ensure the functioning of banks. The most important task of the state and commercial banks is to provide conditions for access to banking services throughout the country, especially at the regional level, which in most cases do not have sufficient credit potential that meets the needs of the population and business entities for banking services. This task is complicated by the fact that the internal potential of the territories, especially at the level of rural settlements, is not able to provide a sufficient level of profitability for private banks, as well as the recoupment of the costs of opening a branch or at least an additional office.

For the normal activities of banking personnel, development is required domestic banking infrastructure, the elements of which include:

1) legislative norms, defining the status of a credit institution and the list of operations it performs. Without legal norms and documents (the charter of the bank, permission to carry out certain operations, prohibition to engage in certain types of services, etc.), the bank cannot begin its activities;

2) internal rules for conducting transactions, ensuring the implementation of legislative acts and the protection of both their own interests and the interests of depositors and bank clients. In the absence of a number of regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the technology of carrying out operations, commercial banks independently formulate the rules for conducting them, which complicates the work of credit institutions and can cause errors;

3) construction of accounting, reporting, analytical base, computer data processing, management of bank activities based on modern communication systems. Clear organization of work and high-quality reporting are extremely important for establishing effective work. The formation of an analytical base, which involves compiling tables of certain content, collecting and processing information, and its use in the process of managing the bank’s activities on the basis of modern communication systems improves the reliability of the bank as a risky enterprise;

4) management structure bank. As an economic institution, the bank must have a number of divisions that meet the goals of the bank and its functional purpose, for which sectors, departments and departments with appropriate subordination are created in the bank.

External banking infrastructure includes: information, methodological, scientific and personnel support, as well as means of communication, communications, etc.

In order to assess the client’s creditworthiness, the economic and business market, conduct systematic consultations with enterprises and the public, and manage the client’s entrusted property, banks need reliable information. In market conditions, such operational information primarily concerns the state of the economy, its industries, groups of enterprises and organizations using credit and other banking services. In conditions of increased competition, the presence of crisis phenomena in the economy, instability of the financial condition of the state and its subjects information support becomes a natural requirement, without which banks cannot finance various types of projects without increasing the risk regarding their capital and the client’s capital. Obtaining information with its subsequent analysis is becoming an important mandatory attribute when providing banking services. Often such information is provided by special agencies, and in a number of countries with developed market relations it can be taken directly from numerous directories, magazines, special publications and by requests to the Central Bank, which maintains a client card index.

The system for collecting and analytical processing of business information should be built on the interaction of various functional divisions of the bank, taking into account the strategic and operational-tactical interests in the bank’s activities. Information and analytical units should not be overly focused on information support for the strategic interests of the bank, since the information prepared in this way may be unsuitable for specialists from functional units solving operational problems.

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